Tuesday 13 May 2014

Aliens! Do you think they are real?

In my opinion they are absolutely real.
To know more about them read the article given below.
Aliens – The Basic Things You Need To Know
Alien Beings and UFOs exist.
The leaders of every nation on the planet know they are real.
Why your friends and family will want to know about Aliens and UFOs.

You pulled up this website because you either know this or strongly suspect it's true. We're going to reward you for your curiosity. You're going to learn the ins and outs of alien beings and UFOs You will also learn how to explain them to others in a way that makes sense. You're also going to get some facts to back up your statements. When humanity realizes the fact that Aliens are real, there will be a real scramble with people seeking answers and information. Last, but not least, you are going to have a real good time!
How To Use This Website
If you really want to learn about Aliens, UFOs and flying saucers, first bookmark this webpage. Then come back often and read as much as you can. You'll know more than 99 percent of the people on the entire planet about flying saucers and alien beings. You will also know more about the true abilities of human beings than the world's best scientists.

How Our Website is Organized
WWW.Aliens-Everything-Thing-You-Want-To-Know.com has twelve major sections, each with its own Navigation button. Each section is divided into several chapters. Each chapter is complete by itself. Some chapters are longer than others, because some topics are larger or more important than others. Almost every chapter will direct you to where you can get additional information about the topic. Our website is thoroughly cross-referenced and offers easy access to related items of information. Some of the things on our website are repeated. When you see this, I didn't goof; It's simply something that is so important, it is related to more than one topic.
The combined topic of Aliens and their spacecraft(UFOs/Flying Saucers)is huge. It is going to affect every aspect of humanity. To cover everything in its entirety would take a hundred websites. This is the one to start with.
You can also click on the ‘Author’ button to learn a little about my background and how I came to know about the existence of Aliens and UFOs.
Public Opinion
You are not alone. A CNN poll taken in 1997 showed 72 percent of the American public believes the U.S. government knows more about aliens and UFOs than they are telling us. A 2002 Roper poll showed that 74% of the public confirmed that they are at least somewhat psychologically prepared for any official government announcement regarding the discovery of intelligent extraterrestrial life.
You are going to have a lot of company and support as you begin to pursue this fascinating adventure. As you will learn, leaders world-wide are waging a losing battle to keep this information secret and hidden from the public. This issue is much larger than you ever imagined. You may be surprised when you discover how much other countries know about alien beings and flying saucers. The dam of secrecy has a huge crack in it and there is going to be a major flood soon. Consider this website to be your emergency kit.
Fun or Fear: The Choice is Yours
For your friends and family, you can make the alien reality fun, exciting, and informative. Help them prepare for this information now. If your family is anything like mine, they may panic if they are not prepared. Then the information would be sudden, shocking, and fearful. So dig in and get the facts.
Ignorance Is No Longer an Option
As usual, the public is the last to know. Not only do world political leaders already know about aliens, but, so do leaders in every field, including science, education, industry, the media, even sports. So stop asking, 'If aliens are real, how come the media doesn't know?' You're making the assumption that they don't know. Well, many of them do know! No, not your everyday, local, 5:00 p.m. newscaster. They're too low on the food chain. I mean key people at the top. You will discover more about this as you click through my web pages.
Public ignorance of the existence of alien beings and UFOs is no longer an option!
Alien Spacecraft

Flying Saucers and UFOs are Alien Spacecraft Newspaper Headline: UFOs Seen

  • What UFO really means.
  • Flying Saucers are vehicles.
  • The first Flying Saucers.
  • Sizes and shapes of Flying Saucers.
No More UFOs
A suggestion: try to stop using the term UFO. I know this is a tall order. UFO is part of our national vocabulary and is ingrained in our culture. Even on this website I use the term because it's easy to say and write quickly. But, whenever possible, try to use the term flying saucer or alien spacecraft instead. Here are some reasons why:
UFO originally meant Unconventional flying object, not unidentified flying object. The military has known since the 1940s that these were intelligently piloted craft. To confirm this, simply review the Air Force intelligence documents from 1958, which appear in the Government Information section.
The term flying saucer has been used in hundreds of government and military intelligence documents precisely because they are known to be flying, piloted craft. A change in mind-set is needed. It is not just a matter of semantics; it is similar to the difference between referring to someone as a victim or a survivor.
If you saw what appeared to be a boat several miles out in the ocean, you would not say, "Hey, I see a UFO, an unidentified floating object." You would make the assumption it is an example of an intelligently piloted craft that we commonly call a boat. Whether you were actually right or wrong is beside the point. It may actually have been a whale or a buoy. However, you empowered yourself to make an intelligent assessment and committed to it. When you say this you are saying you have some idea of what you saw and people will generally take your assessment at face value.
However, when you say you saw a UFO, you are confirming in your own words that what you saw is unidentified; you have no idea what you saw, or if you saw anything at all, so why should anybody listen?
Craft, Not Clouds
Flying saucers are not like clouds just drifting by. They are more like cars on a freeway; they contain "people" (alien beings) in them and they are on their way to or from a specific destination. Please spend some time thinking about this, since it is an important concept. When you fully embrace this idea you will begin to see the flying-saucer phenomenon in a new light, and some more of the pieces will begin to fall into place.
UFOs pacing passenger plane
Commercial pilots report being paced by Alien saucers
Origin of the Term
The first reported modern-day sighting of flying saucers occurred on June 24, 1947. A private pilot, Kenneth Arnold, spotted nine disk-shaped objects flying in formation over the Cascade Mountains in the state of Washington. Based on this sighting the term flying saucers was born. The following July 29, 1947, Arnoldsaw approximately twenty-five more alien spacecraft that flew within four hundred yards of his plane. An official CIA account of Kenneth Arnold's sightings is included in the Government Documents section.
Keep in mind the year these sightings occurred: 1947. In 1947 flying craft of any kind, even airplanes, were rarely seen by citizens. In 1947 it is estimated that less than 1 percent of the American population had ever seen a helicopter. And, for all intents and purposes, there was no television.
UFOs that kenneth Arnold saw
Kenneth Arnold spotted these crescent disks in 1947
Sizes and Shapes of Flying Saucers
Besides the classic "saucer" shape of these alien craft, there are many other forms that have been seen by civilians and noted in military documents. Alien spacecraft sightings have also been reported in ancient texts as well as in the Bible. There are as many configurations of craft as there are shapes of cars and trucks on our planet. Here are some of the ones seen most often:
Saucer or Disk-shaped Craft
These come in different configurations and sizes. Some have small domes or cupolas on top, and some do not. The dome configuration can be rounded or square. These are known to be primarily scout ships and short-range research vehicles.
Cigar-shaped Craft
These vehicles are generally larger than saucers. They are known to be small mother ships containing eight to ten saucer-shaped craft. They are long and cylindrical with a taper at both ends; thus the name.
Cigar shaped alien craft
Huge 'Cigar' craft release smaller flying saucers
Triangle-shaped Craft
These ships are huge; many stretch over several miles along a single edge. These are the craft that were sighted over Belgiumin the wave of sightings taking place there in 1989-1990. It is estimated that over 70 percent of the entire population of Belgiumsaw these craft firsthand, and as a result, Belgiumis the only country that officially recognizes the existence of flying saucers.
Large triangle craft
Super-sized 'Triangle' ships are seen world wide
These craft are also gigantic. They differ somewhat from the triangle-shaped craft in that one arm of the boomerang ship is longer than the other. These are the sort of craft that have been seen and videotaped by thousands of citizens in Phoenix, Arizonain March and April 1997.
Giant Cylinders
Very large craft, a thousand feet or more in length (picture a 70 story building on its side). These craft are not tapered. Many photographs of these have been taken. In photos they look just like a giant, hovering telephone pole on its side and don't look like a craft at all.
The RoswellCraft
One of the most famous flying saucers of all time, the Roswell craft was not really shaped like a flying saucer. Researcher and forensic artist Bill McDonald has reconstructed the Roswellalien spacecraft from several eyewitness testimonies. Bill received confirmation from contacts he has within the U.S.intelligence community. It was McDonald's re-creation of the craft that the Testor Model Company used for their commercially sold scale model.
Roswell craft hit by lightning
Roswell Craft hit by lightning
McDonald's intelligence agency sources have stated that Jack Northrup and Kelly Johnson, who were the founders of Northrop and Lockheed's "Skunk Works," had direct access to the data and configuration measurements of the Roswell spacecraft.1 It was said that this information was adapted and applied to the development of the X-33 and X-38 aerospace shuttle planes, NASA's space shuttles, the VentureStar, U.S. Stealth aircraft, TR-3 Black Manta.
The Roswell craft inspired a military vehicle that looks very much like the V-shaped Stealth aircraft the U.S.military built years later.
Other Characteristics of Flying Saucers
There are a few characteristics of flying saucers that are not generally known to the public at large. Although these characteristics are never depicted in the movies, you should know about them.
The Wobble
Flying saucers often wobble when they fly. It is very pronounced at lower speeds, giving the saucer a surreal look. It is often this characteristic which first draws the viewer's attention.
This wobble immediately distinguishes the flight of a flying saucer from that of an airplane. It was the wobble that attracted pilot Kenneth Arnold's attention to the first saucers, which he spotted in 1947.
When a saucer is caught on videotape, people often think the tape is fake because of the wobble. It is reminiscent of a model rocket wobbling on a string like in the old Buck Rogers movies. The wobble is thought to be caused by fluctuations of waves in the electromagnetic fields that the saucers use to overcome gravity. To imagine how it looks, think of a high-speed boat bouncing off the water as it moves forward.
Morphing Disks
Another characteristic of these alien craft is morphing; that is, the shape of the saucer changes right before your eyes. Often a saucer will elongate and become a cigar-shaped craft. This transmutation effect has also been caught on videotape.
Jaime Maussan, a reporter and investigator for a show similar to our 60 Minutes in Mexico, has thousands of videotapes, all from different individuals, showing this morphing capability. Maussan has collected over five thousand videotapes of flying saucers from the citizens of Mexico, including many videos taken of the same craft shot at the same time from many different parts of Mexico City. In Mexico, Jaime Maussan is as well known and as well respected as Dan Rather or Peter Jennings.
Jaime Maussan has videotapes that show over fifty flying saucers at one time. They often hold themselves stationary while forming strange designs, like some kind of array of symbols in the sky. This isn't as dramatic as landing on the White House lawn, but it's pretty close.
In March 1998 Jaime told me, "Nobody in Mexicolaughs at UFOs. Nobody. They are frequently around the volcano, which now has the strongest electromagnetic field in the world. There have been times when all the traffic in Mexico Citywas stopped, with millions of people standing outside their cars pointing to the skies. Yet, not one American newspaper has ever carried the story."2
Hyperspace Jumps
Videotapes have also captured what have come to be known as "hyperspace jumps." This is when a flying saucer will jump a distance of fifteen to twenty miles in less than one-tenth of a second. Basically the craft is disappearing and reappearing in another location almost instantly. To the viewer, from a distance it looks like a "jump."
Different Names for Flying Saucers
Flying saucers are a world-wide phenomenon. They are called different things in different countries. In Mexicothey are known as "flying plates." In Chinathey are known as "flying woks." In many European countries they are known as "flying shields." This term originated in ancient times and continues in use today in Europe. For background on the origin of this term, see Section Two: UFOs In History.
Sizes of the Craft
Just as with the shapes, there is a wide variety of sizes. Most of the flying saucers we see are scout ships and are about thirty feet across. Their size is often deceiving because although there are larger disks, which are also seen, they are sometimes seen at a great distance and they appear smaller than they actually are.
Some Are Huge
As I mentioned earlier, some of these ships appearing in our atmosphere are huge! People regularly report seeing craft several miles across. A woman in Phoenixwas driving with her two sons when a boomerang craft flew over them and hovered over the isolated stretch of highway where they were traveling. Out of fear, she accelerated to over eighty-five miles per hour. One of her teenage sons decided to time how long it would take them to get from beneath the craft. He started timing well after they had driven under the craft, and it took them just over two minutes at eighty-five miles an hour to get from under the wingspan of the ship. That makes the wingspan approximately three miles across!
Satellite Photos
Some of these large craft have been caught on film by our orbiting weather satellites. Judging by the grid on the camera lens and knowing the distance of the satellite's orbit, calculations show these craft to be hundreds of miles across! I have included more of these satellite photos in Section: “Watch The Skies.”
Satellite image picks up UFO
Satellite images routinely pick up Alien spacecraft
Estimating Sizes
I don't know about you, but I have difficulty gauging sizes and distances. For instance, if someone says an object is three hundred feet away, I don't have a clue how far that is. On the state driving test, the words "stay a hundred feet behind the next vehicle" mean nothing to me. But, I do like football, so I can gauge a hundred yards pretty accurately. I also get a clear picture if someone tells me a building is ten stories tall. For some reason, it's easy for me to relate to.
Now I use the reference of a building to help me understand how big something is. For example, it is often reported that flying saucers are about fifty feet across. Translated, this means it was as long as a four-story building on its side. That's pretty big. Bigger than the words fifty feet seem to indicate to me.
Six hundred Feet Across
We found several military sources who have seen craft six hundred feet across. That's a forty-five story building on its side. That's large!
Building sized craft
Building sized spacecraft
Folding Space
Just a little teaser to whet your imagination. Aliens beings have the ability to "fold" space. I cover this in more detail later, but here's what this means in relation to space-craft size: Often, the inside of the saucer is much larger than it appears to be from the outside. People who have worked on recovered craft often recall doing a double-take when they first stick their heads inside of a flying saucer. They can't believe it can be that big inside and they pull their head out to look at the outside of the craft. They are in total disbelief. What appears to be a thirty-foot craft on the outside is three times that size on the inside.

Aliens in History

Flying Saucer near Mayan temple
Flying saucer near Mayan Temple
Once you know flying saucers are real, you'll also discover they didn't just show up yesterday. Aliens are a part of earth history. They have been here during our entire existence. When the Roman Empire was in full bloom, they were there. When Columbuscrossed the Atlantic, they were there. When Christ was born, they were there!

Ancient artwork depicting sailors seeing UFOs
Ancient artwork depicting sailors seeing alien craft
A Little History
Let's take a little journey back in time and look at some ancient events through newly enlightened eyes. I'm only going to describe a few events, but it will be enough to give you an idea of what we're about to discuss. Noted UFO researcher John Carpenter has traveled around the world investigating ancient examples of visitations to earth by extraterrestrial beings. Here is some of what he has uncovered.

Flying Saucer appears over Windsor Castle
17th century drawing of a flying saucer appearing
over Windsor castle in England
Keep this in mind: Language was completely different in past centuries. There were only a limited number of words that could be used to describe things which might be, frankly, indescribable. Try to describe an airplane using only the language available two thousand years ago and you'll see what I mean. In ancient times, Artwork was also used to depict memorable events.
Ancient artifacts and structuresclearly built by advanced intelligent beings have been found at archaeological sites around the world. Many have been carbon dated at millions of years old. Older thatn the supposed time frame for man's existence on our planet.
A Large Silver Disc
St. Athanasius of Alexandria, a bishop, wrote a biography of St. Antony in A.D. 373. In it is a section titled "A Disc in the Desert", Here's what it says:
"Yet once more the Enemy (Satan), seeing (Antony's) zeal and wishing to check it, threw in his way the form of a large silver disc of silver. Antony, understanding the deceit of the Evil one, stood and looked at the disc and confuted the demon in it, saying, "Whence a disc in the desert,This is not a trodden road, and there is no track of any faring this way. And, it could not have Fallen unnoticed, being of huge size."
Great is the number in the air around us, and they are not far from us. But, there is much difference in them. It would be long to speak of their nature and differences, and such discourse is for others greater than us.
É weaving phantoms, taking forms of women, of beasts and reptiles, and gigantic bodies É they pretend to prophesy and to foretell things to come, and to show themselves taller than the roof and as vast phantoms to those whom they could not beguile with thoughts."8
Alien craft hovering over the desert
Alien craft hovering over the desert
Burning Globes
In Romeduring the reign of Theodsius, A.D. 393, it was recorded that a huge luminous sphere accompanied by many smaller ones appeared over the fields outside of town. It was also recorded that the citizens basically panicked. 1
Roman writer Julius Obsequens told of people who had seen "burning globes" and "round shields" flying over Rome at night and during the day. 2
The above passage is similar to passages appearing in The Bible that describe Alien encounters.
Globe UFOs
Globe shaped craft
Dragons in the Sky
It was reported that large "flame-breathing dragons" were flying over Chinain approximately A.D. 747. The records also speak of "men in airships" twelve hundred years before airplanes were invented! 3
Aerial Sailors
There have been many ancient Alien sightings throughout mankind's history.
The Archbishop of Lyons recorded that three men and a woman were seen disembarking from an "aerial ship." A gathering crowd panicked and began to stone the visitors. The archbishop also said that "aerial sailors" were arriving on ships in the clouds and bedeviled members of his church. 4
The following is a report from theSaxons, around A.D. 900:
"Those watching outside in that place, of whom many still live to this very day, say they beheld the likeness of two large shields, reddish in colour, in motion above the church, and when the pagans who were outside saw this sign, they were at once thrown into confusion and, terrified with great fear, they began to flee from the castle." 5
On August 3, 989, three glowing objects appeared over Japan. The objects all joined together to form one large brilliant ball in the sky. 6
Fiery Worms
Citizens in Switzerlandin 1104 noted what appeared to be "fiery worms" in the sky. A professor at the Universityof Basilrecorded, "They flew in the air and took away the light of the sun as if they had been clouds." 10
Flying Saucer skims the landscape
Flying Saucer skims the landscape
A Flying Pan?
Ancient Japanese recordsdescribe an "earthenware vessel" that flew out of a mountain in the Kii Provinceon October 27, 1180. This occurred about midnight and the "vessel" left behind a luminous trail. 9
Swimming in the Air
People attending church in 1211 at Gravesend in Kent,England,ran outside to watch a ship in the sky that had people on it! Some of the people on the ship "jumped off and swam in the air."

600 Years of Ancient Alien Sightings

Alien ship over Stonehenge

Alien sighting over Stonehenge
During a scheduled execution in Tasunokuchi, Kamakura, Japan, a UFO appeared and scared off the populace. According to reports, "There appeared in the sky an object like a full moon, shiny and bright." The intended victim who was to be beheaded, a well-known priest named Nichiren, was spared.
William of Newburgh's Chronicle in Yorkshire,Englandcontains this description: "The abbot and monks were at a meal, when a flat, round, shining, silvery object flew over the abbey and caused the utmost terror."
The entire population of the villageof Angkor Watmysteriously vanished. Large airships were seen in the area.
Abandoned village of Angkor Wat
Abandoned Village of Angkor Wat
Strange lights were seen circling over Constantinoplethe night before the Turks conquered it. Some of the lights flew straight up at high speed and then split into many smaller lights. 12
March 17, 1458
Five "stars" appeared over Japan. They circled the moon, changed colors three times, then disappeared. The citizens ofKyoto,Japan, were so distressed by this event that they ran and hid, expecting the arrival of horrible disasters.
November 1, 1461
The French Duke of Bourgognewrote in his memoirs that "an object appeared in the sky over Franceon the night of November 1, 1461. It was as long and wide as a half moon; it hung stationary for about a quarter of an hour, clearly visible, then suddenly É spiraled, twisted and turned like a spring and rose into the heavens." 13
A large object making a "sound like a wheel" flies out of Mt. Kasuga. None of the citizens had seen anything like it before. 14
A large "comet" is reported flying over Arabia. The comet is reported as having numerous windows on it. 15
Natives pray to Alien craft
Natives pray to Alien Craft
From the personal log of Christopher Columbus,during his famous voyage, comes this entry:
Saturday, 15 September, 1492
"And on this night, at the beginning of it, they saw fall from the sky a marvelous branch of fire into the sea at a distance of four to five leagues from them." 39
August 7, 1566
In Basil,Switzerland, a large number of black spheres were flying all over the sky. They appeared to be fighting one another. This battle was witnessed by hundreds, if not thousands, of people. In describing this activity, a newspaper article written by Samuel Coccius said, "Many became fiery and red, ending by being consumed and vanishing."

Artwork depicting alien battle in 1561
Woodcut depicting alien battle over Switzerland in 1566

April 4, 1561
Over two hundred large cylinders, globes, and "spinning disks" flew over the skies of Nuremberg, Germany. People also reported seeing red, black, and orange globes, as well as "smoking spheres" coming out of the cylinders in the sky. 17
Woodcut of alien air battle in 1561Woodcut by Hans Glaser in 1566 of alien air battle over
Nuremberg, Germany in 1561

October 24, 1593
In Manila,Philippines, a soldier completely vanishes. The next day he reappeared in Mexico City! The man was able to completely describe the previous day's news from the Philippines. (Remember, there were no airplanes, no radio, no television).
Large numbers of "spinning fireballs" are reported over Kyoto,Japan. A "whirling, red wheel" hovered over the Nijo Castle. The Samurai guards were put on alert. 18
August, 1666
A ball of light was seen by the citizens of Robozero, Russia, in the middle of a cloudless day. The ball was brighter than the sun. 19
July 9, 1686
A large ball flies across the sky in Leipzig, Germanyand two smaller, glowing balls come out of it. 20
December 9, 1731
In Sheffield,England, Thomas Short described the following: "A dark red cloud, below which was a luminous body which emitted intense beams of light. The light beams moved slowly for awhile, then stopped. Suddenly, it became so hot that I could take off my shirt even though I was out of doors." Note: this event occurred in the middle of December.
A similar object appeared on the same day over Romania. Old manuscripts described it like this: "There appeared in the West, a great sign in the sky, blood-red and very large. It stayed in place for two hours, separated into two parts which then rejoined, and the object disappeared towards the west. 22
Speeding disks in ancient times
Speeding disks in ancient times
January 2, 1749
Three globes "like the moon" appeared over Japan. People were so frightened that riots broke out. To try and calm things down, the government ordered anybody rioting "because of the globes" to be executed. Later "three moons" appeared. Days after that, "two suns" appeared. 23
In Swedenthree objects "like the moon" appeared in the sky and stayed for four days, then vanished never to be seen again. 24
Luminous Globe
Luminous Globe emerges from water
In another incident that same year, a luminous globe appeared at night and projected beams of light out of it. 21 These seemingly minor incidents are quite remarkable because there was nothing in the skies in 1766 that could project a beam of light, except sunbeams coming through clouds.
Aliens In Ancient Art
Fresco showing ancient astronaut
16th Century fresco from a church shows an ancient astronaut rocketing across the sky. This was painted hundreds of years before the concept of aircraft came about.
Ancient Art
There are plenty of examples of aliens in ancient art that clearly depict the fact that UFOs and extraterrestrial beings were around in those days. ET's and flying saucers appear in cave paintings, tapestries, woodcuts and paintings.
Flying Saucer in early fresco
Flying Saucer appears in early fresco painting
Roman Fresco
In March, 1998, archaeologists unearthed a fresco in the ruins surrounding Rome. The fresco was a detailed painting of ancient Rome, yet the view was from the air! Scholars are dumbfounded; they can't figure out how it was done.
Flemish Painting
A painting made in 1710 by the Flemish painter Gelder, depicts the baptism of Christ. In the background there is a clear image of a flying disk with beams of light coming from it and shining down on the infant. The painting has not been retouched or altered in any way. It is on display at the FitzwilliamMuseumin Cambridge,England.
Virgin Mary Painting
15th century painting of Virgin Mary with UFO
This 15th century painting of the Virgin Mary shows a UFO in the background. A man is pointing up at it and his dog is barking at the object.
Fifteenth Century Painting
A painting done in the fifteenth century by Ghirlandaio shows the Virgin Mary in the foreground. In the background there is a man looking up at a disk. The disk has large sparks coming from it and the man is shielding his eyes from the disk. A dog at the man's side is barking up at the UFO. The painting is entitled Madonna and St. Giovannino, and can be found in the Loeser Collection, Palazzo Vecchio, in Florence, Italy. 34
A note about old paintings: If you were a artist living in the 13th through 18th centuries, you had to follow certain unwritten rules. If you wanted to depict something strange or different in a painting, you had to put that strange item in the background of the painting. In the foreground, you had to paint a religious scene or depict religious figures. Otherwise, you would be denounced as a devil worshiper and literally burned at the stake or beheaded. That's why all the UFOs in these ancient works of art are rendered small and in the background. 28
Australian Rock Art
Throughout the continent of Australiathere are ancient drawings on the rocks which show beings with enlarged bald heads, large slanted eyes, and slits for mouths. They also depict orange globes floating in the skies. 29
African CavePainting
An African cave painting depicts a being wearing headgear with antennae and flying through the air. The being is holding an animal in its arms. The painting is in Tassili-N-Ajer, Africa. The being has large, black slanted eyes and thin lips. 30
Ancient Woodcut
A woodcut done by Hans Glaser in 1566 depicts a battle among flying disks and flying cylinders that occurred over Nuremberg, Germanyon April 4, 1561.
Woodcut showing alien air battle in 1561
Woodcut showing alien air battle in 1561

Russian Plate
A Russian archaeologist discovered an ancient plate in the mountains of Nepal. It is known as the Valenov Plate. The plate has been dated at about a thousand years old. The material the plate is made from is a combination of metal and ceramic, a process that even today is not possible. The plate very clearly shows a flying saucer and alien being.

Medieval Tapestry

A tapestry from medieval times is in the Collegiale Notre Dame, Beaune, France. In the foreground is a depiction of the Virgin Mary; however, in the background is a clear rendition of a flying saucer!

Medieval tapestry showing UFO in background
Medieval tapestry with flying saucer in background

Aliens in Archaeology– Were They Here First?


Flying Saucers over Egyptian pyramids
Flying Saucers Over Egyptian Pyramids
Ancient Mysteries Begin to Unfold
The items that follow are not necessarily UFO-related. I have simply included them because they are interesting and are further evidence that the true history of our planet has not been fully uncovered or truthfully told.
The Pyramids and Sphinx of Egypt
It is now generally acknowledged by the world's top archaeologists that the pyramids and the Sphinx in Egyptare at least ten thousand years older than previously thought. Basically, what this means is that the Egyptian pharaohs did not build them!
The world's leading expert in archaeological wind erosion, who was based at Harvard University, decided to pay a visit to the Sphinx. After all, he was the world's best authority on wind erosion and he had never visited the most famous wind-eroded artifact. When he got there he found, to his shock, that the Sphinx exhibited virtually no signs of wind erosion. Instead, it was completely water-eroded.
When he returned to Harvard he approached a colleague who was a water-erosion expert. He pulled out a picture of the Sphinx, which he had partially covered, except for certain sections showing the eroded stone. Thus, his colleague would not know what the object was before he offered his opinion. He asked the water erosion expert if he could determine what had eroded the stone. The man laughed and said, "You know as well as I that this building has been water-eroded." When he pulled away the cover to reveal that the object was indeed the Sphinx, his colleague said, "Oh, no, oh no. I'm not going to touch this with a ten-foot pole." He immediately knew the water erosion was clear evidence the Sphinx was not made by the Egyptians.
Humans and Dinosaurs Together
Here is another one nobody wants to touch. In a riverbed in Paluxy,Texas, archaeologists have found both dinosaur tracks and human footprints together. Both made at the same time. And, not just one track, but dozens. All the tracks are the same age, about 140 million years old, and they were made together. From the spacing of the footprints it is clear the ancient person was clearly tracking the dinosaur. 35 Several scientists have said it is not possible; however, those that say this have never gone to visit the prints themselves.
In 1983 a report appeared in the 'Moscow News.' The article reported that human footprints that were 150 million years old were found in Jurassic rock next to a dinosaur footprint that had three toes. 40.
Other fossils were found in 1968 in Utah. There were human footprints found there as well, and these footprints are 440 million years old! Not only that, but the feet had shoes on them! One of the footprints has an ancient marine animal called a trilobite squashed under it. The shoe print with the trilobite in it is in perfect condition. 36
Giant Footprint
In 1912 in South Africaa giant human-like footprint was found in solid granite. The footprint is of a left foot and is approximately four feet long and eighteen centimeters deep. It is distinct enough to clearly show where mud had squished up between the toes. The footprint is estimated to be about a million years old. 37
Another footprint, almost identical to the one in South Africa, except it is an imprint of a right foot, has been found in Sri Lanka. Nobody knows who or what made it. Scientists who have seen it and dated it simply agree it is not a hoax. 38
Thousands of Other Artifacts
Geologists, archaeologists and paleontologists around the world have found literally thousands of artifacts clearly made by intelligent beings that date back 200-500 million years old!
Aliens In The Bible 
Biblical description of alien craft
Biblical description of alien craft
The Bible has many references to other-worldly beings and flying saucers. If you are a student of the Bible, you can go back and reread the entire text with a new understanding. You will be astounded.

Ancient art depicting Christ on the cross
Ancient art showing Christ on the cross with two
alien craft in the background
(Svetishoveli Cathedral, Mtskheta, Georgia, 17th century)

Ancient art depicting alien spacecraft

Alien spacecraft chasing another in ancien times
The two images above were taken from an ancient fresco.
the fresco depicts one alien craft chasing another while
the pilot of the first craft looks back at the other.
In the fresco, each alien craft appears on opposite sides
of Christ on the cross.

Here is one remarkable passage from the books of Infancy and Protevangelion, taken from The Lost Books of the Bible. It actually describes the same experience many abductees have in our times, particularly the aspect of everything being stopped and all surrounding people being "switched off." (See my page on Alien Abductions.) Following is an event which happened to Joseph, just before the birth of Christ. Here is Joseph's description:
"I looked into the air, and I saw the clouds astonished, and the fowls of the air stopping in the midst of their flight. And I looked down towards the earth, and saw a table spread, and working people sitting around it, but their hands were upon the table, and they did not move to eat. They who had meat in their mouths did not eat. They who lifted their hands up to their heads did not draw them back. And they who lifted them up to their mouths did not put anything in, but all their faces were fixed upwards. And I beheld the sheep dispersed, and yet the sheep stood still. And the shepherd lifted up his hand to smit them, and his hand continued up. And I looked unto a river, and saw the kids with their mouths close to the water, and touching it, but they did not drink. 26
Then a bright cloud overshadowed the cave, and the mid-wife said, "This day my soul is magnified, for mine eyes have seen surprising things, and salvation is brought forth to Israel." But on a sudden the cloud became a bright light in the cave, so that their eyes could not bear it. And, behold, it was all filled with lights, greater than the light of lamps and candles, and greater than the light of the sun itself." 27

Ancient artwork depicting the Baptism of Christ
Ancient artwork depicting the Baptism of Christ.
Note alien craft overhead(By Aert de Gelder in 1710)

How You Can Acquire an Alien Mindset

Alien head with large eyes
Critical Information That You Will Need
The Most Important Information on our website is found on this page and those linked to it. It doesn’t have the exotic Alien information that the other sections do. However, to make the most of the other sections, you need to learn to look at things a little differently. Also, gain some perspective about our history and thought processes as humans.
Assumptions – The Lever of Change
Throughout our history much of our behavior has been based on assumptions, beliefs, and traditions within society. Over time these assumptions are continually being changed and corrected. You will also get a chance to correct some everyday misconceptions.
Some previousassumptions:
The world is flat.
The sun revolves around the earth.
We are the only intelligent beings living in the universe.
Earth revolves Around the Sun

Our Planets Revolve Around the Sun
All "facts" except the last assumption have been challenged, changed, and corrected. Progress was achieved by a few people boldly speaking out in the face of ridicule, followed by a ground swell of others. These others did not change their opinions, they simply came to know the truth.
This Website is a foundation for you to come to know the truth. You will become a part of the ground swell that will change the greatest incorrect assumption in human history!
Consider yourself lucky. You must truly be special to have the opportunity to live during this, the most dramatic time of transition and revelation in the history of mankind! Hold onto your seats.

The Benefits of Knowing About Aliens and Flying Saucers
The world is going to be a better place.
You have fantastic hidden abilities.
The first step to finding the truth.
Sheer fun and excitement! This is a major benefit. You are going to discover you have been invited to the greatest party in the entire universe! You're on the 'A' list and there's no waiting in line. However, there is one thing you need to know: You cannot go alone. You must bring everybody.
Making the World a Better Place
You are going to help make the world a better place. Simply by sharing this information and helping people integrate it into their daily lives, you are going to radically alter the planet and all its population. As you discover we are not alone in the universe, you will learn to value and appreciate the differences between human beings. We will no longer see the differences between us as a threat, but instead as one of our most cherished virtues. This will be a necessary change before we can be included with the rest of the societies in our universe.
You Have Fantastic Abilities
As a human being, you have fantastic abilities you have not yet realized. You will discover that these abilities are of great interest to our alien visitors. They have also been the subject of much research by our government's covert scientific community. You have heard we use only 5 percent of our brain's capacity. Now you're going to find out what the other 95 percent can do.
The Expansion of Humanity
Because of this interaction with flying saucers and other beings, we will be forced to expand our concepts of science, reality, and even our own humanity. You will be a guide for this growth. You are also going to grow and change. It has already begun. There is more opportunity for growth now than there has ever been before in your lifetime. You will be helping people understand they are part of a much larger community. You will get a chance to face your misconceptions as well. Are you ready? It's going to be a wild ride!
Human Transformation
Human Transformation?
Truth, Lies, and Stolen Videotape
As you explore, you will also marvel at the unfolding of the truth. It's important to do so with eyes of wonder, not anger and fear. The excitement is in participating in the unfolding of the truth. With all due respect to the X-Files, the truth is not 'out there.' It is next door. Your neighbors have it, so let them speak. The truth is as immutable and unstoppable as the rising sun.
Without It, We Can't Achieve Our Worldwide Goals
Without knowing the truth about the existence of flying saucers and alien beings, humanity will never be able to accomplish its most sought-after goals, such as ending world hunger, preserving the environment, eliminating disease, creating pollution-free energy, or traveling to the stars. To not know the truth of flying saucers is like not knowing the earth is round, not knowing microorganisms exist, not knowing the laws of physics, or not knowing how children are conceived.
To know of the existence of alien beings is as important and basic as all the concepts listed above. This knowledge incorporates who and what we really are, our true history, and our real future. It explains how the universe actually works. It will dramatically affect how we view the universe, or understand how the human body works, or how we comprehend the untold wonders physics and mathematics hold.
1947: Year of the Alien Wave

UFOs that Kenneth Arnold saw in 1947
1947 is known as the year of the first "wave" of modern flying saucer sightings. A study of U.S.newspapers that year documents over 832 sightings in the United Statesjust in the thirty days between June 15, 1947 and July 15, 1947. For the entire year there were over 1,500 reports. Included on this website is a CIA report tracking saucer sightings in 1947. This report was secret and withheld from the public for decades
The Kenneth Arnold Case
This is the first key flying saucer case of modern times. As you can see from my sections, ‘Ancient Alien Sightings’ and ‘Aliens in Ancient Art’, reports of flying objects are certainly not unique to our century. However, this is the case that caught the attention of the media and re-informed the contemporary world that flying saucers existed.
The Facts
Kenneth Arnold was a private pilot and a businessman. He was also a member of the Idaho Search and Rescue Mercy Flyers and a Federal Deputy Marshall. On June 24, 1947 Arnoldjoined in a search mission to find a Marine Curtis C-46 transport plane that was believed to have crashed in the Cascade Mountains.
While flying at about 9,000 feet at 2:00 p.m.,Arnoldsaw nine silver disks moving in formation directly across his flight path. He estimated them to be about twenty-five miles away. Since they were unusual, to say the least, Arnolddecided to time them to estimate their speed. He checked his watch as they passed Mt.Ranierand again when they passed Mt. Adams. It took them 1 minute and 42 seconds. After landing and checking the distance between the two peaks, Arnoldrealized the disks had been traveling over 1,700 miles per hour! This was twice the speed of sound, and the world airspeed record in 1947 was only about 650 miles per hour!
Pilot Kenneth Arnold in 1947
Pilot Kenneth Arnold, photo taken in 1947

"They Flew Like a Saucer"
Not only Arnold, but people flying in a nearby Douglas DC-4 also saw the flying disks. In addition, disks were seen by hundreds of people on the ground. The disks made no sound. They were completely silent. In an interview with The East Oregonian newspaper, Arnold said: "They flew like a saucer would if you skipped it across the water."
When the Associated Press picked up the story, they called the disks "saucer-like objects." From this, the term ‘Flying Saucer’ was officially made an integral part of the human language. Be sure to check out the CIA’s official report on the Kenneth Arnold sighting in our‘Alien Documents’ section.
1947 Seattle Post UFO headline
Headline from 1947 reporting sightings and landings of
flying saucers.

Other Sightings
June 14, 1947
Richard Rankin saw a triangular formation of ten disks over Bakersfield, Californiawhile flying from Chicagoto Los Angeles. He estimated their speed at 600 miles per hour.
June 21, 1947
Residents in Spokane,Washingtonsaw eight disks flying at an estimated speed of six hundred miles per hour at 11:00 a.m.
Early UFO photo
Early UFO photo from the midwest
June 21, 1947
A salesman driving through Yukon,Oklahomasaw six disks flying in formation at an "incredible rate of speed."
June 24, 1947
Three disks were seen above Richmond,Washington. They were wobbling as they zipped across the sky. This is the same day Kenneth Arnold saw his disks. He also noted that the disks were "wobbling."
June 27, 1947
A woman sees disks "wobbling from side to side," fly past the Cascade Mountainsat phenomenal speed while in formation. She was quoted as saying, "They looked like silver plates."
June 28, 1947
Two pilots from Maxwell Air Base in Alabama, see a bright light traveling at high speed make a 90-degree turn and disappear. Six other witnesses, including two intelligence officers, see the same thing.
June 28, 1947
A farmer in Wisconsinby the name of Beuscher sees several silent disks zoom over his farm. At the same time, reports of flying disks overhead come in from across the state of Illinois.
June 29, 1947
The driver of the Des Moines-MasonCitybus in Iowasees five disks streak across the sky. Shortly after that sighting, he counts thirteen more coming from the opposite direction.
Scientists at White Sands Proving Grounds in New Mexicospot "silvery disks" flying across restricted airspace at speeds greater than sound. In 1947 White Sands was the only nuclear air base in the world. The appearance of these saucers over this facility generated a flurry of military activity and concern. See copies of top-secret memos concerning this in the‘Alien Documents’ section.
Headline from U.S. press during 1947 wave
Headline from U.S. press during 1947 UFO "wave".
June 30, 1947
Near Williams field inArizona, a U.S. Navy pilot sees two disks appear to land about twenty miles south of theGrand Canyon. The pilot described them as having "inconceivable speed."
June 30, 1947
Portland, Oregonpolice officers see "five shiny chromium hub caps" disappear and reappear while flying by. The hub caps "wobbled from side to side" as they flew. The disks were seen by officer K. McDowell along with two other officers and a pilot.
Note: Wobbling from side to side was a commonly observed characteristic of flying saucers in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Since then the aliens apparently have re-engineered their craft to reduce this. They now fly straight, with less wobble, and they are frequently tilted sideways.
July 4, 1947
Let the fireworks begin! Campers at Twin Falls, Smoke River Canyon in Idahosee more than thirty disks traveling at a high rate of speed.
United Airlines crew, pilot E. J. Smith, copilot Ralph Stevens and stewardess Martie Morrow see nine disks while flying over Idaho. The disks put on a fantastic display. They perform acrobatics, merge together, then split apart again. They also disappear and reappear.
On July 4, 1947, that day alone, there were eighty-eight major disk sightings reported by over four hundred people across twenty-four states. It is estimated at least ten million people saw flying saucers on this day.
July 4, 1947
The crash at Roswellhappens. Shortly before midnight in an explosive thunderstorm, the now-famous flying saucer crash at Roswell, New Mexico occurred. It is also known as "The Crash at Corona" becauseCorona, New Mexicois about forty miles closer to the crash site than Roswell. However, the crash debris was taken to Roswell Air Base, hence the name "Roswell." See my ’Roswell’section for the full story.
Newspaper article; experts stumped
Article (1947) discussing the fact that military experts have no idea what the flying saucers are, or where they came from.

Sightings in Europe
April 20, 1947
Citizens in Col de Serres, France report seeing disks flying over the valley.
May 21, 1947
Slow-moving, large cigar-shaped objects are seen in Sweden.
June 10, 1947
Fast-moving flying objects are seen in Finland.
July 7, 1947
In Sussex,Englandpeople see disks fly over the coast and out to sea.
Citizens in Naples,Italyreport a slow-moving, shiny disk overhead.
Astronomers at Del Satto Observatory in Chilespot disks. Estimated speed: 3,000 miles per hour!
Japanand Hollandalso report seeing high-speed disks on this day.
July 18, 1947
Norway: Two objects are seen diving into Lake Mjosa.
July 19, 1947
Several witnesses see an object dive into Lake Kolmjorv, Sweden.
July 23, 1947
Workers near Pitanga,Brazilwitness the landing of a craft. Three 6
-foot tall beings get out wearing transparent suits emerge from the craft.
August 11, 1947
In Swedenover four hundred people see fast-moving disks fly overhead.
August 14, 1947
Italy: A citizen, R. L. Johannis, comes across two small beings with large heads and large eyes.
September 1, 1947
Greece: British army units see "mystery projectiles." (Don't you just love the British? They don't see disks or saucers, they see "projectiles.")
October 9, 1947
Las Vegas, Nevada. Air Force pilots flying over Las Vegasspot a disk traveling at one thousand miles per hour. It does a 180-degree turn at that speed. Any earthly airplane trying that maneuver would have self-destructed.

Key Events In 1947
  • There was a huge number of flying saucer sightings.
  • The sightings were worldwide.
  • They were witnessed by millions of people.
  • Almost all the sightings were in broad daylight.
  • The famous 'Roswell' crash did not happen out of the blue, it was just one of thousands of fly-overs.
Roswell Alien Crash
Roswell Craft Hit By Lightning In 1947
Alien contact had begun! In one of the most astounding events in human history, alien bodies were recovered from a downed spacecraft in Roswell,New Mexicoin July, 1947.

This was the beginning of modern confirmation that we are not alone in the universe. The story involves the recovery of bodies, secrecy, and death threats. Dozens of witnesses have sworn and testified to what they saw.

The occurrence at Roswellhas been the most talked-about UFO event in American history. Most Americans have a fleeting acquaintance with the words "Roswell, New Mexico."Here is a synopsis of what happened and when. It is designed to give you a factual account to use as a foundation for your own investigations and discovery of information about flying saucers and alien beings. Remember, the Bible, the Torah, the Koran, the law of relativity and virtually everything we know to be true is hearsay and based on secondhand descriptions.
Lt. Walter Haut in 1947
Lt. Walter Haut
Here is the text of First Lieutenant Walter Haut's press release dated July 8, 1947:
"The many rumors regarding the flying disc became a reality yesterday when the Intelligence office of the 509th Bomb Group of the Eighth Air Force, Roswell Army Air Field, was fortunate enough to gain possession of a disc through the cooperation of one of the local ranchers and the sheriff's office of Chaves County.
The flying object landed on a ranch near Roswellsometime last week. Not having phone facilities, the rancher stored the disc until such time as he was able to contact the sheriff's office, who in turn notified Maj. Jesse A. Marcel of the 509th Bomb Group Intelligence Office.
Action was immediately taken and the disc was picked up at the rancher's home. It was inspected at Roswell Army Air Field and subsequently loaned by Major Marcel to higher headquarters."
StantonT. Friedman
Nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman has been investigating and documenting the existence of flying saucers and extraterrestrial beings for over fifteen years. He has written several books on the subject and has spoken to over a thousand colleges and universities. Friedman was the person who initially uncovered the incident at Roswell, New Mexico. As a trained scientist, he has brought a deliberate and thorough approach to researching this large and very complex subject. If Friedman is discussing an issue, you can believe it has been well-researched. For an absolutely intriguing story, get a copy of his MJ-12 Report, or his CD-Rom: "UFOs, The Real Story. How the Roswellstory came to light."
Physicist Stanton Friedman

PHysicist Stanton Friedman, the man who first uncovered
the story about the crash at Roswell, New Mexico.
(Photo courtesy of Debbie Stark)

More Witnesses
Over the next several years Friedman would uncover dozens of firsthand witnesses to a truly remarkable event: the crash and recovery of a craft not made on earth.

Hidden for Thirty Years
Although the incident at Roswell Army Air Base happened in 1947, it was completely unknown to anyone except the participants, an inner circle of very high-level military personnel, and the president of the United States. That is, until 1978.
In 1978 Stanton Friedman was being interviewed at a radio station in Baton Rouge Louisiana. Friedman had been involved in investigating the world-wide sightings of UFOs for several years. He had been in town to give a lecture at Louisiana State Universityon February 20.
Would You Like a Saucer With Your Coffee?
While having a coffee break, the director of the radio station said to Friedman in a casual manner, "The person you really ought to talk to is Jesse Marcel. He handled pieces of one of those things." Friedman contacted Marcel, who at that time was living in Louisiana, and the rest is history. Roswell was out of the bag.
An Unprecedented Fifty-Year Leap
In the fifty years since the extraterrestrial spacecraft crashes in New Mexico, there has been a quantum leap in technology, unprecedented in all human history. Despite the fact that man has not changed one iota physiologically, the technological advancements that have occurred in the last fifty years would normally have taken at least two hundred years to make. There's a reason. We had help. That help came from technology found in downed alien spacecraft.
"The government is not some monolithic piece of granite that never moves or reacts. To those of us inside the military/government machine, the government is dynamic, highly reactive and even proactive when it comes to devising ways to protect its most closely held secrets.
For years after Roswellwe weren't just one step ahead of people wanting to know what really happened, we were a hundred steps ahead, a thousand, even more. In fact, we never hid the truth from anybody, we just camouflaged it. It was always there, people just didn't know what to look for or recognize it for what it was when they found it. And, they found it over and over again."
Colonel Philip J. Corso (Ret.)
Lots Of Technology
Many technological items were filtered out to private industry through the use of government contracts. Some of the things that were borrowed or developed from recovered alien space craft were:
Night-vision Goggles
When soldiers looked into the craft at Roswell in the middle of the night, they could see through the portholes. They were astonished to be able to see their comrades outside the ship walking around as if it were broad daylight, the only difference was that there was a greenish quality to the light, just like today's night-vision glasses.
It was not immediately known what this device was when they found it. They couldn't figure it out; later they turned it on by accident.

Atomically Aligned Fibers
Military scientists discovered that the suits the aliens were wearing were composed of materials that were atomically aligned. All the molecules are lined up in one direction. The only thing found on earth made this way is a spider's web. A single strand of this material, weighing only fifteen ounces, could be stretched for fifty miles without breaking. This was the beginning of super tenacity fibers such as 'Kevlar', the material the material used to construct bullet-proof vests.
Chips, Weapone, And Optics
Fiber optics were first found at the Roswell crash site. No one had ever seen anything like them and it was years before it was finally figured out what they were.
Reverse-Engineered Craft
TheU.S.military has built several craft based upon what they learned from the crashed flying saucers they have recovered. This is known as "reverse engineering;"that is, taking something apart and rebuilding a new one based upon what you learned during the dismantling.
There have been approximately twenty-nine saucers recovered or built and test-flown out of Area 51 in Nevadaand the site known as S-4, which is adjacent to Area 51. Although we have successfully flown the craft we have not been able to get these craft to leave earth's atmosphere. So far the tests have been limited to low-altitude levels. These are the craft viewers have seen from the hills surrounding Area 51.
Pieces of the Craft
In 1997 a man approached UFO and abduction researchers Derrel Sims and Dr. Roger Leir. He said he knew of their work and wanted to give them some pieces of metal he had recovered from the Roswellcrash. He said he had kept them hidden for fifty years. Being skeptical, Simms and Leir thoroughly researched the man's claimed background. Eventually, they agreed to have the pieces of metal analyzed by some of the top metallurgy labs in the country. The lab at the Universityof Californiaat San Diego concluded the metal was not indigenous to our planet, and was "definitely made off earth."
The world's leading metallurgy lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology made an even more astounding discovery: when the metal pieces were put in a chamber with an electrically charged atmosphere, the metal levitated all by itself!
Alien Autopsy

Photo of Torso From Alien Autopsy
Still photo taken from 'Alien Autopsy' film
The Alien Autopsy Film
In 1995 a man approached a television show producer in Great Britain and said he had actual film footage of an alien autopsy that was photographed in the late 1940s. The man's name is Ray Santilli, and the film he was describing is referred to as the "Santilli film." Santilli said there were fifteen reels of 16mm film, each about ten minutes in length. Santilli said that he got the film from a former military cameraman by the name of Jack Barnett.
Fox Airs the Film
The film was eventually aired in the United States on a Fox Network special. It was so popular that Fox had to run it several times to satisfy the public's demand.
Photo of Torso from 'Alien Autopsy' film
Photo of torso from 'Alien Autopsy' film

But, Is It Real?
My opinion is, no! People have been looking into virtually every aspect of this film, and in many areas it just doesn't hold up. Here are some key points:

The supposed cameraman cannot be found. There are no military records of anyone by the name of Jack Barnett in that position during that time period. Also, Santilli has changed his story several times and said the guy's name was really Barrett. Still, no match with any military records.
Although Kodak, after analyzing the film, said the raw film could have been manufactured during this time period (1947), it's not conclusive and it could have been manufactured much later. Research into items appearing in the background of the film such as the wall clock, surgical instruments, and the telephone have also proved inconclusive.
The actual filming technique is very poor. Instead of the camera being set up in a stationary position as would be expected, it is constantly moving, a technique in documenting that did not really come about until the development of video tape decades later.

Lastly, the alien itself has a remarkable resemblance to the dummy alien on display in a Roswell museum, in fact, they are almost identical. Not only that, but the alien body seems to lack an internal structure. There is virtually no evidence of stretched skin, tendons, bones, or muscle tissue.
Photo of head from 'Alien Autopsy' film
Photo of head from 'Alien Autopsy' film
The Santilli film appears to be a classic case of disinformation. The whole Santilli episode could serve as a textbook example; I've never seen a better one. Disinformation is the practice of telling the absolute truth, but telling it in a way that can't be believed. You make it look so bogus that people dismiss the idea completely. The technique was used and refined during World War II. The Allies actually "leaked" to the Germans where the main American forces would be landing in France. But they made it so easy for Hitler to get the information and laid out the plan so simply that Hitler didn't believe the information. As a result the Allies landed right where they said they would and found the German troops out of position and undermanned.
Alien Autopsy Full Body
'Alien Autopsy' full body still shot.
Such an autopsy as is depicted in the Santilli film almost certainly did take place. Several physicians have come forward to say it happened. But it's not on the Santilli film. The Santilli film is illustrating a real event that took place in a way that can't be believed, in hopes that the public will dismiss the whole idea as ridiculous.
Aliens At The White House
Flying Saucers Over The White House in 1952
Flying Saucers hover over the United States Capitol in 1952
Flying Saucers Over Washington, D.C.
"Why don't they just land on the White House lawn?" This is one of the most frequently asked questions when the subject of flying saucers comes up. Well, they damn near did. Check this out. In the first year and a half of the 1950s flying saucers were being seen on an average of about once a day nationwide. Suddenly in June 1952 the rate doubled. Then in mid-July the rate quadrupled. It quadrupled again a few weeks later. The rate was now twenty-eight sightings per day, most of them by highly trained military fighter pilots. The sightings were also being confirmed by military radar.
The White House
On July 19 and 20, 1952, eight flying saucers flew directly over the White House, the Capitol building, and the Pentagon. They flew over restricted airspace, and they were tracked visually from the ground. The people in the control towers at Bolling Air Force Base, Washington National Airport, and Andrews Air Force Base all saw them as well. The radar at all three bases picked up the saucers as solid objects. Commercial airline pilots saw them and so did virtually every citizen in Washington DC.
Newspaper Headlines
Alien Flying Saucers Over The White House
Military Planes coulld not catch super-fast alien flying saucers over the White House.

The saucers cruised in real slow, then accelerated to astounding velocities over the Capitol. The nearby military bases all sent up jet fighters to intercept the speeding disks. As soon as they showed up the saucers literally disappeared. They simply faded away. Ten minutes after the jets would leave the saucers would re-appear. This scenario was repeated over and over again. These sightings were given more front-page headline coverage in the Washington D.C. newspapers than the Democratic National Convention, which was going on at the same time.
Fifty Flying Saucers
Then to make matters worse, the saucers left, only to reappear one week later on July 26 and 27. Later investigations would show that over fifty saucers flew over Washington D.C. on a single day, May 23, 1952.
The Biggest Press Conference Since World War II
The military was embarrassed by this whole thing. Not only that, they were still concerned that we could be vulnerable to a Soviet attack by misidentifying incoming missiles or bombers as flying saucers. A press conference was called by Major General John Samford. It was the longest, largest press conference since World War II had ended seven years earlier. I mean, there was a lot of explaining to do since everybody and his neighbor saw the saucers.
The End Result
The military ended up stating that the flying disks were merely optical illusions caused by a weather condition known as a "temperature inversion." This, despite confirmation of the disks by five radar arrays all at different locations. Note that radar can only detect metallic objects. It is impossible for radar to "see" an optical illusion. Seventeen years later the military released a report saying that a temperature inversion of this magnitude is literally impossible in earth's atmosphere.

(See copy of CIA memo dated August 14, 1952, which discusses both the Washington D.C. sightings and the press conference in the 'Documents' section of this website)
Military Pilots Contacted
In 1997 researcher Derrel Sims located and interviewed two of the military pilots who were sent up to intercept the flying saucers over the White House. Both men requested anonymity; however, they told Sims what happened and showed him copies of the original flight logs.
The pilots told Sims that immediately following the encounter they were both called into a debriefing room along with other pilots. Once there, they were threatened. They were told they'd better not tell anybody about what they saw, or else.
Loyal Americans
The pilots were angry. By following orders and responding to what may have been a danger to national security and possibly putting their own lives in jeopardy, they were now the ones who were threatened! These were loyal men who had pledged their lives to protect the country, and they were being treated this way.
Resigned Commissions
The two pilots were so upset and disgusted that both resigned their commissions and quit the military! 1 We hear stories like this over and over again. If you ask enough people you'll hear the same thing too! You'll hear it from loyal, hard-working, patriotic, honest men and women who were in the U.S. Armed Forces. Even in the face of Hitler, they didn't get this kind of treatment from their own government concerning national security.
It's time for a change! Make it happen. Let your elected officials know that it's no longer OK to threaten citizens who know about the existence of flying saucers.
Aliens - Everybody Knows Already
Top Military Topic Flying Saucers
The existence of extraterrestrials and flying saucers is well known
to top public officials of every major country on the planet.
The Big Dogs Bark!!
* U.S. presidents speak about flying saucers and alien beings.
* Military brass talk about crashed disks.
* World leaders talk about extraterrestrials.
* Intelligence agency honchos tell what they know.
Who Says Flying Saucers are Real? EVERYBODY!
The question really should be: "Who says they're NOT real?" It's impossible to find any government official who will flat-out say UFOs or flying saucers are not real. Check out the following quotes.
U.S. Presidents
president John F. Kennedy
President John F. Kennedy in 1963
"I'd like to tell the public about the alien situation, but my hands are tied."
President John F. Kennedy to Bill Holden, steward on Air Force One flying over Germany, summer 1963When Holden asked Kennedy what he thought about UFOs.

President Bill Clinton
President Bill Clinton
"If I put you over at (The Dept. of) Justice, I want you to find out two things;
1. Who killed JFK.
2. The truth about UFOs.
President Bill Clinton to Webb Hubbell shortly after Clinton had been elected to his first term.
President Ronald Reagan
President Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan
Addressing the United Nations General Assembly, Forty-second Session, September 21, 1987:
"I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And, yet I ask you, is not an alien force already among us?"
When Reagan said "alien force," he wasn't talking about the Democrats. I have not only confirmed this quote, I also have it on videotape, and in full color. The fact of alien visitors is well known and openly discussed inside the United Nations.
Speaking of Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev at the Geneva Summit Conference in 1985, Reagan said,
"How much easier his task and mine might be in these meetings we hold if suddenly there was a threat to this world from another species from another planet outside in the universe. We'd forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries, and we would find out once and for all that we really are all human beings here on this earth together."
President Jimmy Carter
President Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter
Former President Jimmy Carter had a dramatic UFO experience when he was running for president. On his way to a two-day religious conference Carter saw a UFO. He and his entourage were so disturbed by the experience that they spent the next two days discussing UFOs and extraterrestrials instead of the planned conference agenda.
"It was the darndest thing I've ever seen," said Carter. "It was big, it was very bright, it changed colors and it was about the size of the moon. We watched it for ten minutes, but none of us could figure out what it was. One thing's for sure, I'll never make fun of people who say they've seen unidentified flying objects in the sky."
Although he touted himself as a humble "peanut farmer," Carter was a sophisticated observer. He was a graduate in nuclear physics and served as an officer on U.S. Navy nuclear submarines. Carter later declared: "If I become president, I'll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and scientists."
In 1977, after Carter had been elected president and tried to open the UFO files, he was told by the heads of the intelligence agencies that he, as president, did not have a high enough security clearance to even SEE the files! The intelligence community had immediately gone to work to prevent Carter from investigating further.

The chief of the Air Force community relations division, Colonel Charles Senn wrote the following in a letter to Lieutenant Duward Crow of NASA: "I sincerely hope that you are successful in preventing reopening of UFO investigations."

President Gerald Ford
President Gerald Ford
Gerald Ford
"In the firm belief that the American public deserves a better explanation than that thus given by the Air Force, I strongly recommend that there be a committee investigation of the UFO phenomenon. I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment on this subject."
Written while serving in Congress (in a letter sent to Mendel Rivers, chairman of the Armed Services Committee) March 28, 1966.
President Harry Truman
President Harry Truman
Harry Truman
President Harry Truman formed the highly secret group (code named MJ-12) which stood for Majestic-12. The sole purpose of this group was to investigate UFOs and report their findings to the president. Majestic-12 was established by a special executive order of President Truman on September 24, 1947, three months after the crash at Roswell, New Mexico.
A briefing document describing the group for incoming president Dwight Eisenhower was leaked and is now available to almost anyone. I have included it in the Documents section of this website. The government denies the existence of such a group or document. The authenticity of the document cannot be proven, but the reality and the purpose of MJ-12 has been confirmed with many high-level sources over the years.
"I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on earth."
President Harry Truman
White House Press Conference
April 4, 1950

FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
J. Edgar Hoover Head of The FBI in 1963
J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI
"I would do it but before agreeing to it we must insist upon full access to discs recovered. For instance in the (2nd) case the Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination."
J. Edgar Hoover
FBI Director, in a handwritten note to Clyde Tolson
July 15, 1947

Victor Marchetti
Victor Marchetti

CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
"We have indeed been contacted, perhaps even visited by extraterrestrial beings and the U.S. government, in collusion with the other national powers of the earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public. The purpose of the international conspiracy is to maintain a workable stability among the nations of the world and for them, in turn, to retain institutional control over their respective populations. Thus, for these governments to admit there are beings from outer space ... with mentalities and technological capabilities obviously far superior to ours, could, once fully perceived by the average person, erode the foundations of the earth's traditional power structure."
Victor Marchetti
former Special Assistant to the Executive Director of the CIA,
Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter
Vice Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter
"It is time for the truth to be brought out in open congressional hearings. Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense. To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel through the issuance of a regulation."
Vice Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter
former Director of the CIA (1947-1950), member of MJ-12
Military Brass
General George C. Marshall
General George C. Marshall
"The United States has recovered UFOs and their occupants. The UFOs were from a different planet and they were friendly. They have been hovering over defense facilities and airports. The U.S. authorities were convinced they had nothing to fear from them. The U.S. wanted people to concentrate on the real menace, communism, and not be distracted by the visitors from space. There has actually been contact with the men in the UFOs and there have been landings."
General George C. Marshall
U.S. Army Chief of Staff in World War II; Secretary of State, 1947
(as told to Dr. Rolf Alexander)
Colonel Philip J. Corso
Colonel Philip J. Corso
"... enclosed in a thick glass container ... submerged in a thick light blue liquid.... It was a four-foot, human-shaped figure with arms, bizarre four-fingered hands, I didn't see a thumb, thin legs and feet, and an oversized incandescent light-bulb-shaped head that looked like it was floating over a balloon gondola for a chin.
What I found was an intriguing Army intelligence document describing the creature as an inhabitant of a craft that had crashed-landed in Roswell, New Mexico."
Colonel Philip J. Corso, (Ret.)
chief of Foreign Technology Desk; U.S. Army Research and Development, member of National Security Council
excerpted from 'The Day After Roswell'
Day After Roswell cover
The Day After Roswell, book about Col. Philip Corso's
official experience with aliens and flying saucers

Col. Wendell Stevens
Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens
"I'm convinced beyond doubt that we have recovered aircraft, alien vehicles, that we have made contact with aliens, that we are communicating with them in some way or form, and that we have vehicles and bodies in preservation."
Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens (Ret.)
Air Force Foreign Technology Division, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base

"By this order, the Secretary of Air Force Office of Information must delete all evidence of UFO reality and intelligent control, which would, of course, contradict the Air Force stand that UFOs do not exist. The same rule applies to A.F. press releases and UFO information given to congress and the public."
1962 Air Force order
Disclosed by Major William T. Coleman
former Air Force headquarters spokesman
former Project Blue Book officer

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

"I am convinced, based upon my research and the individuals with whom I have had contact within the U.S. intelligence community that the U.S. government does indeed have craft that meets the description of many UFO reports."
Robert Oeschler
NASA Mission Specialist, 1974-1977

Elected Officials

"Congressional investigations have been held and are still being held on the problems of unidentified flying objects. Since most of the material is classified, the hearings are never printed."
William H. Ayres
Representative, Ohio.

Senator Barry Goldwater
Senator Barry Goldwater
"The subject of UFOs is one that has interested me for some long time. About ten or twelve years ago I made an effort to find out what was in the building at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base where the information is stored that has been collected by the Air Force, and I was understandably denied this request. It is still classified above Top Secret. I have, however, heard that there is a plan under way to release some, if not all, of this material in the near future. I'm just as anxious to see this material as you are, and I hope we will not have to wait much longer."
Barry Goldwater
(in a letter to Shlomo Arnon)
March 28, 1975

"I have every confidence that the American public would be able to take such information without hysteria. The fear of the unknown is always greater than the fear of the known."
Walter H. Moeller
Representative, Ohio

"If this information could be presented in such a way as to appeal to reason, and not to emotion, I think it would be a good thing."
Ralph J. Scott
Representative, North Carolina

"I have discussed this with the affected agencies of the government, and they are of the opinion that it is unwise to publicize the matter at this time."
Richard B. Russell
Intelligence Agency Alien Documents
Alien with Top Secret Files
Top secret government Alien files are now available to the public
(Image courtesy of The UFO Chronicles)
Declassified Intelligence Agency Documents
* Freedom of Information Act.
* Summaries of declassified intelligence agency documents.
* CIA and FBI summaries.

Intelligence agency documents span a time period of over fifty years. They are fascinating to study. Just think how much time, money, and energy went into the efforts these memos talk about, and think about the meaning of all this effort for something that supposedly does not exist: flying saucers. The following pages are summaries of some of the most complete letters and memos.

Complete copies of the documents mentioned in the summaries are reprinted in the 'Documents' section of this website. There are several thousand such declassified documents about flying saucers and UFOs that have been released through the Freedom of Information Act.
Patterns Emerge
Following the memos through the years you can see several patterns emerge:
* Concern over "What are these things?"
* Confusion over which military branch is in charge of UFOs.
* Do UFOs pose a national security risk? Later memos indicate the belief that they do not threaten the national security.
* What do we tell the public? And, who tells them?
* UFO events are worldwide, occurring in every country on earth.
Freedom of Information Act
The Freedom of Information Act was passed by congress in 1974. It is designed to give citizens access to the information and documents they own and pay for with their hard-earned money. The act is often referred to simply as FOIA. Although the idea of information availability is honorable, it is not easy to implement; the government is so large and fragmented that documents are stored in many different archives at different locations under different systems.
You cannot just call up one place and say, "Please, send me all your UFO information." It is a painstaking process. It can take years to try to get a single document, only to be told the document is not available or does not exist. You have to have a pretty good idea of what you are looking for and where it originated. Having said that, check out the documents on the following pages. Also included are some reference guides to tell you how and where to get more copies of declassified top secret documents.
Year: 1949
Declassified Document Summaries
Memo from Special Devices Center, U.S. Navy.
Copy sent to the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
The memo basically says there are continuous sightings of unidentified flying objects over White Sands Proving Grounds, which was at the time the only nuclear air base in the world. The objects appear to be under intelligent control and the observer was the Navy's foremost expert on weather balloons. Yet, he doesn't know what these objects are.
National Security Council Intelligence Directive to the CIA.
Telling the CIA they are responsible for all research and intelligence gathering on unidentified flying objects. Also, that they (the CIA) are to coordinate their efforts with military researchers.
Time Check * The Soviet Union explodes its first atomic bomb.
* General Mills and Pillsbury begin marketing prepared cake mixes.
* Murphy's Law is proclaimed for the first time: "If anything can go wrong, it will," when Captain Edward Murphy sees an accelerometer mounted backwards on a rocket sled.

OSI memo on flying saucers.
Memo contains a graph showing a tremendous increase in UFO sightings during the months of May through August of 1947.
Year: 1952
Declassified Document Summaries

National Security Council memo. Subject: flying saucers.
Directs CIA to research and solve problem of unidentified flying objects.
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) memo written by CIA Director. Subject: flying saucers.
1952 CIA memo. Topic: flying saucers. Discusses the following:
"The phenomenal increase in flying saucer reports."
* Includes official CIA version of the first flying saucer sighting by Kenneth Arnold in 1947.
* Discusses hiding from the public the fact that the CIA is interested in flying saucers.
* Conclusion that flying saucers do not represent a military threat.
Time Check
* A polio epidemic hits the U.S., afflicting 47,663 people. Jonas Salk invents polio vaccine.
* Jacques Cousteau invents SCUBA gear, becomes first man to use it to explore underwater wreck.
Mr. Potato Head becomes the first children's toy to be advertised on television.
* George Jorgenson becomes Christine Jorgenson after the world's first sex change operation.
Memo to Director of CIA from CIA assistant director of scientific intelligence. Subject: unidentified flying objects
The memo states: Sightings of unexplained objects at great altitudes and traveling at high speeds in the vicinity of major U.S. defense installations are of such a nature that they are not attributable to natural phenomena or known types of aerial vehicles.
Also, the memo establishes UFOs as "a priority project throughout the intelligence and defense research and development community."
Memo to the heads of all military and government intelligence agencies.
Subject: flying saucer problem.
In essence, this memo says that flying saucers are a problem that should be attacked by a program of research and development.
Notice that the level of people sending and receiving these memos is the very top! No midlevel personnel involved.
Years: 1953-1958
Declassified Document Summaries
CIA Advisory Panel on unidentified flying objects. 1953.
The top minds from the major areas of science are gathered solely to discuss flying saucers. They concluded that UFOs were not a military threat; however misidentifying an enemy aircraft as a UFOs was a threat.
Time Check
* Color television broadcasts begin. 1953.
* Elvis records his first record. 1954.
* Tractors outnumber horses in the U.S. for the first time. 1955.
* James Brown records "Please, Please, Please." 1956.
* First transatlantic phone cable put in. (Prior to this all calls to Europe were made on a short-wave radio telephone.) 1956.
* Sputnik, the first satellite, is put in space by Russia. 1957.
* The first stereo records are sold. 1958.
* The first aluminum cans are made by Kaiser Aluminum. 1958.

CIA memo. Subject: Non-conventional air vehicles. 1954.
When addressing the public, the military and the CIA call them "unidentified flying objects;" however, in-house they were known to be an referred to as "non-conventional air vehicles" as this memo shows. The term UFO originally stood for "unconventional" flying object, not "unidentified."
CIA memo 1955.
The CIA is responsible for all non-conventional types of air vehicles, but the project is to be considered inactive (as far as the public goes).
CIA memo from the assistant director. Subject: flying saucers 1956.
"Are we keeping in touch with the Air Force center on these things?"
CIA report from Hungary with diagram. 1956.
Flying saucers sighted flying in formation from Budapest to Moscow. Estimated speed: 12,000 kilometers per hour. Top military planes can travel only about 600 miles per hour.
CIA memo 1958.
The CIA has an interest in keeping track of flying saucers, but public relations and community explanations are the responsibility of the Air Force.
Headline of Lonnie Zamora alien craft
Headline reporting Lonnie Zamora's encounter with
an alien craft in 1964 near Soccorro, New Mexico
Years: 1963 - 1969
Declassified Document Summaries
U.S. Air Force memo about Lonnie Zamora UFO sighting. 1964.
This is a famous UFO case in which a local, well-respected sheriff walked up to a UFO that was sitting on the ground with several small beings walking around it. When the beings saw Zamora, they got in the craft and took off. This occurred in the desert in New Mexico. This Air Force memo states: "Information obtained during the investigation revealed that the sighting was legitimate and there was no indication that a hoax was being perpetrated."
Sheriff Lonnie Zamora approaches alien craft
Sheriff Lonnie Zamora approaches alien craft

Time Check
* Louie Louie isRecorded by The Kingsmen 1963.
* Cassius Clay defeats Sonny Liston to become heavyweight boxing champ. 1964.
* The Beatles begin their first American tour. 1964.
* Astroturf is used for the first time in the Houston Astrodome. 1965.
* Jimi Hendrix releases his first single "Hey Joe." 1966.
* Apollo 11 lands on the moon. 1969.
* Woodstock music festival in upstate New York. 1969.
* Elvis is back in the studio for the first time since 1955. 1969.

NICAP memo. Subject: National Investigation Committee on aerial phenomena. 1965.
States that their purpose is to obtain firsthand eyewitness accounts of UFO sightings and send copies of these accounts to various air force bases. The key statement: "We were told that there have been instances where the Air Force has attempted to intimidate witnesses and get them to sign false statements relative to UFO sightings."
Department of Defense memo. Subject: announcing the termination of "Project Blue Book." 1969.
Project Blue Book was the "official" Air Force investigation into UFOs. When asked about UFOs government officials always point to this announcement made in 1969. It says the Air Force has investigated UFOs and is no longer interested. Since the Air Force would seem to be the most logical military branch to carry out this investigation, the implication is that UFOs do not exist and that no government agency is investigating them. Wrong! Forget the Air Force! Continue to read through some of the following documents and you will see that virtually every other military branch and all the intelligence agencies keep track of flying saucers.

Cover of Project Blue Book report
Cover of Project Blue Book report
Years: 1975 - 1987
Declassified Document Summaries

National Security Council memo. 1975.
States that we still need to study UFOs so they do not "confuse our early warning systems in case of an attack (by Russia)."

CIA memo. 1976.
Discusses the effects of magnetic and electromagnetic fields on the astronauts. Key line: "This in turn is related to the possible propulsion systems of UFOs."

Time Check
* The Vietnam War ends. 1975.
* VHS VCRs are introduced. 1976.
* Apple introduces the first disk drive for personal computers. 1978.
* Dan Ackroyd and John Belushi are the "Blues Brothers." 1980.
* Compact Disc (CD) players are marketed by Sony. 1982.
* Michael Jackson and Quincy Jones combine to make "Thriller." 1982.
* The space shuttle Challenger explodes. 1986.
* Home computers are still rare. The chief executive of a major computer manufacturing company states there is no need for a home computer. 1987.
Year: 1990
In 1990 there is a dramatic shift in the focus of the intelligence documents now available to the public. The focus becomes the constant UFO sightings occurring in Russia and the rest of Europe, especially Belgium. Here are several CIA and Department of Defense documents that give first-hand accounts of confirmed experiences by Russian military captains.

Declassified Document Summaries

Department of Defense memo and distribution list. Subject: Belgium and the UFO issue.
Remember the memo from 1969 which said the Air Force was no longer interested or involved in UFO investigations? Well, look who IS interested. Start out by reviewing this first document. It is the distribution list for a UFO memo. The subject is UFO sightings in Belgium, a hotbed of UFO activity. Virtually every branch of the military, all the intelligence agencies, the White House, NATO, and various embassies all got a five-page memo about something which supposedly does not exist.
Time Check
* Voyager I sends back to earth the first photograph of our solar system taken from space.
* Milli Vanilli gets busted for faking it and has to give back their Grammy.
* The space probe Magellan, launched one year before, reaches Venus.
Department of Defense memo. Subject: Soviet Colonel General Maltsev's comments.
Rabochaya Tribuna, a leading Soviet newspaper, states: "Colonel General Maltsev's documents are a substantial confirmation that UFOs piloted by intelligent beings of some sort have been visiting the USSR." Colonel General Igor Maltsev is the chief of the main staff of the Soviet Air Defense Forces. In other words, he is the Top Dog, the guy who runs the entire Air Defense system for Russia.
Department of Defense memo. Subject: Japanese expedition to Siberia.
A Russian scientific and industrial journal, Sotsialisticheskkaya Industriyia, describes a Japanese expedition to the site of the Tunguska Meteorite in Siberia. In theory, a great meteorite exploded there in 1908, destroying trees over an area of hundreds of square miles. No meteorite has ever been found. The Japanese research team concluded that the explosion had clearly been caused by the crash of a nuclear-powered spacecraft. The Japanese scientists erected a monument at the site, the first memorial in the USSR to commemorate a UFO. This sounds exciting, but it could have been a meteorite. We now know that meteorites frequently explode just above the earth's surface with the force of an atomic bomb.
Author and science journalist Linda Moulton Howe was told by a military intelligence officer that "Aliens told us (U.S. military) that the explosion at Tunguska was the result of a nuclear-powered engine being accidentally jettisoned from an alien spacecraft."
Majestic 12 Group (MJ-12)MJ-12 Document CoverCover of the famous MJ-12 Extraterrestrial recovery documents
Majestic 12 (MJ-12) Group
The MJ-12 documents are an eight-page memo dated November 18, 1952, outlining the establishment of a secret group by outgoing President Harry Truman. The memo was prepared for President-elect Dwight Eisenhower.
The document simply describes the fact that the U.S. government recovered a crashed alien spacecraft and bodies in 1947 outside of Roswell, New Mexico. It also states that another crash occurred in Texas near the Mexican border in 1950. At that time Truman established a group known as Majestic-12, sometimes referred to as MJ-12. The purpose of the group was to determine how to handle the implications of the Roswell incident and the existence of extraterrestrial beings. The original members of the group were the very top people in government and science. Since they have all died and the names may not be familiar to you, a list of who they were and what positions they held is included.
They are the most dramatic UFO documents ever leaked to the public!
Where Did the Documents Come From?
The MJ-12 documents were received on a roll of undeveloped 35mm film by UFO researcher Jaime Shandera in 1984. Shandera had earlier worked with a group of military intelligence personnel who referred to themselves as the "Insiders," who had expressed a desire to have the true facts about flying saucers released to the public.
The documents are the first to uncover the true facts of the dramatic UFO/alien body crash recovery that occurred at Roswell. The story of the investigation of the MJ-12 documents alone could fill a book, and did (see below).
Alien Crash At Roswell, NM in 1947
Alien crash at Roswell, NM in 1947
The Controversy
The MJ-12 documents have undergone intense scrutiny both by people who claim they are genuine and by those who claim they are fake. Complicating matters is the fact that the actual paper documents have never been available for examination. Instead, there are only photos of the documents which Shandera received on a roll of film.
Clearing the Smoke
After clearing the smoke, here is what remains:
The preponderance of evidence leans heavily towards those who think the documents are genuine. The research on the "real" side is more thorough.
The side arguing that the documents are fake have made several lightweight claims, most of which were easily refuted by research. In fact, the "fake" side, led by known UFO debunker Philip Klass, had to pay off a $1,000 bet when Klass'claims that certain parts of the document were fake were disproved. The check was written out to Stanton Friedman. Friedman has kept copies of the cancelled check, and made them available for all to see.

Here is the key point: Even if the documents had been faked the research into confirming their authenticity led to finding 160 eyewitnesses who saw or handled wreckage or bodies from the crashed flying saucer! Many of these eyewitnesses have signed sworn affidavits. Others have given what amounts to dying declarations, both allowable as evidence in any court of law in the United States. In addition, all their stories fit together like the workings of a fine watch. Their time frames all line up, as do their descriptions. The evidence that the crash at Roswell really did occur is now so overwhelming that the MJ-12 documents are just a confirmation of the event.
The Double Reverse
In another effort to authenticate the MJ-12 papers, one researcher used a unique but effective approach. Lee Graham, an aerospace worker, realized that anything stamped "Top Secret" (like the MJ-12 papers) fell under government security regulations; specifically, Department of Defense regulation 5200.1-R, which requires government employees or government-contracted workers to report any leak or breach of security with Top Secret documents. The forging or faking of Top Secret documents is also a violation of this statute.
The FBI Checks Them Out
Graham reported the MJ-12 documents as being either stolen or forged. The FBI spent over one year investigating whether these documents were forged or not. The FBI concluded two things:
First, if the MJ-12 papers were forged, it was an incredible forgery, unlike any they had ever seen in the past. The details of the people and events from fifty years ago were absolutely accurate and coincided with their internal documents.
And second, if the documents were real, they could not get any part of the U.S. government to acknowledge that they had lost them.
So, here for your review are the MJ-12 documents. For a complete history of the MJ-12 documents, get Stanton T. Friedman's Final Report on Operation Majestic 12. To see a complete set of the MJ-12 documents, go to the 'Documents' section of this website
The Original Members of Majestic-12
Dr. Lloyd V. Berkener
Explorer and scientist, he headed a group that later became the Weapons Systems Evaluation Group. He was also a member of a CIA panel that determined that UFOs did not constitute a threat to U.S. national security. Berkener was the executive director at Carnegie Institute, and was a member of the Joint Research and Development Board in 1946.
Photo of Dr. Lloyd Berkener
Dr. Lloyd Berkener
Dr. Detlev Bronk
Physiologist, aviation expert, and prominent member of the National Academy of Science, he served as president of both Johns Hopkins and Rockefeller Universities. He was chairman of the Nuclear Research Committee and the medical advisor for the Atomic Energy Commission. Bronk also served on the Scientific Advisory Committee of Brookhaven National Laboratory where he worked with Dr. Edward Condon (who completed a major UFO study for the Air Force).
Photo of Dr. Detlev Bronk
Dr. Detlev Bronk
Dr. Vannevar Bush
A leader in research and development at MIT and Carnegie Institute, he was at one time the head of each of the following: Office of Scientific Research and Development, the Joint Research and Development Board, and the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics. The Office of Scientific Research and Development was responsible for the development of the atomic bomb. Bush also put together the National Defense Research Council in 1941.
Photo of Dr. Vannevar Bush
Dr. Vannevar Bush
James Forrestal
Forrestal was under secretary of the Navy, then secretary of the Navy. He became the first secretary of Defense in 1947, during the time of the Roswell crash. In 1949 he committed a very mysterious suicide. There was talk that he didn't want to hide the truth about flying saucers from the public. His suicide was considered to be just as weird in his day as the Vince Foster suicide was during the Clinton administration.
Photo of James Forrestal
James Forrestal
Gordon Gray
Secretary of the Army, he later held several high security positions under Presidents Truman and Eisenhower. He was also a consultant on UFOs and reported directly to CIA Director Walter B. Smith.
Photo of Gordon Gray
Gordon Gray
Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter
He was the first director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Later he became a member of NICAP, the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena. He publicly stated that "UFOs are real É through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense."
Photo of Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter
Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter
Dr. Jerome Hunsaker
Head of the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics; chairman of the Departments of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering at MIT.
Photo of Dr. Jerome Hunsaker
Dr. Jerome Hunsaker
Dr. Donald Menzel
Director of the Harvard College Observatory and an expert in cryptoanalysis, the science of breaking codes and deciphering unknown languages and symbols. Menzel was involved in very high-level intelligence operations during and after World War II.
Photo of Dr. Donald Menzel
Dr. Donald Menzel
General Robert M. Montegue
Head of the Armed Forces Special Weapons Center, he was also an Army general at Fort Bliss and as such had control over the White Sands Nuclear Research facility and the Sandia Atomic Energy Commission facility at Albuquerque, New Mexico during the time of the saucer crash at Roswell.
Photo of General Robert Montegue
General Robert Montegue
Admiral Sidney Souers
Souers was the first director of Central Intelligence, the precursor to the Central Intelligence Agency. He was also a member of the National Security Council and a special consultant for military intelligence operations.
Photo of Admiral Sidney Souers
Admiral Sidney Souers
General Nathan Twining
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force, Twining was also the commander of the Air Materiel Command based at Wright-Patterson Air base, where the debris and bodies from the Roswell crash were taken. Twining was known to have cancelled a scheduled trip on July 8, 1947, just days after the crash at Roswell and the same day Roswell Army Air Base sent out a press release stating that a flying saucer had been recovered. In a now-famous memo, Twining stated that UFOs were very real.
Photo of General Nathan Twining
General Nathan Twining
General Hoyt Vandenburg
Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force and former director of Central Intelligence, he was allegedly in charge of security for the MJ-12 group.
Vandenburg Air Force base in California, where the space shuttle often lands, is named after him.
Photo of General Hoyt Vandenburg
General Hoyt Vandenburg
Alien Government ProjectsCover of Project Blue Book DocumentsCover of project Blue Book documents
The Projects
* Project Sign.
* Project Saucer.
* Project Grudge.
* Project Blue Book.
* Undocumented projects.
* The Condon Report.

Well, what does any right-thinking government bureaucrat always do when there's a problem, order up some studies, or "Projects."

Project Sign
The members of Project Sign were the first group assigned to study flying saucers in the U.S. military. The project was begun as a result of a top-secret letter written by Lt. General Nathan Twining. Twining was the former Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army and at the time of his letter he was the Chief of the Air Material Command, Air Technical Intelligence Center at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Basically, Twining was the top dog in the military, particularly when it dealt with aircraft. He was the Colin Powell of his day. He was also in charge at Wright-Patterson Air Base, which is where the military took the crashed saucer and debris from the Roswell incident. In his letter dated September 23, 1947, Twining states:
The considered opinion of the Command concerning the so-called "flying discs" that:

a. The phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious.
b. There are objects probably approximating the shape of a disc, of such appreciable size as to appear as large as man-made aircraft.
Lt. General Nathan Twining
Top Secret letter
September 23, 1947
(See a copy of this letter in the 'Documents' section)
Photo of General Nathan Twining
General Nathan Twining
Project Sign was begun in February 1948. It lasted one year.
Project Saucer/Project Grudge
On February 11, 1949, Project Sign was officially changed to Project Grudge. Inside the military, Project Sign had been known as "Project Saucer." The existence of the group was leaked to the press and the group's name was changed to "Grudge." (Secret Intelligence Documents on the following pages refer to the "Saucer Project.")
Project Grudge report
Project Grudge report

They're Not Dangerous; Let's Call It Off
Project Grudge was terminated by the Air Force on December 27, 1949. The Air Force stated that they had completed their investigation of the UFO phenomenon. The concluding report is officially entitled:
Unidentified Flying Objects, Project Grudge.
Technical Report No. 102-AC-49/15-100.
Everybody just called it "The Grudge" report. At this point the military had determined that the saucers themselves were not dangerous.
Project Blue Book
Project Blue Book is the most famous of the flying saucer projects. Anyone who has looked into this subject has heard of Project Blue Book. In fact, the project was done for the public. At this point the military knew flying saucers were not dangerous; if they were, they could have and would have attacked us by now. And, there was no question of their superior technology. They were just zipping around watching man do his dance on this planet. The military was not afraid of flying saucers, but they were afraid of flying-saucer reports!

Photo of Project Blue Book
Project Blue Book investigative reports
This is what Project Blue Book was for:
1. To assure the public that the military knew what was going on and to calm them by patiently taking reports.

2. To explain away as many reports as possible by claiming them to be naturally occurring phenomenon like swamp gas and balloons.

3. To use shame and ridicule to embarrass people into not reporting flying saucer sightings.

A Potent Technique That Has Been Very Effective
My own research has shown that over 35 percent of the population has seen a flying saucer and has never told their friends or family!
It appears that if you want to keep a secret, the use of shame, embarrassment, and ridicule is the best way.
Some People Would Rather Die Than Be Embarrassed
Physicians will tell you that most people who have their first heart attack do not seek treatment at the first signs because they are embarrassed that they may be making a big deal out of nothing. Instead, they elect to do nothing. They basically decide to die rather than risk embarrassment. Thousands of people die needlessly every year because they are too embarrassed to have their rectums and colons examined. Colon cancer kills more people than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined.
Have your parents ever really talked to you about sex? In graphic detail? Probably not! They are too embarrassed.

Clear Evidence
So here we are drowning in clear evidence that we are not alone in the universe. We are being visited by other intelligent beings (and I don't mean microbes), and your parents are too embarrassed to look at the facts and talk about it. I'm hoping you can get a grip and do better.

Project Blue Book is Not a Book!
Project Blue Book is a bunch of files containing over 13,000 reports of UFO and flying saucer incidents. It is not, and never was, a book. The files themselves are not even all located in the same place. These 13,000 files are the ones that were somehow designated as Blue Book files. There were over fifty thousand cases that came in during the existence of Project Blue Book that were never even catalogued. They're still sitting in a warehouse somewhere.

It Was Never Made Public
Although it was supposed to be a public project the files were never made available to the public until some years after the project ended. Project Blue Book ran from 1952 until 1969. On December 17, 1969 the Air Force ended Project Blue Book, saying they had accounted for all the sightings and by the way, the Air Force was no longer interested in UFOs. The implication was, of course, that no one in the government was interested in UFOs.

Interested Agencies
Maybe the Air Force wasn't interested, but everyone else in the government was! Check out the memo cover sheet on page xx. The subject is flying saucers and every branch of the military, all the intelligence agencies, many U.S. Embassies, NATO, and the White House, they all got a copy!
Report Number 14
Project Blue Book report #14
The cover from Project Blue Book's Report #14

Report #14 is the most important part of Project Blue Book. Almost nobody knows about it and those who do don't want to talk about it. It is the most important part of Project Blue Book because Report #14 completely refutes the conclusions the Air Force made about flying saucers in the very same Project Blue Book. It's a classic case of "Figures lie and liars figure."
Here is the data from Project Blue Book:
Type of UFO Number Percentage
Astronomical 3,412 26.0
Aircraft 2,237 17.0
Balloons 1,223 9.3
Radar Phen. 152 1.2
Psychological 63 0.5
Hoax 116 0.9
Meteorological 44 0.3
Birds 85 0.6
Insufficient Information 2,409 18.3
Other 2,807 21.4
Here are the conclusions reached in report #14. The report says: "All evidence and analysis indicate that the reports of unidentified flying objects are the result of:
1. Misinterpretation of various conventional objects.
2. A mild form of mass hysteria.
3. Hoaxes.
Yet, look at the numbers above. Their own data show two of the categories: "Hoaxes" and "Psychological" combined equal only 1.2 percent!
Combining two other categories: "Insufficient Information" and "Other" totals almost 40 percent! Thus by their own data they acknowledge that almost half of all sightings are unaccounted for and are not conventional objects!
One more thing you should know: this thing about "mass hysteria." For there to be mass hysteria, the people all have to be in close proximity with each other at the time the triggering event is going on. Like a rock concert, for instance. When it comes to flying-saucer sightings, the people reporting them are spread all over the globe. They are not next to each other and their sightings occur at different times. "Mass hysteria" is not a likely possibility.

In Conclusion
The next time someone brings up Project Blue Book, whip out the numbers and Report #14 and be done with it. It is not just the United States, all governments worldwide are withholding information about flying saucers from the public.

Undocumented Projects
These basically amount to well-founded rumors, but since it is abundantly clear that the U.S. government has been lying to us for over fifty years, rumors are fair balls. However, whenever something is a rumor or undocumented, I will tell you up front. Including rumors is not an intention to mislead you. There is simply a good chance that many rumors are in fact closer to the truth than the "truth" we have gotten from the government and the military.
Information about these projects has been leaked by so-called government sources; however, there is no way to prove if these projects are real or not. Here they are for your review:
Project Gleem
Started by President Eisenhower to study UFOs. Later became Project Aquarius.

Project Aquarius
Funded by the CIA, supposedly to gather information about alien life forms through sightings and human encounters with aliens.

Project Sigma
Created for the purpose of establishing communications with aliens. Supposedly a face-to-face meeting with aliens occurred in 1959 as a result of this project.

Project Bando
Designed to gather medical information about alien races.

Project Pounce
Created for evaluating alien space technology.
Project Snowbird
Established to test flights of recovered alien spacecraft. Supposedly, it is still going on.

Photo of Condon Report
The Condon Report
The Condon Report
The Condon Report was the result of a study commissioned by the Air Force to study UFOs. It was headed by E. U. Condon and conducted with a team of thirty-six people at the University of Colorado during 1967 and 1968. The report reached the conclusion that further study of UFOs was not worthwhile. The results were released in 1969, and the Air Force used them as a basis to discontinue Project Blue Book.
Photo of Dr. Edward U. Condon
Dr. Edward U. Condon
Many people were critical of the findings of the report. Many sightings were classified as naturally occurring phenomena, but when looked at more closely simply could not be accounted for. For example, hard-radar readings showing craft traveling in excess of 1,500 miles per hour were called "radar bounce-back" despite statements to the contrary by experienced radar operators.
Aliens and Area 51Map of Area 51 in NevadaMap of Area 51 in Nevada
Area 51
Dreamland is the code name for Area 51. Area 51 is a "secret" military base located about 90 miles north of Las Vegas, Nevada. It is also known as Groom Lake, named for the dry lake bed the military base is sitting on. The size of the base is six miles wide by ten miles long. Recently the Federal government has seized an additional 85,000 acres surrounding the base to keep observers at a distance.
Contained somewhere on the grounds is a large air base that the U.S. government will not discuss. It is considered so sensitive that only those who take an oath of secrecy for life are allowed in. Civilian contractors and others who work at the base are flown in every morning aboard unmarked planes with blacked-out windows. It is said that structures are built deep into the desert floor, with buildings going down thirty to forty stories below the surface.
Area 51 Sign
Area 51 warning sign
Use of Deadly Force
The perimeter of the base is covered with ground sensors and listening devices to detect even the smallest intrusion. It is also heavily patrolled by armed guards from the Wackenhut Corporation, a very serious private security firm. These guys aren't your normal rent-a-cops that local concert promoters use. In short, they will kill you. End of story.
The board of directors of the Wackenhut Corporation reads like a Who's Who of the intelligence community. Here are some of the guys who are said to be or have been on the board:
Admiral Bobby Ray Inman
Admiral Bobby Ray Inman
Former Deputy CIA Director and a bunch of other high military positions. If you know anything about the military, you know who this guy is.

Frank Carlucci
Frank Carlucci
Former Deputy Director of the CIA.

General Joseph Carroll
General Joseph Carroll
Former DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) Director.

Clarence Kelly
Clarence Kelly
Former FBI Director.
James J. Rowley
James J. Rowley
Former Secret Service Director.

William Casey
William Casey
Former CIA Director (deceased).
So, What's the Big Deal?
Area 51 was first opened in 1955 as a testing facility for the U-2 spy plane being developed by Lockheed Aircraft. Area 51 has since become a popular symbol for the U.S. government Alien / UFO cover-up. Area 51 is supposedly where recovered alien spacecraft are being tested and reversed-engineered to learn how they work.

S-4 is a parcel of land that is a part of Area 51. The most secret research actually takes place there. Or so we've been told.

Secret? Hardly. This military base is so well known that every school kid in America recognizes its name. It has been a part of most UFO researcher's vocabulary for decades. Every military power in the world is aware of Area 51. As part of an international treaty called the "Open Skies Treaty," the United States Government is required to fly other countries over the base upon demand. The U.S. government has reciprocal privileges for their bases. Not only that, but Area 51 is not just a U.S. base, it is an international base being run by a consortium of many countries.

SR71 Blackbird spy plane
SR71 Blackbird, originally developed and flown out of Area 51
Air Surveillance Photos
Partly as a result of this arrangement there are literally thousands of air surveillance and satellite photographs available of this "secret" base. Russian surveillance photographs taken from their satellites of Area 51 are available to anyone over the Internet any day, anytime, for free! I have even included one for you in this chapter. This base may be many things, but one thing it's not is secret!

Satellite photo of Area 51
Satellite photo of Area 51

The Mainstream Media Catches Up
In April 1994 Popular Science magazine featured a satellite photo of the Groom Lake base on the cover. The issue contained an article on the base and its history. This ignited mainstream media interest in learning more about Area 51. Even TV personality and broadcaster Larry King has gone to Area 51 and done a whole show from a set just outside the perimeter. If Larry King knows, how secret could it be?
Popular mechanics magazine cover
Popular Mechanics Magazine cover

Aurora Superplane
When I say Aurora, I'm not talking about your dad's Oldsmobile. The Aurora is a new kind of supersonic plane that allegedly flies out of Area 51. Its estimated cost: $15 billion! It runs on controlled explosions of cryogenic (real cold) methane or ammonia. Estimated speed: eight times the speed of sound, or around 6,000 miles per hour. It leaves a vapor trail from the engine's explosions that resemble donuts strung on a rope.
The aerodynamics of the Aurora are reported to be very different from conventional aircraft. Thus, the Aurora is a very dangerous craft to fly and has had an exceedingly high casualty rate.
Aurora Superplane over Groom Lake, Nevada
Aurora Superplane over Groom Lake, Nevada (Area 51)

Lawsuit May Lift the Veil of Secrecy
As reported in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and on CBS's "60 Minutes," Area 51 is being sued. A number of workers at the base have exhibited strange symptoms, such as watching their skin turn flaming red and then fall off. Several have died recently and their relatives are suing the U.S. government. Other employees have come forward and stated that the base has engaged heavily in illegal toxic waste dumping and burning, resulting in the employee deaths.
The lawsuit and the allegations are serious. The government is afraid the veil of secrecy about the very existence of this base could be lifted and is arguing that any disclosure about Area 51 could pose a "serious risk" to national security.
Photo of President Bill Clinton
President Bill Clinton
President Clinton's Response
Bill Clinton has signed an executive order exempting Area 51 (Groom Lake) from releasing its environmental reports to the public. See the full text of Clinton's executive order in the 'Documents' section.
Physicist Bob Lazar
Physicist Bob Lazar
Bob Lazar
Physicist Bob Lazar has claimed he has worked on alien spacecraft at Area 51. Lazar says that nine alien saucers are housed there to learn how they work. (That's reverse-engineering, for all you techno-geeks.) Lazar's saga is long and controversial. After coming forward and making his statements, Lazar's records of employment and evidence of his attending school all disappeared. He was later indicted and plea-bargained on a charge of pandering and solicitation.
However, Lazar was working as a bookkeeper at the time. One of his clients was running a prostitution ring on the side. It was well established that Lazar was bookkeeping only for the client's legitimate business and was not involved in his client's shady side business. It was evident from the beginning that the real target was Lazar.
Many of the things Lazar initially said sounded outlandish, but have since been confirmed by other sources.
Extraterrestrial Highway sign near Area 51
Extraterrestrial Highway sign near Area 51 in Nevada
Jarod 2
Another Area 51 worker who goes by the name of Jarod 2 confirms Lazar's story. Supposedly, Jarod (pronounced Jay-rod) was the name given an alien who was housed at the base. The alias, Jarod 2, is a reference to this alien being.
Jarod 2 is a seventy-year old retired engineer. He says he worked for thirty years designing reproductions of alien flying saucers. He also says he has seen gray alien beings during his work on the project. Jarod 2 says his former employers have given him permission to speak semi-publicly about his experiences in order to help prepare the American public about the truth of alien existence. Jarod 2 states that the project is even more advanced than Lazar was aware of.
The Men In BlackThe Men in Black
The Men in Black
"Who Are Those Guys?"
Paul Newman
From the movie, 'Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid'

Thanks to the hit movie starring Will Smith and Tommie Lee Jones everybody has heard of the Men in Black. The movie proposed that their job is to protect the earth from the "scum of the universe." Well, that's just movie talk. The truth is a lot harder to get a handle on. Nobody knows if these guys are government agents, aliens in disguise, or just a group of intelligence operatives trying to keep a secret.
Here's what I do know: They're real. They generally show up when ordinary citizens have an extraordinary sighting or encounter with a flying saucer or its occupants. They seem bent on intimidating those individuals into not talking about what they have seen. They even attempt to do this with law-enforcement officers and military personnel. There have been hundreds if not thousands of incidents reported about these men in black.
What "Black" Means
The word 'black' when used in this context means covert, undercover, not seen. When a person enters the intelligence community and becomes involved in operations and projects, all their government files basically disappear. They are no longer accessible through the normal channels. When this happens it is said the person has "gone black."
Some people think the MIBs are Aliens
Complicating matters is the fact that many times it appears that the men in black are humanoid-type aliens masquerading as humans. Many people in the military are aware that this may the be case (in some instances).

Alien men In Black?
Are some Men in Black Aliens?
Dr. Herbert Hopkins
Dr. Hopkins was actively investigating a UFO abduction case in 1976 when one evening during the summer a stranger called him on the phone and asked if he could come by and talk to him about the case. This was despite the fact that the case had not been publicized at all. Hopkins agreed, hung up the phone, and immediately walked to his door to turn on the porch light so the caller could see the steps when he arrived. Hopkins was surprised to see a man walking up the stairs of the porch as he was turning on the light. He was shocked when the man introduced himself as the person who had just called him. (There were no cellular phones in 1976.)
The Black Suit Routine
The man was dressed in black suit, black tie, black hat, and gray gloves. In the summertime! The man's skin was a pale sickly color and he appeared to be wearing bright red lipstick, a fact which turned out to be true as Hopkins later watched some of the lipstick rub onto the man's gray glove.
Vanished Into Thin Air
The man asked Hopkins to take out the two coins that were in Hopkins' pocket. Stunned, Hopkins did it. He told Hopkins to watch the coins in his hand. The two coins simply vanished into thin air! Then the man told him, "Neither you nor anyone else on this planet will ever see those coins again."
The man then said his "energy was running low" and left. Shortly after stepping off Hopkins' porch, the man himself disappeared.
When the Scare Started
The first widely acknowledged case of Men In Black intimidating UFO witnesses occurred in 1953. A fellow by the name of Albert K. Bender was the editor of a magazine called Space Review. He was also the founder of an organization called the International Flying Saucer Bureau.
During the summer of 1953 Bender apparently discovered some vital information pointing to the cover-up of the existence of flying saucers by the U.S. government. He had written several articles scheduled to appear in the next issue of his magazine. The next thing he knew, three guys show up at his door all dressed in black: black suits, black hats, and sunglasses. They told him they had read his article, even though it had not yet been published. They told him his information was accurate, but that he better not publish the article. In fact, they told him that he'd better not publish anything more about flying saucers. They said, "We advise those engaged in saucer work to please be very cautious." They basically scared him so badly that Bender officially retired from UFO investigations.
Man in Black
Super Secret ' Man In Black'
Other MIB Reports
* A teenager is threatened by MIBs and has photos of flying saucers seized from him.
* MIBs make a coin disappear from a UFO witness and tell him, "Your heart will do the same if you talk."
* A former Air Force officer who learned about information on extraterrestrials from NASA was harassed, tranquilized, and interrogated.
Even the Military Doesn't Know Who MIB's Are
In 1967 the United States Air Force expressed concern about finding out more about these guys in black who were going around scaring people and saying they were from the U.S. armed services. Here's a statement by Colonel George P. Freeman, the spokesperson for Project Blue Book at the Pentagon:
"Mysterious men dressed in Air Force uniforms or all in black and bearing impressive credentials from government agencies have been silencing UFO witnesses. We have checked a number of these cases, and these men are not connected to the Air Force in any way. We haven't been able to find out anything about these men. By posing as Air Force officers and government agents, they are committing a Federal offense. We would sure like to catch one, unfortunately the trail is always too cold by the time we hear about these cases, but we are still trying."
General Hewitt T. Wheless
Air Force General Hewitt T. Wheless
The Joint Chiefs of Staff are in the Dark Too!
Assistant Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force Lt. General Hewitt T. Wheless sent a memo on March 1, 1967 to various agencies in the Department of Defense. Here's what it said:
"Information, not verifiable, has reached Hq.USAF that persons claiming to represent the Air Force or other Defense establishments have contacted citizens who have sighted unidentified flying objects. In one reported case, an individual in civilian clothes, who represented himself as a member of NORAD, demanded and received photos belonging to a private citizen. In another, a person in an Air Force uniform approached local police and other citizens who had sighted a UFO, assembled them in a school room and told them that they did not see what they thought they saw and that they should not talk to anyone about the sighting. All military and civilian personnel and particularly information officers and UFO investigating officers who hear of such reports should immediately notify their local OSI offices."
Three Real Cases
Here are three encounters with the Men in Black that were told to me personally. In each case the person told me about this event without my initiating the conversation on this topic. Each person asked that I not use his or her real name if I told anyone else. In honoring those requests I'm using a pseudonym for the individual. Understandably, there seems to be a need to tell someone about what happened. With the secrecy and intimidation still surrounding any event that has to do with flying saucers or alien beings, people who have these encounters generally don't trust telling someone who doesn't have a clue that these guys even exist.
Larry approached me following a meeting on UFOs. He was about twenty-five years old, casually but nicely dressed. He walked up to me and said, "You know, I had something very strange happen to me and my buddy. I don't like to talk about it because it kind of scares me." So I asked him what happened. He was clearly nervous and even stuttered a little. Here's what he told me:
Late one night in a state of semi-sleep, he felt a presence in his bedroom. The "presence" communicated with him and let him know it was from another world. Larry asked why all the secrecy and if they were real why they didn't just show up in the daytime. They told him that the next time he was with his best friend (whom they called by name) he would indeed see them and he would know it was them.
Larry said the entire conversation did not exactly take place using words. It was more like he understood what they were thinking and feeling without actual words. I know it sounds weird, but this is very common in human/alien interactions. For the most part, none of the aliens use verbal language, it is all telepathic, and sometimes it's in the human's own language. Many times it is a combination of feeling, "a knowingness", and understanding on a level we have not yet discovered how to describe.
When Larry woke in the morning he wasn't sure if he had been dreaming or not, but the experience was so vivid and unlike any dream he had ever had before that he thought about it daily for months afterwards.
Larry's best friend was now in the military and he didn't see him for months. His friend returned home just in time for the Fourth of July, and they decided to go down to a local park where some of his family members were holding a big picnic. The two of them were just kind of standing around, when a black van pulled up about fifty yards away. The two front doors opened and two men dressed all in black suits with black hats and dark sunglasses got out. Larry was startled because he began to remember his "dream." The two men opened the sliding door on the side of the van and two more guys got out. They too were head-to-toe in black, with shades.
Larry said, "First of all, it was hot. It was the middle of the afternoon and well over 80 degrees, and these guys were in black, with hats! Next, the two guys who got out of the side looked different. They didn't look human. I can't describe it, but their arms looked too long or something. Then they sat down at a picnic table and they all turned around and looked right at me and my buddy. After that he got real quiet. Then they just got back in the van and drove off. My buddy won't talk about it. He pretends like nothing happened, but I know he saw them and he knows I know."
Christine was a career military person. She is a pilot and flew in the Armed Forces of the United States. She is even a member of the now infamous "Tailhook Association." For those who don't know, Tailhook is an association for Navy Fighter pilots. The name Tailhook comes from the hook on the back of fighter jets that is used to catch the planes when they land on an aircraft carrier. Here is what Christine told me:
"One night a large UFO showed up and hovered over the base for about forty minutes. Everybody saw it. We were all pilots and we knew it wasn't ours. We could also tell because the brass didn't know what it was either. When it left, it took off at phenomenal speed. The next day a bunch of black sedans showed up on the base. Each one had four guys all dressed in black with hats. They got out and went to every building on the base and "encouraged" us not to talk about what we saw. I'm not easily intimidated. I know how to use a firearm and I've flown in combat conditions, but these guys meant business."
Colonel Rogers
Colonel Rogers had retired from the military and lived alone. Rogers had mentioned to some people he had seen UFOs and his work in the military had assured them that they were real. Several days later a man dressed in black showed up at his door. When Rogers opened it the man began to warn him about not talking about UFOs. Rogers told the man, "OK, just a minute." He excused himself went into his bedroom and came back to the front door with a loaded .45 pistol. He cocked it, pointed it at the man's head and said, "I don't know if you are CIA, NSA, or an alien, but somebody will have a lot of explaining to do if I blow your head off. Now get out of here."
The next day another man showed up wearing regular business attire (no black suit with shades). He hailed the colonel from the front yard with his arms raised, said he was unarmed, and asked if he could talk to him briefly. The colonel allowed the guy to approach. The guy said, "Look Colonel, we're sorry, no more guys will show up at your house. Some of this UFO information is still classified and we would appreciate it if you just didn't talk too much about it. OK? Thanks." And, then the guy left.
Unmarked Black helicopters
Unmarked Black helicopters
(©1997 William L. McDonald)

Black Helicopters
These are similar to the Men in Black. Abductees, contactees, and people who have UFO encounters often report being followed by black helicopters. Once again, no one is sure if these are government aircraft or alien craft disguised as helicopters. There are cases which point to both.
One contactee, author Kim Carlsberg, has recorded being followed by black helicopters on the days following a nighttime abduction experience.
It's Probably the Army
Unconfirmed sources say these black helicopters belong to the U.S. Army, 160th SOAR Division. The helicopters are black, or in some cases a very dark green, because they are "stealth aircraft" technology and cannot be detected by radar, just like the stealth bombers and fighters. Apparently these craft are also made available to other government agencies, including but not limited to the CIA, FEMA, and NSA.

FEMA Agency Logo
FEMA Again
I mention this again. FEMA stands for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. This is the organization you hear about on your local news whenever there has been a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, flood, or any other major catastrophe. FEMA manages the funds that are doled out by the government to states and individuals to help them recover from these events.
In looking into covert or "black" operations, FEMA comes up again and again. It appears that FEMA is used as a cover to direct funds into these covert operations. Can I prove it? No. However, FEMA turns up again and again from all kinds of different sources whenever government secrecy and funding is the topic. No other "civilian" agency does. Not the FDA, FAA, or USDA! Not only that, but after any major disaster people seem to have a hard time getting relief from this agency, as if there were not enough money there. Let's get a budget review done of FEMA funds and check it out!

Former President Richard Nixon
Former U.S. President Richard Milhouse Nixon
A Personal Note on FEMA
Shortly after the printed version of my book was published, a close friend of mine named Kevin read it and then told me the following:

Kevin said that his dad had worked for FEMA for years. However, he didn't know exactly what his dad did. Unlike other dads, his father never spoke about his work and he would often take short unexplained business trips out of town. Kevin always felt that there was much more to his fathers job at FEMA than just helping out with civilian emergencies.

One day Kevin was watching the news on TV with his dad and he asked him, "Dad, what is it exactly, that you do?" At the time, the televsion was giving a news broadcast showing then President Richard Nixon and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Kevin's father pointed at the screen and said:
"You see those two fellas there? I was in the same room with them yesterday." That was the end of the conversation. Kevin's dad never said another word about his job or his duties at FEMA.
Henry Kissinger
Former U.S. Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger
NASA Alien Cover UpNASA Logo
As Americans, we have loved and been proud of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Who didn't feel a rush while watching a shuttle lift-off? Who didn't have dreams of adventure when ordinary men and women were allowed to go into space on the shuttle?
It wasn't just rocket fuel that got them off the launching pad. It was our hearts, our faith, and our paychecks. Think of all the men and women who worked so hard and those who died to put our dreams in space, and never a complaint from a single taxpayer about footing the bill.
NASA Is Lying to Us!
You could say that NASA really stands for Never A Straight Answer. There is no easy way to put this: NASA has been hiding from the public clear and dramatic evidence of intelligent life in our universe.
From all indications the cover-up has been going on for decades. While researching this information, the one thing I didn't want to do is indict a whole agency and all the decent, honest men and women who work there. However, it is time to pull back the curtain on the wizard. NASA is lying to us.

NASA appear to be confused by many of the things they are seeing. They think they must have all the answers before releasing important data to the scientific community and the public.
They are also threatening and holding hostage the scientists and engineers who work there. Something clearly stinks, and too many insiders and former employees are coming forward to tell the truth. They can no longer live with this violation of the American heart, spirit, and paycheck. And neither can we.
We say to NASA: If you want to lie to us and withhold your findings, fine. Go get your funding privately, we're not going pay for it anymore. We can get someone to lie to us for free!
These laws prohibit NASA from withholding information from the public for any reason:
US Federal Law Section: 5 U.S.C. 552 (a) (4) (B) - (G)
Federal Register Notice: 14 CFR Part 1206 Subpart 8 (Failure to Release Records to the Public)
A specific example: There have been too many instances over the years of NASA withholding data and intimidating employees under the guise of national security concerns. So let's just concentrate on one; one you can confirm for yourself.

Mars Pathfinder Rover
Mars Pathfinder Rover

A NASA Cover up Right Before Your Very Eyes
The Mars Pathfinder Rover
NASA is withholding photos from the public and has gone back and altered the original images that came from the Mars Pathfinder Rover, the little car the scientists that wobbled along and took pictures of the Martian landscape and the rock they named "Yogi."
The Rover has the capability of transmitting high-resolution images. That means very clear, sharp, and detailed pictures. NASA acknowledges that they have received such images. However, the images that have been released to the public are the low-resolution images. They refuse to release any high-resolution images to the public or the scientific community. Try and get some of the high-resolution pictures. Call NASA Chief Administrator, Charles F. Bolden, at (202) 358-0001.

What are they hiding? Withholding the high-resolution images is against the law. The images belong to you. You paid for them. All the images coming from the Mars Rover are numbered. Here are three to begin with.
They appear in the 'Photos' section of this website.

Taken on Sol 2/July 5. Here is the original version. Good luck at finding this. NASA no longer posts this image on their website or makes it available to anyone.
The same image as 80881, but it has been altered. Notice the right/front portion of the picture and you will see crude cuts and fractals. Fractals are those blurred squares in the picture that hide the detail.
Has had the color balance altered to eliminate the details in the photo.

If you have an image editing program like Adobe Photoshop, or 'print screen' on your personal computer, you can blow up different portions of the images. If you do, you will clearly see where crude alterations have been made. In any images that were not altered what you will see on the blow-up will astound you.
A Noted Geologist Speaks Up
Ronald Nicks has a degree in geology and he is a registered geologist in Oregon and California, a registered engineering geologist in Oregon, and is certified by the American Institute of Professional Geologists. Nicks has also held numerous high-level management positions in geology for the U.S. Department of Energy. He has over thirty-five years of southwestern (Mars-like), desert geological experience. He also has a strong familiarity with archaeological sites and excavation.
Nicks made a close up examination of some of the original unaltered images. (Some of the images were sent in the first seven minutes of the Mars Rover's transmission. These images were apparently not expected by NASA to be transmitted, because the computer program sent them through sooner than expected.) What follows is what he discovered.
What the Martian "Rocks" Really Are
Here it is in a nutshell: the rocks may not be "rocks." They appear to be artifacts! Artifacts are things that have been made, like when you find an old arrowhead or a piece of broken pottery. What Nicks says is this: If you are out roaming around the desert, you may find a single rock in any one given shape. That is, you may find a rock shaped like a triangle. You may find another shaped like a circle and another shaped like a rectangle. But you won't find a rock with all three distinct shapes in it. You will find this only in artifacts made by intelligent beings. If you blow up many of the Mars Rover images, you will clearly see several different geometric shapes in the same item! You will see many right angles, evenly spaced, and you will see tubes and wheels. You will see items resembling gear cogs, all evenly spaced. This does not happen naturally.
They Don't Want You to See This
For some reason NASA does not want you to see this. Why? We're not sure. Investigations by John David Oates shows that part of the Mars Rover mission may have been the deployment of a weapon.

The New Head of NASA
On May 23, 2009, President Barack Obama appointed Major General Charles F. Bolden as NASA Administrator, the top position in the agency.
He is the first African-American to head the agency on a full-time basis.
Bolden has a distinguished career as a military fighter pilot and astronaut.
Charles Bolden is veteran of four space shuttle missions, including the flight that deployed the famed Hubble Space Telescope in 1990.
By all accounts, Bolden is one of the best of the best and a stand-up guy.
I'll bet he could tell us a few things. He's probably restricted from doing so, but let's ask him anyway:
"Hey Charlie, what about the ET craft you guys have seen We paid for the trip, how about some REAL info?"

NASA Chief Charles F. Bolden
Charles F. Bolden NASA Administrator
Demand Your Rights as a Citizen
Contact Charles F. Bolden. Call your congressman. Ask for your copy of the high-resolution, unaltered Mars Rover images. While you're at it, ask for the photos taken of the backside of the moon that they never showed the public. After all, they belong to you. You don't have to wait. You can go right now to the Web. Download a bunch of the "rock" images. Start blowing them up on your computer. You can see for yourself.
Russian Alien Encounters
Cigar Shaped Alien Craft Seen by Russians
Cigar Shaped Alien Craft Seen By Russian Pilots and Astronauts
Artwork © copyright and courtesy of Jeff Neff

Russian Alien Encounters
The Soviet Union, as we once knew it, has toppled. Vast amounts of information are now flowing out of Russia about experiences with flying saucers and beings from other worlds.
Officially Undocumented Proof
The Soviet Military Review is a journal which is published monthly in seven languages: Russian, English, Dary, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, and French. Many detailed articles on UFOs have appeared in this journal over the years. In an issue dated June, 1989, then-Soviet Chief of Air Defenses Igor Maltsev stated:

"For both skeptics and non-skeptics, this information can serve as officially documented proof of UFO validity. We hope that this open acknowledgment of the phenomenon will put an end to ambiguous speculations and will make the fact of its existence beyond doubt.
Now we have grounds to tell that UFOs are not optical or hallucinated phenomena which were allegedly caused by global psychosis. The objects have been spotted by technological means. Pictures are available for specialists."
From Russia
After the changes that occurred in Russia all kinds of things went on sale. The KGB files were sold in their entirety to Yale University, and two U.S. film companies bought the rights to the KGB UFO files. Soviet scientists and cosmonauts also came forward with what they knew. In 1990 Colonel Marina Popovich held a press conference in San Francisco at the Russian Consulate. During the conference she showed amazing photographs of cigar-shaped alien craft in space that were each, fifteen miles long. The photos were taken by a Russian space, probe which mysteriously stopped working, then disappeared completely, shortly after taking the photographs. For more information on missing space probes see "Star Wars and Satellites" page.
Popovich knows her stuff. Besides being a colonel in the Soviet Armed Forces, she is also the wife of famed cosmonaut Pavel Popovich. Pavel Popovich was head of a Soviet Committee on UFOs.

Soviet Cosmonaut Marina Popovich
Soviet Cosmonaut Marina Popovich
Colonel Marina Lavrentevna Popovich
Col. Popovich has flown every kind of aircraft there is in the Soviet Union, from large transport planes to MIG-21s. She holds ninety flight records. She's even been called the Chuck Yeager of the Soviet Union. Popovich has a Ph.D. in technical sciences and her focus now is to get the truth about the existence of flying saucers out to the public. Here are some of the things she has to say about flying saucers:
* Soviet satellites have taken photographs of flying saucers.
* Soviet scientists have concluded that flying saucers have been around for as long as our planet.
* Popovich has seen photographs of alien / human hybrid children.
Scientist Dr. felix Ziegel
Russian Scientist Dr. Felix Ziegel
More From Russia
In Moscow there is a UFO Center for research called the All-Union UFO Center. Among many other books and papers, it houses the work of Dr. Felix Zeigel, who documented over fifty thousand UFO sightings in the Soviet Union.
There have been more than seventy UFO incidents that occurred at the Bhunice Atomic Energy Plant in the Slovak Republic. A log was kept of each individual incident.
The soviets have stated that their Mir space station has been under observation by UFOs almost continuously.
In 1993 declassified Soviet documents stated the following:
"The ministry of Security of the Russian Federation, along with the (American) CIA, and other covert services, have enough evidence to conclude that there is a detachment of observers from other worlds traveling in near-earth orbit."
Dr. Vladimir Azhazha
Dr. Vladimir Azhazha
Scientist, oceanographer, and former Soviet submarine captain Dr. Vladimir Azhazha has stated:
"UFOs trans-morph, going from saucer shape to cigar shape to a spiral in minutes. They can materialize and dematerialize at will. The craft and occupants are varied and may be from dozens of different sources and civilizations."
Unsolved UFO Mysteries cover
Unsolved UFO Mysteries contains newly released
accounts of many Soviet Alien Encounters.
The Soviets have confirmed that they have pictures of the moon's surface that show large objects clearly made by intelligent beings. Among them:
Eight huge obelisks or monuments, shaped much like our Washington monument in Washington D.C.
Dozens of smaller, but evenly spaced monuments forming patterns congruent with those of the pyramids of Egypt.
Long "runway" formations.
These objects have been documented and confirmed on both Soviet Luna 9 photographs and America's Orbiter 3 and Apollo mission photographs.
The Astronauts and Aliens
Appollo 11 Luna Lander
Apollo 11 astronauts on the moon. Note the lack of a blast pattern
beneath the retro rockets on the Luna Lander vehicle in background

The Astronauts
"Oh, my God! You wouldn't believe it! These babies are huge, sir!
Enormous! I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out there. Lined up on the far side of the crater edge! They're on the moon watching us!"
Cigar Shaped alien craft seen from the moon
Cigar shaped alien craft photographed by astronaut
John Glenn on February 26, 1962.
Apollo 11
What's there? Mission Control calling Apollo 11.
Former NASA employee Otto Binder states that the above exchange was picked up by HAM radio operators with their own VHF receiving facilities that did not go through NASA's broadcasting channels. Apollo 11 was the mission manned by Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin; both men were the first to land on the moon July 21, 1969.

Apollo11 Logo
Apollo 11 Logo

They Never Said Anything
Many people have asked about what the astronauts might have seen when they were in space. Did they see UFOs? The astronauts are a unique group. They have had experiences and have been places the rest of humanity can only dream about. Over the years many astronauts have been badly misquoted and have had statements attributed to them that they never made. It has made many of them media-shy and reluctant to discuss the topic at all.
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin on Apollo 11
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin on Apollo 11

Down Here, But Not Up There
Basically, most of the astronauts deny ever seeing UFOs while on space missions; however, they almost all admit to seeing them while doing duty as test pilots in jet planes. A list of their exact statements is at the end of this chapter. Stories continue to swirl around NASA and the astronauts. One fact is clear: Astronauts are military personnel. They have to follow military regulations in order to keep their pensions. Many of NASA's programs are paid for by the Department of Defense, even though NASA is a civilian agency.

Photo of Buzz Aldrin on the moon
This photo of Buzz Aldrin on the moon was taken by Neil Armstrong.
This is the phtot that former NASA scientist and researcher Richard Hoagland says on close examination shows ruins in the background
reflected in the face mask of Buzz Aldrin's helmet.
The Stories Are True
Russian and American scientists confirm that stories about the astronauts seeing Alien spacecraft and other strange things are true.

Former Chief of NASA Communications Systems Maurice Chatelain and Russian scientists say there are large geometric structures on the moon, as well as ruins. Russia's Luna 9 and the United States Orbiter 2 have photographed these structures. The U.S. photos were taken by Orbiter 2 in 1966 on November 20. The photos were of an area of the moon known as The Sea of Tranquility. NASA has classified hundreds of lunar photographs and has never released them, despite the fact that this action is illegal.
Egypt Checks In
There's more. These objects on the moon are not natural rock formations like the tower-shaped rocks in Utah and Arizona. These are artifacts; the remains of structures built by an intelligent civilization, similar to the cliff dwellings in Mesa Verde.
Russian scientists led by Alexander Abramov discovered that there are large objects arranged in the same grid pattern, including distances between the objects, as the pyramids in Egypt. Richard Hoagland, U.S. researcher and former NASA consultant, has discovered the same thing!

Abramov has applied the Egyptian pyramid pattern called an 'abaka', a grid of forty-nine squares, to the structures on the moon. They match exactly! In addition William Blair of the Boeing Institute of Biotechnology has discovered "obelisks" on the moon that form six isosceles triangles!

Buzz Aldrin and U.S. flag on the moon
Buzz Aldrin and U.S. flag on the moon

Review the Orbiter 2 Photos
It is against the law for NASA to classify data. So ask for it. Citizens should demand to see the entire series of Orbiter 2 photos. They are all numbered and in sequence. WE will know if some are missing.

Next, these are public officials. A dollar says their salaries are higher than yours. Demand that they take a polygraph test and a drug screen to keep their jobs, just like the rest of us, and during the screening process, we should ask them about the missing data.

Astronaut Neil Armstrong on Apollo 11
Astronaut Neil Armstrong on Apollo 11
The Eagle Has Landed
When Apollo 11 landed on the moon, they put down in the Sea of Tranquility. Researcher Richard Hoagland claims that his computer analysis of the reflections off the space helmets of the astronauts claims to show ruins in the background.
Dr. Vladimir Azhazha also states that Neil Armstrong radioed mission control that UFOs were watching them during their romp on the moon.
Mission Control celebrates moon landing
Mission Control celebrates moon landing
The Astronaut's Statements
Buzz Aldrin on the moon
The astronauts didn't tell you everything they saw when they walked on the moon. Others may have been there before them.
The Astronaut's Statements
Apollo astronauts
Apollo astronauts
Apollo 11 Astronaut Buzz Aldrin
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin
Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin
Both Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin saw spacecraft shortly after landing on the moon. Here is what Russian scientists claim after having had a few conversations with Armstrong:
"Neil Armstrong relayed the message to Mission Control that two large objects were watching them after having landed, near the moon module. But this message was never heard by the public, because NASA censored it."

NASA Mission Control
NASA Mission Control during space walk.
Dr. Vladimir Azhazha
Dr. Aleksandr Kasantsev states that Aldrin took color movie film of the UFOs from inside the module and continued filming them after Armstrong went outside. Soviets say Armstrong said the story is true. He also told them the CIA was behind the cover-up.
Astronaut Gordon Cooper
Major Gordon Cooper
Major Gordon Cooper
Major Gordon Cooper was one of the original Mercury astronauts and the last American to fly in space alone. On May 15, 1963 he blasted into space in a Mercury capsule for a 22-orbit journey around the planet.
In 1978 Major Cooper appeared before the UN General Assembly and asked for "open discussions" on the unidentified spacecraft matter. Cooper says the secrecy started out back in World War II or shortly thereafter.
"I think they thought the public would be frightened by knowing somebody had some vehicles that had so much better performance than anything we had, that maybe it would create panic if the public learned about them."
"They probably tried hushing it up until they found out more about them. Then as time went on, it just got more embarrassing trying to cover it up."
Cooper also wrote the following:
"As far as I'm concerned there have been far too many unexplained examples of unidentified flying objects to rule out the possibility that some other life form exists out beyond our own world."
"With the potential for there to be billions of planets out there, it seems pretty arrogant to think God would not have put life on some of them."

Major Cooper also viewed film taken by a crew of U.S. Air Force photographers using three different cameras to film landings during test flights. He describes what he saw on film:
"It was a typical double-inverted lenticular saucer. It had three (landing) gear on it and it put down on the lake bed. They were filming it as it sat there and they filmed it as it lifted up. It appeared to be big enough to have a crew of full-sized people on it."
Major Robert White
During a 58-mile-high flight of an X-15 aircraft on July 17, 1962, according to a Time magazine article, Major White exclaimed over the radio:
"I have no idea what it could be. It was grayish in color and about thirty to forty feet away." "There are things out there! There absolutely is!"
Donald Slayton
Donald Slayton, a Mercury astronaut, revealed in an interview that he had seen UFOs in 1951.
Alien Spacecraft photographed by NASA
Photo of two balls of light taken during the Gemini 7 space flight.
These are similar to the balls of light seen by Neil Armstrong and
Buzz Aldrin on their lunar flight.

Astronaut James McDivitt in space
James McDivitt in space
Ed White and James McDivitt
Astronauts Ed White (the first American to walk in space) and James McDivitt were passing over the Hawaiian Islands in the Gemini spacecraft in June, 1965. They saw a strange-looking metallic object with long arms coming from it. The pictures have never been released. Astronaut Gordon Cooper later confirmed that McDivitt did, indeed, film something in space.

Astronaut Frank Borman
Frank Borman
James Lovell and Frank Borman
Astronauts James Lovell and Frank Borman were in a Gemini spacecraft when they saw a UFO during their second orbit of a 14-day flight in space in December, 1965. Borman reported that he saw an unidentified spacecraft some distance from their capsule. Gemini control told him he was seeing the final stage of their own Titan booster rocket. Borman confirmed that he could see the booster rocket, but that he could also see something else, something completely different. Here is the radio transcript:

Lovell: "Bogey at 10 o'clock high"

Control: "This is Houston. Say again 7."
Lovell: "Said we have a bogey at 10 o'clock high."
Control: "Gemini 7, is that the booster or is it an actual sighting?"
Lovell: "We have several É actual sighting."
Control: "Estimated size or distance?"
Lovell: "We also have the booster in sight!"
Joseph Walker
NASA pilot Joseph Walker said that one of his tasks was to detect UFOs during his X-15 test flights.
Eugene Cernan
Eugene Cernan was the Commander of Apollo 17. In a Los Angeles Times article in 1973, he said this about UFOs:
"I've been asked (about UFOs) and I've said publicly I thought they were somebody else, some other civilization."

Maurice Chatelain
Maurice Chatelain in 1979
Chief of NASA Communications
Maurice Chatelain
In 1979 Maurice Chatelain, former Chief of NASA Communications Systems, confirmed that Neil Armstrong had reported seeing two alien spacecraft on the rim of a crater when he was walking on the moon. Chatelain was a respected scientist and engineer. He had received 11 patents and was formerly the head of Engineering Radar and Communications Systems for Ryan Electronics.

Says Chatelain:
"The encounter was common knowledge in NASA, but nobody talked about it until now. I think that Wally Schirra, aboard Mercury 8, was the first of the astronauts to use the code name "Santa Claus" to indicate the presence of flying saucers next to space capsules."
James Lovell
When James Lovell was on Apollo 8 he stated over his radio: "Please be informed that there is a Santa Claus," as he came around from the backside of the moon. Santa Claus was the code word used by NASA for alien spacecraft.
Donald B. Ratsch
Donald B. Ratsch is an investigator and researcher. His specialty is collecting film footage from NASA space flights that show UFOs being present during the space flights. In November 1997 a personal friend of his arranged for him to meet with a man who said he had worked for NASA during the Apollo space missions. The man has requested anonymity, but here is what he told Ratsch:
During the Apollo missions he was one of the people who sat in front of the consoles monitoring information. The man was not exactly sure of which mission, but he figures it was most likely Apollo 12. He knew it did not happen during Apollo 11, because he was clear of the events surrounding the first landing on the moon, which was Apollo 11. He also knows it was not Apollo 13 because he distinctly remembers the problems surrounding the Apollo 13 flight.
He recalls that one evening during one of the flights, things got rather slow and there were not a lot of people around. So the man tuned into the transmissions being broadcast from the spacecraft on the air-to-ground/ground-to-air communications system. Things were rather mundane until about 8:30 p.m. when he heard the following exchange:

APOLLO: We have company.
HOUSTON: Say again?
APOLLO: I say we have company. (Short period of silence)
HOUSTON: (Emphatically) You were told not to make transmissions such as that! Put it on the flight recorder and we'll discuss it when you get back! (Long period of silence)

Dr. Edward Condon
Dr. Edward Condon

Dr. Edward Condon
There are three visual sightings made by the astronauts while in orbit which in the judgement of the writer have not been adequately explained. These are:
1. Gemini 4, Astronaut McDivitt. Observation of a cylindrical object with a protuberance.

2. Gemini 4, Astronaut McDivitt. Observation of a moving bright light at a level higher than the Gemini spacecraft.

3. Gemini 7, Astronaut Borman saw what he referred to as a "bogey" flying in formation with the spacecraft.
The training and perspicacity of the astronauts put their reports of sightings in the highest category of credibility. Especially puzzling is the first one on the list, the daytime sighting of an object showing details such as arms (antennas?) protruding from an object having no noticeable angular extension.
Dr. Edward Condon, Project Director
Final Report, Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects
conducted for the U.S. Air Force

Astronaut Neil Armstrong
First Man on the Moon, Neil Armstrong
The First Words on the Moon
The first words spoken on the moon were not Neil Armstrong's famous line: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." The actual first words were: "Contact light. Okay, engine stop," and they were spoken by Buzz Aldrin. The next words were spoken by Armstrong and they were: "Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed."
Astronaut steps onto the moon
Neil Armstrong's foot on the moon
Neil's First Step
Back to Neil's step. With the whole world watching, he blew his lines. He was supposed to say: "That's one small step for a man. But, he left out the "a", resulting in a sentence which is redundant. Neil says he did say "a", but that it got lost in the transmission.

Astronaut Eugene Cernan
Astronaut Eugene Cernan
"Let's Get This Mother Out of Here"
"Let's get this mother out of here," were the actual last words spoken by an American astronaut, Eugene Cernan, on the moon. However, the "official" last words were:
"We leave the moon as we came, and, God willing, as we shall return, with peace and hope for all mankind. Godspeed from the crew of Apollo 17."
Aliens On The Moon
Lunar Lander approaching the moon
Lunar Landing approaching the Moon

The Moon
* What the astronauts really saw on the moon.
* Things you don't know about the moon.

Bright Lights
Strange lights and moving shadows have been seen on the moon by astronomers so often that NASA has even published a catalog of them. From the year 1540 to 1967, NASA lists over 570 strange moon events in a report called "Chronological Catalogue of Reported Lunar Events." The report is also known as NASA Technical Report # R-277.

Lights on the moon were being seen so regularly that NASA started a study, called Operation Moonblink, to investigate them. NASA commissioned observatories from around the world to just watch and photograph the moon. Within months there were more than twenty-eight documented lunar events. Several of these events were confirmed by astronomers outside the program. Photographs of these events have never been released to the public. Why?
All Around the World
It turns out that the 570 "lunar lights" events cataloged by NASA are just a few of literally thousands of such observations that are regularly being made around the world by amateur astronomers. In fact, NASA took these 570 events from over 2,600 such events they had observed. In countries such as Japan and Great Britain, where astronomy is a national passion, these lunar activities have been well documented on film as well as still photographs. Huge objects, four to five miles in diameter have been seen moving across vast lunar craters at speeds up to 6,000 miles per hour! In addition, beams and long-distance rays of light have also been seen, as well as clouds, fog, and mists. All these anomalies on the moon have been cataloged for decades by credible scientists.
Moongate: Suppressed Findings of the U.S. Space Program, published in 1982, detailed a NASA film taken by astronauts on the moon that the author was able to get his hands on. It shows Apollo 11 astronauts planting the American Flag on the moon. Immediately after, a gust of wind blows the flag and it billows out. The astronauts run towards the camera and cover the lens with their hands. From then on, all flags sent up with the astronauts had wires in them to hold them out.
How Was the Moon Created?
Basically, nobody knows how the moon was created; however, there are two main schools of thought:
One is the Big Whack theory. It says that something, maybe an asteroid, hit the earth millions of years ago, leaving a cloud of debris. The particles were eventually drawn together and formed the moon.
The other theory is that the moon broke off from the earth when it was a molten mass spinning rapidly, so rapidly that it formed a dumbbell shape and one end broke off. This theory was originally proposed in 1880 by Sir George Darwin, the son of famed evolutionist Charles Darwin.
The important thing is this, all modern theories of how the moon was formed are based on the premise that at one time the earth and the moon were one.
Eighth Grade Science
Here's what your eight grade science teacher didn't tell you. (It's not her fault; she didn't know either!) When the astronauts landed on the moon and brought back moon rocks in 1969, scientists scrutinized them carefully. They were shocked by what they discovered. Here's what they should have told you but didn't:

* The moon rocks are over a billion years older than our earth!
* The moon dust is a billion years older than the rocks!
* Both the rocks and moon dust the astronauts brought back are older than our sun and our entire solar system!
* Chemical analysis showed that the composition of the moon rocks and moon dust was completely different, not even closely related to one another as would be expected.
What this means is that it appears as if the moon was created somewhere else and someplace else! Also, it means that the moon rocks somehow got placed on the surface from somewhere else a billion years after the dust had formed.
That's just the start. The moon's orbit is nearly a perfect circle. Not only that, but the moon does not spin. One side, the same side, is always facing the earth.
Scientists have not found any other naturally occurring body in the entire universe that exhibits these two characteristics. The only objects I know of that do this are the satellites we launch. The moon behaves exactly like a satellite! The odds against the moon falling naturally into this kind of circular, non-spinning orbit are astronomical! No pun intended.
Moon Measurements
Ultrasensitive seismic equipment has been placed on the moon by the astronauts. When Apollo 12 and Apollo 13 left the moon, they jettisoned the ascent stages of their spacecraft. The pieces of the craft fell back and hit the moon. Despite the relatively small size of these objects, when they struck, the entire moon reverberated for over eight minutes! The moon registered as being more hollow than full! Scientists at NASA said, "It reacted like a gong!" They are at a loss to explain this, and so they avoid discussing it with the public.
Russian Findings
According to Soviet Col. Marina Popovich, Russian scientists have concluded that Phobos, one of the moons of Mars, is also an artificial structure, and hollow, as well!
The Shard
The Shard is an object that was photographed by Orbiter 3, a United States spacecraft that was launched before the Apollo space missions took place. It is a monument and it is a mile and a half high! World-renowned geologists agree with Dr. Bruce Cornet, who says: "No known natural process can explain such a structure."
The Shard is a huge and very distinctive feature. No astronomer or scientist denies its existence. Isn't it odd that you never heard of it before? According to Dr. Farouck El Baz, there are many undiscovered caverns suspected to exist beneath the surface of the moon. Several experiments have been flown to the moon to see if there were actually such caverns. The public has never been given the results of these experiments.
The Tower
The Tower is another major structure on moon that has been photographed from different altitudes and five different angles. The Tower is five miles high! Standing close to The Shard, The Tower is comprised of cubes, some as large as a mile wide. These two monuments were built by someone, they did not occur naturally. NASA has clear photographs of these two monuments. These photos belong to you; you paid for them, but NASA has never shown them to the public.
Contact NASA and tell them you want a copy of all Orbiter 3 photo series, unretouched. Call NASA Chief Administrator Charles Bolden at 202-358-0001. Or, fax him at: 202-358-4338.

NASA Administrator Charles F. Bolden
NASA Administrator Charles F. Bolden
Call him at: 202-358-4338.
The Bridge
On July 29, 1953 New York Herald Tribune science editor John J. O'Neill saw a twelve-mile long bridge on the moon. He reported his find to the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers. At the time, they laughed at him. Then a month later an astronomer from England, Dr. H. P. Wilkens, came forward and said that he too had seen The Bridge. Wilkens told the British Broadcasting Company:
"It looks artificial. It's almost incredible that such a thing could have formed in the first instance, or if it was formed, could have lasted during the ages in which the moon has been in existence."
The Bridge was confirmed again by a member of the British Astronomical Association, Patrick Moore. Moore said The Bridge had appeared overnight.

The Man in the Moon
Researcher and writer George Leonard spent years poring over NASA lunar photographs. Leonard has said, "The moon is occupied by an intelligent race or races which probably moved in from outside the solar system. The moon is firmly in possession of these occupants." Leonard goes on to say:
"Evidence of their presence is everywhere, on the surface, on the near side and the hidden side, in the craters, on the maria, and in the highlands. They are changing its face. Suspicion or recognition of that triggered the U.S. and Soviet moon programs."
"Somebody Else Is on the Moon"
The above headline is also the title of Leonard's 1977 book. In it, he publishes photographs of The Bridge and photos showing tracks in the moon dust and large domes in the center of artificially lit craters. There are domes and ruins on the moon. Leonard states that a NASA scientist told him he was right, but that the discoveries had not been made public yet.
Photo of Earth taken from the moon
Photo of earth taken from the moon by U.S. astronauts
Astronaut Underground
Rumors swirl around what the astronauts have or have not seen. Underground sources claiming to have intelligence connections say the astronauts saw plenty, and that they were sent to the moon specifically to confirm indications of intelligent life. Naturally, the astronauts, as a group, deny seeing anything. However, the evidence is so overwhelming against their denials that it's obvious we have not been told the truth.
Researcher and author Timothy Goode states that a personal friend of his who was with British military intelligence was with a scientist who was having a discussion with a very prominent astronaut. The astronaut told the scientist that NASA had been warned to stay off the moon by other beings. That's why after 30 years since the last landing we have never been back.
Russian Findings
Russia's Luna 9 has also photographed artificially made moon structures. The Russians have discovered several other objects, among them huge obelisks. Russian scientist and engineer Alexander Abramov has calculated that these obelisks are arranged in exactly the same position as the tops of the great pyramids of Egypt. The locations of each of these monuments is based on a grid of forty-nine squares called an abaka.
Pyramids on the Moon
The structures the Russians identified as obelisks have also been reported in the U.S. They are especially visible in The Sea of Tranquility area, right where the Apollo astronauts landed. U.S. observers have sometimes referred to them as narrow pyramids. On November 22, 1966 the Washington Post featured them on the front page. The headline read: "Six Mysterious Statuesque Shadows Photographed on the moon by Orbiter."

Hubble Space Telescope
Hubble Space Telescope
The Hubble Space Telescope
On April 16, 1999, NASA finally released for the first time Hubble Space Telescope images taken of the moon. Astronomers, researchers and scientists worldwide were stunned. Ever since the Hubble had been put in space, NASA had been telling the scientific community that the Hubble Space Telescope did not have the capability to take images of the moon. When asked, NASA consistently said that the telescope's instruments were too sensitive to record the moon surface because it was too bright. This, in spite of the fact that the telescopes instruments were calibrated by focusing on the clouds surrounding the earth, which are several times brighter than the moon's surface. NASA claimed that even the dark side and shadow edges of the moon's surface were too bright. When confronted with this obvious contradiction, NASA refused to comment.
Upon the release of the moon photos, mainstream astronomy publication, Sky and Telescope Magazine noted the discrepancy and stated:
"The Space telescope Science Institute (STSI Division of NASA) released
pictures of a celestial object that most people thought the Hubble Telescope was not allowed to view: our own moon."
The recently released images from the Hubble were poor and once again, NASA refused to release any high resolution images or any infra-red images that the Hubble also records. The Hubble has taken stunning high resolution images of objects that are millions of miles away, such as the planets Saturn and Jupiter, yet NASA claims that the Hubble can't do the same for the moon which is only 250,000 miles away.
Enough is Enough
There is so much evidence of other beings on the moon that I could go on forever. The bottom line is this: There were and currently are other beings on "our" moon. Here's some things you can do:
1. Ask NASA for your copies of the Orbiter 2 and Orbiter 3 lunar photos.
2. Ask NASA for your copy of film footage taken of the dark side of the moon during the moon missions. They have it; why haven't you seen it? Why have they never released it to the public?
3. Get a telescope. Look at the moon for ten minutes a night for the next couple of months. You may be surprised at what you see.
Ranger Space Probe
United States Ranger Space Probe

Lunar Probe Attempts
In their first attempts to land a probe on the moon, both the U.S. and the Russians failed miserably.

The United States
Ranger 3: Missed the moon completely.
Ranger 4: Crashed into the moon.
Ranger 5: Missed the moon by 450 miles.
Ranger 6: Electrical system failed.
The Soviet Union
Luna 5: Crashed into the moon going full speed.
Luna 6: Missed the moon.
Luna 7: Crashed on the moon.
Luna 8: Crashed on the moon.
Luna 9: Landed successfully.

Russian Luna 9 Space Probe
Russian Luna 9 Space Probe
Not Enough Gravity?
After Luna 9's successful landing things got much better for both space programs. Luna 9 was able to take gravitational readings from the moon's surface. The problem appears to have been miscalculations of the moon's gravitational forces. The first lunar missions were based on the moon being a solid, homogenous object. After Luna 9 scientists were able to determine that the moon was more like a hollow ball, with several large centers of gravity just below the moon's surface, almost as if there were huge structures built underground. These large concentrations of gravity are known as mascons.
As NASA scientist Robin Brett once said: "It seems easier to explain the non-existence of the moon, than its existence."
The Face On Mars
The Face On Mars
This is the famous 'Face on Mars', photggraphed by the Viking
space probe in 1976. The face appears to be manufactured, and
not natural.
The Face on Mars
Mars has a face! No doubt you've seen pictures of it on the covers of tabloids at your local supermarket. Yet there is much more to the story than the mere resemblance of some blurry photos to a human face.
The Story
Photographs taken by NASA's 1976 Viking space probe show what appears to be a humanoid face in the Cydonia region of the planet Mars. In addition there appear to be other manufactured items, or artifacts. These other artifacts appear to be large pyramids and other structures. They were discovered by NASA scientists who closely examined thousands of photographs using modern computer technology not available in 1976 when the photos were taken.

Face on Mars and surrounding structures
The Face on Mars and surrounding structures
What They Found
The "face" and other structures have mathematical and geometrical correlations that match those of the Sphinx and pyramids found in Egypt.
Richard Hoagland
The key scientist investigating this phenomena is a fellow by the name of Richard Hoagland. Although some conventional scientists deride his conclusions, his work has been extraordinary. He has been supported by many scientists and engineers at NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, CA. In fact, I was present during one of his presentations when some scientists from JPL walked up and handed him high-resolution photos of Mars, showing clearly that intelligent life forms had built structures there. One of them said to Hoagland, "We were wondering when you were going to see this." Referring to the fact that Hoagland had already identified many other "built" structures on Mars and the moon. Hoagland has spent over ten years investigating Martian and Lunar photos using computer-enhancement technology.

NASA plaque designed by Richard Hoagland
This is the Calling Card' plaque designed by Richard Hoagland
and put on the Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft. It describes
humans and the location of Earth in the event that alien beings
encounter the craft.
The United Nations
Hoagland has been invited on several occasions to present his findings to the United Nations. His U.N. presentations are now available on videotape. Hoagland is a legitimate and brilliant scientist who worked for NASA for many years. He was one of the originators of the "Calling Card" plaque that was first put on the Pioneer 10 space probe. The plaque describes humans, our science, culture and where we are located to any beings who may come in contact with the probe.
Mr. Hoagland has been the science advisor to Walter Cronkite at CBS and Kevin Sanders at CNN. He was also the editor of Star & Sky Magazine. He is a past winner of the prestigious Angstrom Award, and has appeared on "Nightline" and Art Bell's radio show. He is the author of several books, including The Monuments of Mars. He knows what he's talking about!
Cydonia area of Mars
Photo of the Cydonia area of Mars containing the Face on Mars
and pyramid structures.
Another Scientist Speaks Up
At the 191st national meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), Dr. Tom Van Flandern presented his conclusions that the face on Mars is not an optical illusion nor is it a naturally occurring feature. Dr. Van Flandern holds a doctorate in astronomy from Yale University. He was also chief of celestial mechanics at the U.S. Naval Observatory, a highly respected astronomical facility. Van Flandern said there was less than a 1 percent chance the face was not made by intelligent hands.

Van Flandern based his conclusions on new analysis of the existing data. He concluded his discussion by telling the five hundred astronomers who were listening to his presentation: "I suggest that in view of these test results, we prepare ourselves for a cultural shock certainly unrivaled in recent times."

Another photo of The face on Mars and Pyramids
Huge pyramid near The Face on Mars
NASA Speaks
In response to an avalanche of questions from the public and amateur astronomers NASA recently issued a lengthy and technical statement. The statement began by saying that NASA would look further into the "face" on Mars issue. They also stated they were not responding to public pressure.
The Controversy
Another probe, the Mars Observer, was scheduled to reach Mars in 1992. It had the capability to clearly photograph objects on Mars as small as a coffee table. In an unprecedented move, as the Observer began to orbit Mars NASA turned off the transmitter. They then claimed that they could not turn it back on.
More Lost Probes
In case you were asleep, late in 1995 and again in mid 1996, NASA "lost" two more space probes. No explosion, no explanation, just lost! The stories of these lost probes were carried in the back pages of most American newspapers.
Several NASA insiders have come forward to say that the agency "pulled the plug" on these probes to keep the public from finding out about extraterrestrial beings.
Lost Power on the Mars Rover
Early in March 1998, NASA announced that the Mars Rover lost complete power and was unable to send back any more pictures. Is this possible? Of course. Mars is a long way off and malfunctions do happen. Is it likely? No! Given NASA's history of deceit and lies to the American public, you can assume they are lying once again.
Venus, Too!
NASA has also discovered on the planet Venus, a complex consisting of a Sphinx and pyramids identical to the ones in Egypt in 1985. They didn't tell you about that find either. NASA is bound by law to release all their findings, so here's what they did. They broadcast the report over a small station almost nobody could get, and of course, since nobody else was broadcasting this information, those who heard it didn't believe it.

It's the old disinformation technique of telling people the absolute truth, but doing it in such a way that no one will believe it. Just so you know, NASA has mapped over 90 percent of the total surface of Venus.
Aliens & Satellites

Flying Saucer appears in satellite photo
Photo of a flying saucer taken by a weather satellite at an altitude of
28,800 miles. Also recorded were infrared signatures from the craft.
(Photo courtesy of Phil Imbrogno)
Star Wars and Satellites
* What Star Wars really does.
* What the Soviet Union really fears.
* Lost satellites.
Our Satellites Are Picking up Flying Saucers
There are over two thousand satellites circling the planet. They're up there for various reasons: spying, communications, weather forecasting, military purposes, and scientific exploration. Some are orbiting and others are geo-stationary, which means they stay in the same position over the planet because they orbit at exactly the same speed as the earth's rotation, effectively staying in the same place at an altitude of 22,800 miles above the earth. Polar-orbiting satellites circle the earth from south to north or vice-versa, at lower altitudes of five hundred to a thousand miles. Our satellites are picking up flying saucers in photographs, infrared images, and with electromagnetic sensors on a regular basis.
Weather Satellites
The weather satellites take thousands of photographs daily to track world-wide weather patterns. On many photos clear images of flying saucers and other large spacecraft have appeared, especially some of the triangle-shaped craft. (See my 'Alien Spacecraft chapter on flying saucer shapes and sizes.) The most well-known of the weather satellites are the NOAA series.

Triangle Shaped Alien Spacecraft
Huge triangle shaped alien spacecraft photographed in earth's
upper atmosphere by weather satellites.
The photograph above was taken by the NOAA 12 satellite. The objects in the photos are many miles below the satellite, which means they are huge! Many of the craft have a wing-span of several miles! These are the classic triangle craft that have been seen over Belgium in 1989 and video-taped over Phoenix in March and April, 1997. Since the satellite cameras have grid lines across the lenses, you can tell if something was really there or not. If something was there due to a transmission flaw, you would know because the grid lines would not appear. In all cases of the UFO photos, the grid lines are intact.

Infrared photos taken by satellite indicate that flying saucers give off a tremendous amount of energy called plasma energy, and it is often accompanied by strong magnetic fields. Other wave-lengths of energy are given off and affect light-sensitive film, thus causing many flying saucer photographs to be blurry. They are also strong emitters of infrared energy.
U.S. Surveillance Satellites
NOAA Series
Meteorological polar satellites.
GOES Series
Geo-stationary weather satellite.

Highest resolution of all reconnaissance satellites.

Defense Support Program
For detection of missile launches. Uses infrared, radiation, visible (DSP) electromagnetic, and other special sensors.

Keyhole Series
Digital imaging and radar reconnaissance satellite.
Electromagnetic reconnaissance satellite.
Strange Signals
U.S. government satellites have also been receiving strange signals. The signals have originated from just behind the moon and are being bounced off our satellites to some undetermined point on earth. Some of the signals are even in Morse Code.
Flying Saucer flies over the United States
Flying Saucer recorded over western United States
Star Wars
The Star Wars satellite defense system is also tracking flying saucers. Though the primary purpose of satellite defense systems is to track incoming missiles, there are many who believe that tracking flying saucers is the true main purpose of the Star Wars system. This thought is particularly interesting in light of the fact that the Star Wars system was advocated and built by President Ronald Reagan at the same time he was working with the Russians to lessen the threat of a missile strike through detente and the now-famous summit meetings with soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.

While all this was happening, some soviet military leaders actually praised and supported the Strategic Defense Initiative. Add to this Reagan's statements to the Geneva Summit about alien visitors, (See Chapter XX, "Amazing Quotes") then throw in the film footage taken from the space shuttle showing a UFO being fired at by what appears to be a burst of laser energy, and you have a whole new way to look at Star Wars.

Another saucer breaks the atmosphere
Another saucer breaks the atmosphere during a routine
weather reconnaissance. (Photo courtesy of Phil Imbrogno)
What Is It: The Strategic Defense Initiative?
The Defense Support System (DSP), better known as Star Wars, is comprised of a series of satellites. Each satellite has varying capabilities for the detection of objects.
The Real Danger
On several occasions in the past the missile defense systems of both the Soviet Union and the United States went on full alert and a missile launch was almost triggered. The alerts had been caused by UFOs rapidly approaching earth from deep space and deccelerating in the earth's atmosphere. The movement into the atmosphere alerted satellite sensors and computers that a missile launch had occurred. In particular, the Russians realized that they were at considerable risk of being mistakenly attacked by a U.S. defense system that was being triggered by flying saucers.
UFOs and Security
In the June 1989 issue of the Soviet Military Review the leading article was titled "UFOs and Security." In it Aleksandr Kuzovkin states:

"We believe that lack of information on the characteristics and influence of UFOs increase the threat of incorrect identification. Then, mass transition of UFOs along trajectories close to those of combat missiles could be regarded by computers as an attack."
In the autumn of 1960 all bombers at Travis Air Force Base in the United States were put on red alert for an attack against the Soviet Union after base radar's detected "targets" flying via the North Pole to the U.S. territory. Suddenly the "targets" disappeared from the screen and were later explained as "radar reflections off the moon."

Alien spacecraft enters earth's atmospher
Alien craft appears in lower right hand corner of
satellite photo.
A Word About Meteors
Weather and spy satellites are also witness to some incredible meteor events inside the earth's atmosphere. About twenty times per month a large meteor descends through the atmosphere and disintegrates with a huge explosion. Some of the blasts are equal to 15,000 tons of high explosives,or the size of a small nuclear bomb. It is thought that such a meteor blast occurred just above the earth's surface in 1908 in Tunguska,Siberia. Known as the Tunguska blast, the detonation completely flattened hundreds of square miles of thick, heavy forest.
More About Tunguska
The blast in Tunguska is a well-known event. Tunguska is located in a remote area of Siberia in Russia near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River. It occurred on June 30, 1908 around 7:40 a.m. The event was an explosion so great that is was the equivalent of a thousand times the force of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in World War II. The blast completely flattened an entire forest of tress for hundreds of miles in all directions. The fireball was seen as far away as five hundred miles!

Everybody has a different theory as to what exactly occurred. The explosion had all of the earmarks of a nuclear explosion. Scientists think that it was a meteor exploding within the earth's atmosphere, just above the planet's surface. Japanese scientists are convinced that the explosion was an alien spacecraft and have marked the site with a plaque commemorating it as an extraterrestrial event.

Researcher Linda Moulton Howe
Author and researcher Linda Moulton Howe
Confirmation of an Alien Event
A contact within the U.S. intelligence community told researcher and author Linda Moulton Howe, that the explosion was in fact caused by an alien spacecraft. The source said that aliens have told the U.S. government the explosion was the result of a nuclear power generator being accidentally ejected from an alien craft that was flying within the earth's atmosphere.
Flying saucers picked up by spy satellites have been given the term fastwalkers, or FW for short. Sources who work inside the defense industry say satellites are detecting fastwalkers at a rate of three to four every month. One such person is Ronald Regehr, an aerospace engineer who has worked on the Defense Support Program for twenty-five years. He wrote the performance/design specifications for each series of sensor systems, the operational software specifications, and edited the satellite performance reports. Regehr also prepared the SED (Sensor Evolutionary Design) Familiarization Manual, used to introduce the DSP to air force personnel new to the program.

Aerospace engineer Ron Regehr
Aerospace engineer Ron Regehr
Ron Regehr was able to analyze pages from the Defense Support Program (DSP). The report is an evaluation written for the Air Force on the DSP's performance. The report indicates that the satellite defense systems are seeing objects coming in from deep space, in a curved trajectory, unlike a meteor. "I should know, I wrote that report for the first two years of DSP operation," says Regehr.
Regehr points out that fastwalkers frequently slow down, curve, change direction, and then leave the earth's atmosphere at less than escape velocity. Meteors never exhibit such behavior. The behavior fits that of an intelligently guided, powered craft.
"Fastwalker: In the jargon of scientific intelligence, a source of electromagnetic radiation moving at high speed in the outer layers of the atmosphere, which triggers the sensors of spy satellites."
Jaques Vallee
Fastwalker, 1996
Lost in Space
We have missing satellites and space probes. Some have malfunctioned, some have crashed, some have exploded. Others have just disappeared, both visually and electronically, never to be seen or heard from again. The United States has lost two unmanned space probes heading for Mars and three nuclear satellites. In 1995 satellite NOAA 13 disappeared. The Soviets have acknowledged losing six nuclear satellites and several unmanned space probes. Two Chinese satellites have also disappeared: Feyung I and Feyung II.
A Correlation to UFOs?
What do lost space probes and satellites have to do with flying saucers? No one really knows. However, there is a strong suspicion that in some cases there is a correlation; either that or the probes have been grabbed by aliens, for reasons I can only guess. Or, the government authorities have been up to their old tricks and are lying about what these satellites are really showing, a planet surrounded by flying saucers!
The Universe
Hubble Ultra Deep Field Photo
The famous 'Hubble Ultra Deep Field' photo.

To take the picture above, NASA intentionally looked for an area of space that appeared to have no known sources of light or X-ray emissions. In other words, an area that did NOT have any stars. When they took a picture of this 'blank' area,they were astounded to find it packed, not just with stars, but withentire galaxies!
The Universe
One of the problems in accepting the idea of space-traveling aliens is understanding what our traditional modern-day scientists already confirm as being true. The universe is so large and so strange that we are simply not able to incorporate it into our everyday experiences and thinking. Let's consider some things that may not be apparent.

Most of the Universe Is Invisible
Ninety percent of the mass in the universe is literally invisible to us. No light emanates from it and we cannot see it. Scientists know it is there because they are able to measure the gravitational pull these invisible masses exert on visible bodies. Not only that, but if you look at the entire spectrum of frequencies in the universe, man's five senses can only pick up a very small amount of them. Think of a dog whistle: Blow as hard as you can, you won't hear a sound. The whistle is out of your limited frequency range.
Distances are so great that it takes the light from most stars years to reach us. When we look up we can never see what is going on now, we can only see what has already happened.
To reverse this, suppose that there are people living on a planet circling a star in our galaxy. If they had a telescope pointed at the earth right now they would be seeing what you were doing in the sixties. They would look in and see people wearing bellbottoms! (For those of you who weren't born in the sixties, they wouldn't see you at all!)
Section of Hubble Ultra Deep Field photo
This is a small section of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field photo.
This small section alone contains 3,000 galaxies.

Much is made of the assumption that the stars are so far apart that no beings could travel to another star in a single lifetime. The key factor of course, is time. However, time is a very complex subject. Here are some things you can begin to think about when it comes to considering time. These facts are well known by our physicists and based to a large degree on Einstein's work.

Time is relative; it has nothing to do with distance. So stop making the assumption that it will take a certain amount of time to travel a certain distance. The two are completely unrelated. Many alien beings have clearly stated this. It is why they are able to travel vast distances across the universe almost instantaneously.
Put two dots on opposite ends of a sheet of paper. Traditional thinking tells you the shortest distance from one point to the other is to draw a straight line between the two. You then think you measure the time it takes to go between the two points.
The shortest distance is to fold the paper until the two points touch. This is how the aliens travel great distances without time being involved.

I know this sounds impossible, but time as we know it does not really exist. Time is only a reference point, just as a mile marker is a reference point. Look at it this way: If there is only one marker, what does that mean? Nothing! But if there are two or more they actually have meaning. They are references denoting something to you. This is well known and acknowledged by our physicists.

Different parts of our universe have different times. This is also a well-known and established fact. Here's an example: Let's say you have a twin sister. NASA gives her a ride to Jupiter where she sets up house and lives for the next ten years. Jupiter has a different day than the earth (the amount of time it takes for the planet to make one revolution) and a longer year. So at the end of the ten-year period, who's older, you or her? You have both lived in completely different time references.
Time is affected by gravity. The slight alteration in gravity caused by changing our distance from the earth's center (such as going to the top of the Empire State Building) is enough to produce a measurable change in the flow of time!
Time slows as you approach the speed of light. If you traveled in space at just below the speed of light for ten years you would be and appear ten years older. However, people on earth during the same time period will have experienced and aged seventy years!
Since gravity plays a role in space travel as well as in the flow of time, here are a few words about one of our most misunderstood natural forces. When the space shuttle takes off it goes straight up vertically to get through the least amount of atmosphere as quickly as possible. When the shuttle attains the correct orbital height, they shut down the engines and the shuttle simply falls. The pull of the earth's gravity causes the shuttle to fall in an arc. The arc of the shuttle's fall matches the curve of the earth and the shuttle continues to fall endlessly.
Like Sky Surfing
The astronauts and the shuttle have not escaped gravity. When you see films of them cavorting around the cabin seemingly weightless, it is not because they are weightless, it is because they are falling! Just like a sky surfer before he opens his parachute. The astronauts are falling at a rate of 20,000 miles per hour!
Don't Jump
There is a lot of gravity up where the astronauts are. If you could build a skyscraper up to that orbital height (about 250 miles) and stand on the roof, you would still weigh about the same. You would not float off the roof of the building. In fact, if you jumped, you would go straight down.
Just Up the Coast
The astronauts in orbit are not that far away. They are about the same distance from earth as San Diego is from Santa Barbara, or about 250 miles.

J. Allen Hynek
J. Allen Hynek

"I have begun to feel that there is a tendency in 20th century science to forget that there will be a 21st century science, and indeed a 30th century science, from which vantage points our knowledge of the universe may appear quite different than it does to us. We suffer perhaps, from temporal provincialism, a form of arrogance that has irritated posterity."
Dr. J. Allen Hynek

Albert Einstein
Once, while serving as a professor at Princeton Institute, the great physicist Albert Einstein was handing out that year's final exam. A student stood up and blurted out, "But Professor Einstein, this is exactly the same final exam you gave us last year!" Einstein turned and said, "Yes, you are right. It is the same exam. But, this year the answers are different!"
10 Secrets Of Alien Science
Alien Flying Saucers defy the laws of 'our' physics
Alien Flying Saucers defy the laws of 'Our' physics, not the physics
of the universe. (Image 2008© Copyright and courtesy of Futurismic)
Ten Secrets of Alien Science
Another reason it's hard to integrate the idea of aliens, space travel, and seemingly supernatural events is because of our limited definition of the universe and how we think it works.
Historical Perspective
We, as humans, have done this before. In ancient times we discovered we were not alone. Humans in western Europe discovered there were strange and marvelous cultures thriving on distant shores. The general population was shocked by this discovery. They were every bit as shocked as you are to discover that non-human, intelligent beings really exist in inner and outer space.
The cultures that Europeans discovered were neither better nor worse than theirs, just remarkably different. The same is true now. Aliens are not magicians or gods. They have simply had more time to develop their technology. A lot more time, but that is for another discussion. When sailors first encountered the compass they thought it was witchcraft. They thought no piece of metal could always point north all by itself.
In order to help you demystify technology, I want to share with you some concepts. A way of looking differently at our universe. Where ever possible I will tell you of work done by scientists that confirms what I am telling you. As such, I now share with you ten secrets of what you would call "alien" science.
This Is Not Your Father's Universe
Just considering what scientists have learned over the last ten years changes the universe completely. It's doubtful your teachers or textbooks have caught up. It's a big shift, and at times it involves some complex concepts; so I am going to take things real slow, a step at a time, and perhaps give you a very different way of understanding how the universe really works.
Think of 'Space' as a Fabric, not 'Emptiness'
Think of 'Space' as a fabric, not emptiness.
(Image 2009© Copyright and courtesy of Creative Headspace)
Space, as in "outer space," is not space the way you think of it. Start thinking of it like this: Imagine a yard of black velvet fabric, three feet square. Now, ball it up and stick your hand in the middle of it. Notice how it moves, even wrapping itself around your hand. That's how space really is. It does those same things your fabric does. Our alien visitors know how to control its movement. They use this folding characteristic of space to travel quickly over and through great distances or ride along its edges.
Time is more like an oval NASCAR track
Time does not work the way you think it does.
It's more like a NASCAR oval.
(Photo 2009© Copyright and courtesy of PatsPiks)
Excuse the pun, but time is not here today and gone tomorrow. Events that occurred in 1969 are still occurring right now. Just as you can travel through space you can also travel through time and through other dimensions. Think of time as a toy train track laid out in an oval. You can stop the train at any point and get off. Time is not just a series of occurrences; it is a series of destinations. Each occurrence is a point on the track that can always be traveled to, just like going to Chicago. And just like Chicago, it is always there! You can always go to any point at any time.
The structure of Subatomic Particles
Aliens know how to manipulate the behavior of
subatomic particles in order to do amazing things.
Subatomic Particles
You already know everything is made up of atoms. Atoms are made up of even smaller things known as subatomic particles. There are many different kinds, including quarks, protons, and gluons. The study of the behavior of these subatomic particles is known as quantum physics.
here's what you need to know: Whatever these subatomic particles can do, anything that exists can do.
Subatomic Behavior
Subatomic particles don't behave like anything you have ever seen, with one possible exception, which I will get to in a minute. Subatomic particles are literally packets of energy, not just tiny physical objects. They wink in and out of existence. In other words, sometimes they are in our dimension and sometimes they are in another dimension. This means that you and all that is around you is constantly winking in and out of existence. Alien beings have told human contactees that no more than 10 percent of any one of us is in existence in our reality at any one time. We are each like big, blinking neon signs.
Particles or Waves
Subatomic particles can be either particles or waves or both at the same time! Think of a ping-pong ball flying in mid-air towards a mesh net on the ping-pong table. Just before it hits the net it changes form and like a light wave just passes through the net. Then once on the other side, while still in mid-air, it becomes a ping-pong ball again! This is what subatomic particles can do. X-rays, light, and radio waves can all change from particles into waves and back into particles again.
What You See Is Often What You Get
There is much recent scientific evidence which suggests that merely observing a subatomic particle experiment will influence whether the energy packets will manifest themselves as a wave or a particle. If you are thinking waves and hoping for waves (instead of particles), that is what will occur, you will see and record waves.

Like a Magician
If you knew how to control and utilize these naturally occurring subatomic capabilities, think of the things you could do. You could beam Scotty up, for real! It would seem like magic but it wouldn't be. It is simply physics and understanding how to work with the existing forces within our universe.

Author's Note
Recently (January, 2010) I sat next to a man on a business trip. We exchanged greetings, and discovered that we both worked in the medical
products industry. I'm in sales and he was a technical engineer. As we talked about new developments he shared this; his company had developed a way of seeing different light frequencies at different distances. This allows them to literally see through layers of tissue and see just the internal organs they want to see. His exact words were:
"It was amazing! When we shifted to the right frequency, the external tissue just disappeared."

Flying Saucers exhibit subatomic behavior
Flying Saucers exhibit subatomic behavior.
(Photo 1997©Copyright and courtesy of Jeff Neff)
That Exception
Now for that exception I mentioned earlier. The only large-scale items man has observed utilizing the properties of subatomic particles are: flying saucers!

You will have to understand the basic concept of a hologram to gain a different perspective on our existence. This will help you understand not only how the universe functions, but how you function as well. There are two kinds of holograms: reflection and transmission.
Cattle Mutilations

Alien Spacecraft beam up cattle
It appears that Aliens routinely beam up livestock for some kind
of research.
Cattle Mutilations
Cattle mutilations are instances where a domestic farm animal has been butchered with surgical precision. Although this is done mostly to cows it also happens to horses. In fact, the first case on record was a horse. The characteristics are such that they rule out a kill by wild predators such as coyotes and wolves.
On April 21, 1897, Alexander Hamilton, the noted statesman, was awakened at night by loud humming noises coming from his cattle yard. He and two other men went outside and saw an "airship" slowly come down and hover over the yard. Here is how Hamilton described it:
"It consisted of a great cigar-shaped portion possibly 300 feet long, with a carriage underneath. The carriage was made of glass or some other transparent substance alternating with a narrow strip of some material. It was brilliantly lighted within and everything was plainly visible. It was occupied by six of the strangest beings I ever saw. They were jabbering together, but we could not understand a word they said. It seemed to pause and hover directly over a two -year old heifer, which was bawling and jumping, apparently fast in the fence. Going to her, we found a cable about a half-inch in thickness made of some red material, fastened in a slip knot around her neck, one end passing up to the vessel, and the heifer tangled in the wire fence. We tried to get it off but could not, so we cut the wire loose and stood in amazement to see the ship, heifer and all, rise, slowly, disappearing in the northwest. Neighbor Thomas Link (four miles away) found the hide, legs, and head in his field the next day and no tracks in the soft ground, which mystified him."
Picture of San Luis Valley in Colorado
Photo of San Luis Valley, Colorado
The first modern case on record occurred in 1967 in the San Luis Valley in southern Colorado. A horse owned by the King family named Lady was found dead in a pasture. Its flesh had been strippedcompletely from the skull, exposing the bare bones. The bones were so clean of flesh that the skull looked as if it had been sitting out exposed to the sun for weeks. However, the family had just seen the horse alive two days earlier. More confounding was the fact that there was absolutely no blood found near the body and no animal tracks of any kind nearby.
Several organs of the horse were missing and the cuts were made more precisely than the sharpest knife could have made. Remember, this was 1967, a good twenty years before surgical lasers were available.
Cattle Mutilation Photo
Photo of a classic 'Cattle Mutilation'
(Photo courtesy of Linda Moulton Howe)

Lady, Not Snippy
Since this case is the first, I want to keep the facts straight for you. The original reports stated the horse's name was Snippy. Those reports were incorrect. The horse's name was Lady. Snippy was Lady's mother and she was not harmed. Just to keep the record straight.
Other Witnesses
During the time when this mutilation occurred many people in the area saw UFOs and strange lights. Several other animals were found mutilated the same way. They were also found lying in the middle of a perfectly outlined circle cut or burned into the surrounding vegetation.
Covert Black Helicopters seen with Flying Saucers
Unmarked Black Helicopters and Flying Saucers are
often seen in the vicinity of recent cattle mutilations
More Black Helicopters
Also seen in the area were black unmarked helicopters, which were extremely rare in 1967. Low-flying jets appeared in the area, which was also uncommon.
Native American Connection
The San Luis Valley is known to be a place of special significance to many Native American tribes. Among other things, it was the one place where many different tribes would gather each spring and there would be no conflict among them. It is said that this is the valley "where man was created."
Mutilated carcass in grass
Remains of a mutilated cow carcass. Notice how clean
edges of the wound are. Very different from an animal attack
Your Basic Mutilation A standard mutilation exhibits one or more of the following characteristics:
* Usually occurs with cattle, horses, or sheep.
* Jaw cut: A precision, surgical-like cut of surrounding flesh to completely expose the jaw bone and teeth. The tongue and surrounding glandular tissue has been removed.
* The sex organs, navel, and nipples have been surgically removed.
* The anus and surrounding glandular tissues have been surgically removed.
*No evidence of any blood, despite the severity of the procedures.
* No footprints of any kind leading to or from the animal.
* The animal is often found in the middle of a perfectly created circle.
* The cuts are made so precisely that a surgeon with a full operating room and a steady hand with the laser would have a difficult time matching these field cuts.
* The precision of the cuts and lack of blood rule out predator kills.
Head of mutilated animal
The edges of the wound appear to have been cauterized,
leaving a hard smooth edge along the cut line. The tongue
was also taken. Note that there is no blood and the surrounding
ground appears to have been heated or burned.
Why Are Certain Organs Taken?
While there is no way to know for sure, a good bet is the fact that organ tissue retains things picked up in the environment like minerals, pesticides, etc. If you wanted to check the condition of the animal and what it is being exposed to, these organs would be the place to start.
What about Cults, Pranksters, and Coyotes?
Without a doubt, many so-called mutilations fall under these categories. However, there have been far more of these mutilations than you probably realize. In the urban areas of the major cities in the country, cow news of any kind is no news. In the Midwest, though, it's a different story. Thousands of cattle have been lost over the years since 1967 in unexplained or strange circumstances. It just didn't make the big city papers.
Although many of these kills are explainable, about 40 to 50 percent are not, and this group fits the classic pattern of a cattle mutilation. For example, between 1975 and 1977 nearly two thousand cattle were mutilated in twenty-two states. If this had been accomplished by a group of people, individuals would have had to surgically attend to two cows a day for two years, over an area of twenty-two states. This is not likely.
Predator kills are easily identified by experienced ranchers and veterinarians. Most of these kills could not have been done by a wild predator, especially since these kills involved the removal of only select organs.
Cattle Mutilation 14
No Flies are around the carcass

No Flies, No Coyotes
Investigators report that when a "true" cattle mutilation has occurred, flies will not land on the carcass and coyotes won't touch it either. The carcass can lie out in the sun for weeks and never be touched by flies or coyotes.
Linda Moulton Howe
Researcher Linda Moulton Howe
A Strange Harvest
The existence of cattle mutilations was brought to the attention of the public by Linda Moulton Howe. Howe researched and produced a documentary called A Strange Harvest. It was the first work that connected cattle mutilations to UFOs. The documentary won an Emmy Award in 1980. Her work concluded that animal mutilations appear to emanate from two places:
1. UFOs
2. Unmarked helicopters and large vans seemingly owned by branches of the U.S. government.
Linda Moulton Howe has continued her research and adds more documentation in her follow-up book An Alien Harvest: Further Evidence Linking Animal Mutilations and Human Abductions to Alien Life Forms.
In her most recent book, Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. II, Howe tells of discussions she had with military intelligence operatives. They told her that the mutilations were in fact being done by the aliens, who were testing the animals for high levels of toxins that we humans have put into the atmosphere. They also told her that the black helicopters were a ruse to cover up the alien involvement in mutilations. 5. They didn't want the farmers to panic. It appears to be working, because most farmers when interviewed said they thought it was the government doing some kind of secret testing.
Linda Moulton Howe is a regular contributor and can be heard live on the 'Coast to Coast' syndicated radio show hosted by Art Bell and George Noory.
Crop Circles
Crop Circle near Wiltshire, England
A spectacular of a multiple 'Julia Set' Crop Circle near Wiltshire, England. 85% of all crop circles appearin England in a concentrated area about 20 miles from Stonehenge.
Crop Circles
Crop Circles are elaborate designs formed in wheat and grain fields. The stalks of the grain have been laid flat, usually in a circular or flowing pattern.
Eighty-five percent of all crop circles appear in England in a concentrated area about twenty miles from Stonehenge. However, they appear annually all over the world, even near heavily populated cities. The first seasonal crop circles of 1996 were found in Laguna Beach, California. Many dramatic crop circles have appeared in Canada, Germany, Australia, Brazil, Japan, and the United States.

Intrcate designs appear in crop circles
Crop circles often exhibit very intricate designs done on a large scale.
Some History Crop circles first began appearing in grain fields in England in 1975. In 1990 the designs of these circles became increasingly more complex.

The Designs
Crop circle formations are absolutely stunning in their design, intricacy, and precise measurements. Many of them are huge, covering the space of ten football fields. When carefully measured, the geometrical designs are accurate to within an eighth of an inch! This is true even if the formation is a thousand feet long! (That's the height of a hundred-story building.) For example, a hundred-foot circle will have an accurate and identical radius on all sides to within the thickness of a single stalk of grain.

Pictogram crop circle
Pictogram Crop Circle
Pictograms and Insectograms
Some of the more complex designs are called pictograms. Insectograms are designs that resemble insects, although there is no apparent relationship of crop circles to insects. It's just a name.
Cellular Changes
The grasses involved in crop circles all exhibit cellular changes. Anyone, with little or no training and just using the naked eye can take a stalk of grain from a crop circle and compare it to another stalk from the same field that was not a part of the crop circle and clearly see the difference. Crop-circle grass has expanded nodes and stalks will be bent up to a 90-degree angle with no breakage.
You can see the expansion and change of every single cell of the crop circle grass with a basic elementary school microscope. Although many have tried, no one has discovered any process on earth that can duplicate these cellular changes.

Crop circle in field of grain
This crop circle in England covers several acres.
Magnetic Fields and Radioactivity
Crop circles have a strong magnetic field in and around them, which is measurable. Many crop circles also exhibit strange patterns of radioactivity in which the level of radioactivity at a given spot will fluctuate up and down. According to our laws of physics, this is thought to be impossible because radioactivity is constant. That's why it is used for carbon-dating ancient artifacts.
Close up of crop circle
Close-up photo taken from inside a crop circle. Note the swirling grasspatterns.

Grass Direction
True crop circles often have several layers of grass in the design. Often the bottom layers of grass will flow in one direction, while another layer on top flows in the complete opposite direction. The grass has even been found delicately braided together.
French mathematician Gaston Julia
Some crop circles appear to correspond
to complicated equations developed by
French Mathematician Gaston Julia. Those crop
circles have become known as 'Julia Sets'. Julia lost

his nose in combat during World War I and wore
a protective mask.

Metallic disks
Often, thin metallic disks about the size of a quarter are found in crop circles. They have also been found near cattle mutilations. When these disks were analyzed by metallurgy labs at the University of Michigan and at MIT, they were found to be composed of a combination of titanium, silicone, and oxygen. Both labs concluded that no industrial match can be found on this planet.
Not only that, but when the disks were touched by any metal object such as tweezers or a pen, they immediately turned into a clear liquid. The labs theorized that the disks had somehow been electrically charged, with the charge maintaining the molecular structure of the disk. When touched with metal, the charge was grounded and dissipated, which allowed the "metal" to return to its true liquid form.

Geometric crop circle
Could this be a chart showing orbiting planets?

Why do People Associate Crop Circles With UFOs?
1. Crop circles often appear in areas shortly after there have been UFO sightings.
2. Because nobody on earth has been able to duplicate a true crop circle, certainly not at the cellular level, the assumption is made that it must therefore be extraterrestrial in origin.
people inside a crop circle
Many people experience strange sensations and have psychic visions while standing or meditating inside of a crop circle.

Some Amazing Correlations
Most crop circles in England appear near the ancient structure known as Stonehenge. Many of the formations accurately reproduce the dimensions and configurations of Stonehenge to within a few centimeters.
Based on mathematical relationships and the theories of Euclidean geometry, the measurements of various crop circles appear to demonstrate many universal laws. Their measurements have been shown to correspond exactly to:
* Notes of the musical scale.
* Electrical circuitry.
* DNA strands and genetic relationships.
* Sacred geometry/hyper-dimensional physics.
* Ancient symbols found only in such places as the pyramids of Egypt,
Stonehenge, and Mayan and Aztec temples.
* Solar systems and asteroid trajectories.
* Mathematical equations.
* Advanced geometry.
* Molecular structure.
Ironically, this list is an almost exact duplicate of the items the U.S. space program put onto the Voyager spacecraft in an effort to contact other life forms.
crop circle
Crop circles often exhibit geometrical shapes

The crop circles appear to be footprints of an actual three dimensional form, much like a CAT scan. A CAT scan is a picture of a slice of a three dimensional object. For example, a CAT scan of your brain shows different regions from a slice of your brain, which is a three dimensional object.
Swirling crop circles
Birds often fly around crop circle air space

Birds Fly Around Them
If we had the proper device, we might see that the crop circle is a slice of an invisible three dimensional form that surrounds it. In fact, when a flock of birds approaches a crop circle, it splits ranks to avoid flying above the formation (just as if a building or a solid object were there) and then reforms after passing the crop circle.
People who stand inside a crop circle often experience a dramatic rush of emotions and increased perceptual abilities.
crop circle
Most crop circles are so large, they must be photographed from the air.
What About Hoaxes?
Two farmers in England, both over the age of sixty-five when they announced themselves, claimed they were responsible for making crop circles by using wooden boards and string. Doug Bower and Dave Chorley claimed the crop circles were a hoax they perpetrated. These infamous jokers are now known simply as "Doug and Dave."
Doug Bowers and Dave Chorley
Those two old jokers, Dave Chorley (Left) and Dave Bowers (Right)
As the crop circles began to get more publicity, they attracted thousands of sight-seers trampling across private crops and farm land. The claim by the farmers is well known to be an attempt by locals to stop this trespassing and loss in revenue from damaged crops.

crop circle
Crop Circle formation nearStonehenge
Some Key Points:
When asked to demonstrate how they made the circles, the farmers pushed down a few feet of grass with a board, but refused to create an entire formation.
Many crop circles have appeared on the same night, often hundreds of miles apart. Crop circles have also appeared in Canada on the same nights as these farmers claimed to have created circles in England.
The two farmers have been unable to recreate the cellular changes in the grain or the accompanying magnetic and radioactive fields. They also could not duplicate the 90-degree bends without breaking the grasses. And lastly, they could not get the grasses to flow all in the same direction.
Dave Chorley has since died and crop circles have continued to appear every year.
Photo of crop circle
Crop circles have appeared in many countries around the world,
including England, United States, Canada, Germany, Australia,
Brazil, Japan and Germany.

A number of eyewitnesses claim to have seen crop circles created within a matter of seconds. The formations were so complex that it would have taken an army of people many hours just to attempt to create it by hand.
On July 8, 1996 three people all witnessed the formation of an elaborate crop circle. A groundskeeper and a security officer had walked by a wheat field at about 5:30 p.m. The field was completely normal. At the same time a pilot flew his plane over the field and stated that the field was normal. Less than an hour later the pilot flew back over the field and discovered a huge crop circle. He was so excited by his discovery he radioed it in to the Thruxton Airport. The security officer and groundskeeper were also shocked when they returned within the hour and found the crop circle.
The crop circle that the three witnesses found was the design of a very complicated mathematical equation which had been discovered by French mathematicians in the early 1900s, a calculation known as a Julia Set. The crop circle was comprised of 149 circles stretching over a square acre.
Julia Set crop circle
Large "Julia Set" crop circle comprised of 96 perfectly formed circles
based on the geometry of French mathematician Gaston Julia. (Photo courtesy of Linda Moulton Howe)

Recently, a videotape surfaced which purported to show the actual creation of a crop circle. The video shows a ball of light descending from the sky. It rapidly circles a grain field, creating a crop circle and then shoots off into space at a high rate of speed. It all looks pretty impressive, except the guy who showed up with it is known to be a special effects whiz on the computer. So, odds are it's a fake.
Mandelbrot Fractal crop circle
'Mandelbrot Fractal'crop circle formation near Wiltshire, England
Phone Home
Crop circles are a mind-boggling phenomenon. Their implications are dramatic, and they are studied very seriously by other countries in the world. Unfortunately, in the United States they are relegated to the front page of tabloids and to television shows like "Unsolved Mysteries." The momentary claim of a hoax is all the American public is likely to hear about. These circles appear to be literal and congruent responses to the signals we sent out to the universe in the name of science.
It may be that someone has returned our call!
crop design
This crop circle known as an 'Insectogram' is over one thousnd feet long.

Theories About Crop Circles
There are about as many theories about what crop circles are or what they mean as there are people on this planet. However, there is one theory that I feel stands head and shoulders above the rest, and here's why:
1. It is the only theory into which virtually every crop circle ever created seems to fit. In fact, according to this theory, every crop circle is needed, like pieces of a giant puzzle.
2. The person who discovered this applied a simple but logical approach and came up with an all-encompassing concept.
3. This theory seems to work and I have not seen a better, more thoroughly researched explanation.
4. This is really self-serving, but I like this theory because it ties in perfectly to this book.
Flying Saucer Theory
This is essentially what the theory says, that crop circles are really telling us how to construct our very own flying saucer. A former Air Force and commercial airline pilot for twenty-four years, Doug Ruby decided to take a simple approach in his investigation of crop circles: Why not treat them like schematics?

Flying Saucer hovering over Stonhenge
Were Aliens and Flying Saucers involved with building Stonehenge?
Ruby approached each crop circle as if it were a flat, two-dimensional schematic of a three-dimensional item, just like a blueprint is for a building. He started with the least complicated crop-circle designs first. Then, he simply built the item.

Energy Fields
After he built the first items, they didn't look like much. They looked like some partially constructed toy from a child's Tinker-toy set. Then Ruby had an intuitive thought: Why not spin the item, put it in motion? Voila! When the objects were spun they literally took on a whole other dimension. For example, it became apparent that one part that merely looked like a ball stuck on a pole was representing an energy field that could only be seen when it was spun. Without spinning the model these energy fields would have remained invisible.
A Logical Progression
Ruby also discovered that each crop circle builds on the other ones. Fortunately he started out with photos or diagrams of almost all the major crop circles that had ever been created, which gave him, essentially, a full set of blueprints when he started, allowing him to actually "see ahead" as he constructed each model, just like an engineer or architect.
A Working Model
When scale models are built from these blueprints and they are all put together the crop circles tell us exactly how flying saucers are built, how they work, what powers them, and why they are shaped like saucers. The crop circles are an amazing presentation of a technical puzzle and Ruby's work ends up being sheer genius.
Ruby has had confirmation of his theories and models from nuclear physicists and engineers. The crop circles even diagram the power source and tell how it works.
Adamski Beamships
When Ruby assembled models of the spacecraft from the crop circle schematics, the models look exactly like the type of flying saucer commonly referred to as the "Adamski beamships." Ruby's description of how the ships work confirms the statements of many people over the years about the rotating rings on the saucers as well as the interference with electrical devices.
Key Element
There is, however, one little problem, one that would prevent our scientists from building one of these craft to spec right now. The crop circles identify an atomic particle which has no charge as being the key particle in powering the ship. Our scientists say that's impossible. Of course, we now know that nothing is impossible!
Black & white crop circle photo
Crop Circle formation. Like this one, many are a thousand feet or morein length. (Photo courtesy of Linda Moulton Howe)
Those Two Farmers
Remember those two old farmers I mentioned earlier? Well, they almost fouled up the whole works. After the farmers lied and said they were responsible for creating the crop circles, the next batch of circles appearing in 1991 and 1992 were pretty much ignored. People thought these two geezers were up to their old tricks, so these circles almost got lost forever. Fortunately some people took and kept some photos of them. Without these photos, Ruby might not have been able to complete the puzzle.
Mathematician Benoit MandelbrotOften crop circles reflect the discovery of 'Fractal'
equation geometry developed by mathematician
Benoit Mandelbrot seen in the 2007 photo above
In addition to crop circles appearing in grain fields, large sets of numbers have appeared as well. In one instance, the following equation appeared in a Kansas grain field in 1991:
E 97 +
It appears to refer to Element 97 on the periodic chart of atomic elements. Element 97 is berkelium which has an atomic weight of 247. It is the element thought to be used to power flying saucers.
The Government
Shortly after this equation appeared it was eradicated by agents from the U.S. government, or people who said they were from the government. Anyway, it was a clear indication that someone doesn't want the crop circles deciphered.
Art or Engineering?
Whether you appreciate the crop circles as art or engineering, there is no doubt we are being communicated with by an amazing intelligence. It is clear this information is being given to all humanity out of love and caring. You think some people bent on evil intent would spend their time doing this? You're lucky to be here, right now.
If you have any interest in crop circles at all, whether as art or engineering, I highly recommend Doug Ruby's book. The title of Ruby's book ('The Gift') tells exactly what the crop circles are: a gift!
Different Types of Alien Beings

Space family of alien beings
Copyright © William L. McDonald 1997

Different Types Of Alien Beings
* The Traders

* The Travelers

* Other Beings

The following information has been given to me by several individuals who have been in contact with alien beings for many years, but wish to remain anonymous at this time. As I have mentioned earlier, alien beings don't speak. They communicate through a combination of thought, feeling and images. This has been confirmed by world renown researcher Linda Moulton Howe, who has been told been by U.S. Intelligence operatives that alien beings communicate with them in exactly this manner.

The Traders

There are beings known throughout the universe as 'The Traders.' We humans tend to classify all alien beings as one. We sometimes refer to alien beings as the "little gray guys with big eyes." In many cases we are confusing these beings with the beings known as Zetas. I will tell you more about them later.

They are not "guys". In some cases we would know them to be androgynous. There are many things about them we have difficulty understanding. Our science has not progressed enough to know some of these things. I will attempt tell you about them in terms you will understand.

For Billions of Years
Alien beings have been around for billions of our years, so long it is almost impossible for us to comprehend. We must understand that our years, our time, is not the same as it is for others throughout the universe. Part of this is due to our current inability to understand the true nature of what we call time, even within the realm of our own solar system.

Time as we know it does not truly exist in the way we think it does. It is simply a reference for our reality. Like a mile marker on a roadside, it only means something in relation to another marker.

An Intelligence Guides the Universe

These alien beings have been in existence long enough to observe the universe and know there is an order to all things. There is a creative intelligence that governs the universe. If you choose the word "God" so be it. There is a connecting intelligence linking all things, big and small, in the universe. They have observed that a distant comet or even an exploding planet has a purpose.

The Real Birds and the Bees

The next thought is difficult for many of us humans to accept, but the fact is that without these beings we might not be here. They are not our creators anymore than the bee creates the flower. But without the bee carrying the pollen, the flower would not be. It is how all the universe works, and not just with flowers and insects, but with advanced sentient beings as well. So it may be with the relationship of alien beings to humans.

They Are All One

As a group, these alien beings are not a group of individuals. They are a group that has individuals. They are connected. There is no singularity. What one knows, all know. Have you ever watched a large school of fish in an aquarium? Have you ever wondered how hundreds of them can all turn instantly in the same direction at the same time? They are an example of being connected to a group consciousness. Each instantly knows what all the others know. These alien beings have a group consciousness.

The Man With No Name

Many alien beings don't have individual names the way we humans do. In their open interactions with humans they sometimes assign themselves individual earth-sounding names to make it easier for them to address us. Each individual has a frequency. It is a vibration others can feel. Humans also each have a distinct frequency. Like fingerprints, no two are the same. We have just not trained ourselves to sense one another's vibration. We generally rely on sight, or sound of the voice.

The Ultimate Explorers

Group consciousness has distinct advantages for exploration. If a group goes out and does not return, they know what happened. They do not need to send out a search party to find out what happened. They know instantly. Distance is not a factor. Their next step would be to simply not repeat what the first group did. This is very different from what we, as humans, would have to do. To know this will help us understand them.

They Lost Their Planet

A very long time ago these 'Trader' beings discovered how to provide enough energy to supply their entire planet from one source. They utilized the energy of a thing our scientists refer to as a black hole. They had the technology to "rope" a small black hole and pull it close to their planet. They also learned that by feeding it they could increase its energy output to give them even more energy. They began to feed it large asteroids and small planets. However, a side effect of feeding it was that it also grew in size and strength. As it grew it began to devour more and more things, including things they never intended.

Out of Control

As it grew, it began to pull their planet into it. They could not stop it. It grew out of control. They realized it would soon devour their planet. Right up until the last minutes they did everything they could to try and stop this from happening. In the last moments they abandoned our planet. Their planet was consumed and lost. They had only enough time to save themselves. All the other life forms, plants, animals, and other things were lost forever.

Preserve All Life

They were devastated. A life form in the universe, once lost, cannot be replaced. They set for themselves a mission. That mission is to preserve all life forms in the universe. Not each individual, but a blueprint for each species, subspecies, and any mutation. That is why they are known as the Traders: They trade life; they preserve life. They also live by a rule: If they take something they must leave something. That is the law of the universe. So, they don't just take life forms, they trade one for another.


Alien beings communicate with themselves and others by what we would call mental telepathy. In fact it is more than that. It is a sharing of thoughts, feelings, and other levels of understanding our scientists are not yet aware of. It will surprise you to know that many alien beings have no written language, they don't need one. They each know what every one of them has ever known throughout time. These beings do have certain symbols they use and sometimes project them mentally.

Their Intentions

We, as humans, are very concerned about what the intentions of alien beings are in visiting our planet. Many human Contactees have been told that we have nothing to fear. They have been told that alien beings have no weapons on their ships and they allow no one with weapons to travel outside of their own galaxy. They have no need for weapons. They could fly right through the center of our sun in their ships and feel no ill effect. They can travel through time, space, and distance almost instantly. Many other beings do have powerful energy tools, which like a hammer or screwdriver could be used as an item of self-defense.

Aliens are here to preserve life on this planet
Aliens come to Earth to preserve life-forms
(Copyright © Christine 'Kesara' Dennett)

Their purpose for being here has very little to do with us. They are here for their own purposes, most of which we are incapable of understanding. They have the same level of concern for us that we have for two-year-old children playing in a sandbox. We are unconcerned with what games they are playing. We will occasionally look to make sure they do not destroy the sandbox by playing with matches. Our nuclear toys are the matches. We may destroy many individuals, if we choose, but they will assure the continued existence of our species. They preserve life, all life.

What They Look Like

Humans, are very visual and we want to know what alien beings look like. Many are small compared to us, only three to five feet in height. Some are very slender; they have no need for additional body mass. It would simply get in the way. Their skin color ranges from gray to tan or beige. In relation to our bodies, their heads are larger than ours. Most of them have very little, if any, body hair. As I said earlier, they are sometimes androgynous, neither male or female. However, some of them can select to become either male or female at an appropriate time. Many reptiles and birds on our planet also have this capability.

The Eyes Have It

Their eyes are larger than ours, but by now you already know this. However, they are not as large as depicted on our television shows. Those shows depict the eyes of the Zeta beings, which are larger than the 'Traders'. Their eyes also have the ability to polarize light.

Ears, Nose, and Mouth

The mouths of the 'Traders' are more fully formed than the Zetas, but still much smaller than humans. They have very small teeth and eat a finely processed synthetic food. They have two small nostrils that function as a nose apparatus and small openings for ears.

Hands and Feet

Their hands have four fingers, with no thumb. They have no fingernails, but they do have little suction cups on the ends of their fingers. Two of their fingers can extend out in a manner similar to a cat's claw. They have thin legs and do not do much walking. They have the ability to float along by using an antigravity technology. Many humans have seen them do this.

How They Travel

The 'Traders' use spacecraft. They have the ability to travel between stars almost instantly. Contactees have been told that They are the only ones who have this technology. However, they do allow others to travel with them. They call these other species the "Travelers." Most of them have the ability to travel between planets, but not between stars. Here is a simple way to understand it. These beings can focus on a given point in space. Then they basically pull space towards them and attach to it, like a rubber band. When they release they are instantly in that spot. Think of space as a piece of fabric, not empty space. Carl Sagan explains it quite well in his book and vidoetape 'COSMOS.'

To make it even simpler, try this: take a piece of paper and put an ink dot on each end of the page. You were trained to think the shortest, fastest way to go from point A to point B was to draw a straight line between the points. In truth, the fastest way is to simply fold the paper and kiss the two points together. They fold space in just this manner and instantly jump from point to point. This is how they navigate the universe.

"Hey, How Did That Happen?"

Some of our scientists accidentally triggered this instantaneous travel capability while trying figure out how one of the craft they recovered worked. While standing in one place, they suddenly found themselves in a completely different part of the room without ever having moved! Imagine their surprise! Especially when they couldn't figure out how they did it or what actually happened!

Alien Mothership
Alien Mothership with departing smaller saucers
(Courtesy of Jeff Neff)


Aliens have many different kinds of spacecraft. What I have to tell you about them will take some getting used to. There are literally thousands of spacecraft in the immediate vicinity of our planet. Many are the 'Traders'; many belong to others, who I will tell you about shortly. The 'Traders' have the ability to cloak their ships just like in our Star Trek movies. They can also pop in and out of other dimensions at will and thus disappear from our sight instantly.

Size is Important

This will also be difficult for many of us to comprehend or believe at this time, but it has been communicated to some contactees that some craft are the size of our moon, stretching thousands of miles across. There are other craft ranging in size from ten miles across to several hundred miles in diameter. These are what we call "small motherships." There are currently over seven thousand of these craft in our solar system right now!

There are larger "super motherships," which are over 6,000 miles in diameter are within one light year of our solar system. With their technology, any one of them could be here within minutes. There are over a thousand of the super motherships within this one-light-year distance from earth.

Flying Saucers

The craft we know as flying saucers are scout craft. They are generally carried into a planet's atmosphere by small motherships.

Cigar shaped craft containing smallersaucers
Cigar-shaped craft carrying many Flying Saucers as scout craft
(Courtesy & Copyright © 2001 Jeff Neff)

Cigar-shaped Craft

These are the small motherships, long and tapered at both ends. They generally contain eight to ten small flying saucers.

Photographic evidence of alien mining on the moon
Photographs of apparent alien mining operations on the moon

Moon Bases

Yes, there moon bases on the other side of our moon. Our space agency NASA is fully aware of their existence. Abductees and contactees have been 'told' that alien beings have been actively observing our earth for over two hundred million years.

Our Emotional Body

Each of us has within us something known as an emotional body. It is a source of untold potential. We are aware that certain countries in the Western world tend to view this capability as a weakness. The showing of emotions and feelings is but one small part of this ability. A hint: WE, as humans, will never go to the stars until we value, develop, and understand the true abilities of the emotional body within us.


The differences between the races on our planet is a source of great anxiety to us. The differences are also used by many to generate fear within us. Those differences between us are one of the greatest gifts in the universe. On other planets differences are revered; on ours they are feared. Do you know that ours is one of few planets that have different mixes of the same type of being? A great step in preparing us for interaction with alien beings will be for us as humans to learn to value our differences. They are treasures.

A source of great humor to many alien beings is this: We separate races almost exclusively by color of skin, when in fact the greatest differences between us as humans occurs between the sexes. To any outside observer, it would appear that men are a different race from women, not only in terms of physiology, but in terms of completely different societal interactions. A black male has far more in common with a white male than the white male has in common with a white female.

Many different alien beings may be on any ship.
Many types of alien beings are often seen on alien spacecraft
(Copyright © 2001 Christine 'Kesara' Dennett)

Others Travel With Them

There are many beings in the universe, more than we can possibly imagine. It is very difficult for people who are living in a society like ours to accept this. We have believed for so long that there were no others, and now we are faced with a completely new reality. This will take some adjustment on our part. But whether we accept it or not, it is true.

The 'Traders' are the only beings who can traverse between the stars. They do allow others to hitch a ride with them. These other beings attach their craft to their ships as the remora attaches itself to the shark in our oceans. These beings are also peaceful and carry no weapons. They would not allow others to travel with them if they attempted to carry devices of destruction. They are all here to observe our progress. We are not ready yet to join the others, but we are ahead of schedule, according to the 'Traders'.

The Travelers

Those who travel with the 'Traders' are known as the Travelers. They consist of many different kinds and races of beings. There are currently nineteen other races who have achieved Traveler status. Some of them will be discussed in this text. They are all here with intense and loving curiosity to observe your progress. It is an exciting event watching our transition. A world learning it is not alone is the equivalent to a new child being born. It is almost indescribable. Though these alien beings have witnessed this on millions of planets, it is still very exciting to them.

Several of the Traveler races are directly involved with monitoring and encouraging our growth. Again, we have nothing to fear. Any Traveler who brings harm to any sentient being will forfeit their right to travel with the ' Traders'. Such a forfeiture is a serious loss and not taken lightly.

A One-light-year Limit

All races are allowed to develop space travel on their own, up to a limit of one light year. This corresponds to the distance of travel that can be achieved when a society discovers how to use Element 115. This limited distance is enough to explore space, but not enough to reach other stars and invade or conduct war on other societies located on distant planets. The 'Traders' determine when a society is advanced enough to interact with others. At that time they allow them to attach their craft to theirs. Unfortunately, we have not yet reached this level, but we will.

Female Alien
Female Alien being
(Drawing courtesy of Christine 'Kesara' Dennett)

How They Live

As mentioned earlier, they eat small wafers made of processed vegetable matter which contains all the essential nutrients. They sleep very little because Their metabolism is much slower and more efficient than that of humans. Their average life span is approximately seven hundred earth years.

The Traveler Races Speak


They are known as Zetas because they come from the star system known to us as Zeta-Reticulum. This is a dual star system. That is, it has two suns instead of one, like Earth. The gravity on that world is nearly twice that of planet Earth.

Zeta's are the ones we are most familiar with. It is their comrades whose bodies the U.S. government has recovered from some of their crashed scout ships. They ride along with the Traders to work with them. We recognize them because of their large almond-shaped eyes. They are larger than those of the Traders. Their mouths appear as mere slits to us. Like the Traders, they do not use them to communicate. They are the beings earth people see when they have what we call "abduction" experiences. That is not what really they are, but it is what we call them.

An Abduction experience begins
An Abduction experience begins
(Copyright © 2001 Christine 'Kesara' Dennett)

The Abduction Experiences
The experiences you call abduction experiences they refer to as interactions. We do not yet understand that these may be experiences have agreed to. We may have graciously given our permission to participate in this process. The material taken from our bodies in most cases during these interactions amounts to less than the amount we would lose when getting a manicure for our fingernails.

This process appears to be a DNA-transfer technology. Apparently it is done to insure our DNA will flourish and thrive on other planets as well as our own. As I said, they are trading life and insuring its continued existence. They do this with great love for humans and with thoughts of protecting our genes. They thank us, and love us for our participation.

The Most Powerful Beings Ever Encountered

There is another reason for the "abduction" interactions. It seems that humans, are the most powerful beings some alien beings have ever encountered. We have abilities beyond our greatest imaginings. Some alien races want to know how and why we have these abilities. They have encountered no other race of beings that have them. A source of some frustration to some of them is the fact that they cannot ask us about them, because we do not know we have them or how to access them.

A Connection to the Ultimate Power Source
There is an energy source that runs throughout the universe and flows through all dimensions. You may call it an energy grid, but it is so much more than that. It seems that humans, are directly plugged into this grid. Some alien races are not and they don't know how and why we are linked to it. It is said that we can literally create material out of thin air. That we are capable of moving the blocks of the Egyptian pyramids by sheer force of will, emotion, and intent.

aliens want to know about human powers
Aliens want to know more about human abilities
(Drawing courtesy of Christine 'Kesara' Dennett)

Emotion and Intent

These two forces, emotion and intent, appear to be the things that link us to the ultimate universal power grid. They are under-appreciated by us as humans. Particularly ignored is emotion. In our male-dominated societies, emotion is looked upon as a weakness and devalued as an attribute of the female gender of our species. These are the keys to the magic kingdom and we don't know what to do with them. We literally throw them away every day.


Our strongest emotion is fear. Even when we are happy, we manifest fear: fear that the happiness will disappear. By doing this, we literally guarantee that the happiness will disappear. This fear is so powerful that it is one reason aliens seldom pick up humans in groups. A group of us manifesting our fear all together would literally vaporize them on the spot! So, they pick us up individually and anesthetize us very quickly in order to protect themselves. The mantis beings often help other alien beings with this task.

Anything We Want

We, as humans, can literally have anything we want. We can manifest it by our emotions and intent. These two things link us to the universal grid and create it for us.


Alien communication with humans is most interesting. Many humans who have encountered aliens say they "just know" what they are saying, even though no actual words are used. That is because they put forth a combination of feeling/thought/images most humans are not able to adequately describe. They have never experienced this before. When humans 'hear' aliens, they are making subjective interpretations of what they are feeling and think they are hearing from them. From the alien perspective it is like trying to talk to someone who has reduced levels of hearing. In effect, they have to shout their feelings/thoughts/images to us. It is very exhausting, but it works fairly well.

Fear and Secrecy

Because of this communication gap, humans will tend to hear/feel whatever is already in their consciousness. In the United States there is a lot of fear. People there tend to view their interactions with aliens as violations or abductions. It may surprise you to learn that other cultures on earth receive their experiences with aliens completely differently. In many countries people line up and wait to be interacted with by aliens.

The United States has fostered a high degree of secrecy and military activity surrounding the existence of alien beings. Other humans are threatened when certain segments of the government find out that people know of their existence. This is not so in other countries. This is not a criticism of the United States, just an observation and point of enlightenment.

Individual Interpretations
I cannot emphasize this enough: What people hear/feel from aliens is almost exclusively each individual's interpretation. This causes humans a lot of anxiety because we end up getting multiple versions of what they are all about. Probably none of them are all that accurate.


It seems that humans, have an infinite capacity for love. It is our greatest ability. At the current time it seems to be valued very little on our planet. However, that is changing and not just by our own desire but by forces in the universe we cannot yet begin to comprehend. Forget about propulsion systems, they will get us nowhere. Loving yourself and all that is around you will get you anywhere you wish to go.

A Gift

As a gift aliens have given us a little tip: Humans do not need spaceships to travel to the stars. Most other races do. However, as humans, have capabilities beyond our wildest dreams or imaginations. Some of these are referred to in our religious works. We simply don't understand the ancient language it was written in, or we have completely misinterpreted it. In some cases, we think if in fact these powers do exist they are reserved for the pious and what we call "holy" ones.

The reality is everyone has these abilities already built-in. You can learn to use them with about the same amount of effort it takes to learn to ride a bicycle.

Mantis being

Mantis beings reported being seen on alien motherships.
They are over 6 feet tall and are usually acommpanied by
the "Gray" alien beings. (© 1997 William L. McDonald)

The Mantis Beings

Should you encounter them, do not be alarmed by their appearance. There are many strange and wonderful forms in the universe. To us they appear as a six-foot tall being that resembles the insect we know as a praying mantis. Many people have seen them and have had difficulty convincing others they exist.

In our interactions with the Zetas, many of people can recall being "frozen" in place. This is one of the roles the Mantis beings play in the interaction. Often during interactions with beings from other places, humans begin to become frightened. To them it must appear that our response is to start to run around, making loud noises. The end result is to injure ourselves or others. In order to prevent this they briefly paralyze us.

Contactees and abductees have been 'told' that humans are the only beings in the universe that show their teeth when we are happy OR angry? It is very confusing to some alien beings. Apparently, we are known for this trait.

You might say the Mantis beings are the anesthesiologists of the contact experience. They apparently have evolved over millions of years. They have an organ located in their midsection which can not only sense fear as a dog or wild animal would, but they can amplify the fear and radiate it back to the originator. This amplified energy is what disables our neurological system and freezes you. This is how they prevent us from hurting ourselves. They perform this duty with great love and care for us as humans.

Reptilian Alien Being weighing over 300 Lbs
Reptilian alien being that weighs over 300 Lbs
Copyright © 2001 Christine 'Kesara' Dennett

The Reptilians

There are other beings visiting our planet which resemble 6 foot tall reptiles. Do not be surprised by their appearance. They are sentient and very advanced in their technology. They apparently are also contributors of certain sections of our DNA strands.

Their Purpose and Intention

These alien beings are here for many reasons, many of them beyond our comprehension. However, you may think of these beings as Lewis and Clark with scales. Among their greatest interest and curiosity is the marvelous variation in the land on our planet. The view here is truly magnificent. They have been to many worlds and there is none more beautiful and varied than ours.

It's Alive! Alive!

What you do not know yet is this: Almost every naturally occurring thing on our planet is alive. The earth itself is a living breathing being. This is not just a metaphor; it is a fact! Even the rock knows it is a rock! When you poison the environment you are poisoning a living being. Picture yourself giving a glass of arsenic to a child. It is what we do to our planet. Do we expect survival as a result of this behavior?

The Light

All living things emit light. This has been well-documented our television shows about nature and strange things. With Kirlian photography, leaves from a tree have been photographed, along with their light pattern. Many people call these light patterns auras. The light pattern for the entire leaf remains even after half of the leaf is cut away and removed.

Our Science Is Lagging Behind

All living things have this light emission, humans too. Our scientists are easily shown that a leaf has it, yet they scoff at the idea that a human has it as well. Our traditional science teachings do poorly at acknowledging things they can't attach a purpose to.

The Earth
The earth has light emanating from it. According to alien beings, mere decades ago, its light was bright and had the colors of a newborn baby. Now, its light is dim, with the colors of a human who is ninety years old or more.

It's Up to You

How can we improve things if we don't even acknowledge aliens are here? They are opposed to simply showing up and impacting our development. They have much they could teach us. There is much they could do to help the sentient being we call Earth.

They Must Be Invited

In order to assist our world, they must be invited, both by our actions and by our consciousness. There are many in official positions on our planet that know of their existence. They have chosen not to tell us about them for some reason.

"Nordic" alien beings seen on alien craft
Nordic Alien Biengs
(Copyright ©1997 William L. McDonald)

The Nordics

There are beings that UFO researchers call the Nordic ones. They are as human-looking as you. Apparently, they have walked our streets and we have not noticed any difference. They are tall, six feet or more, and have blonde hair. Both males and females wear their hair long. As you can guess, they are gendered male and female the same as us.

Their Purpose and Intention

They are here to observe our interactions with one another and our societies at large. There are many things about humanity which are very intriguing. Some of the things they say, echo the words of the Traders.

Our Differences

This is the most consistent, and they feel, important, aspect about our existence, the marvelous differences between each of us as humans. Differences in body size, shape, and color. Differences in thought, consciousness, and behavior. We have no idea how rare that is. They have seen no other planet with such diversity in a single race. And we are a single race of beings, not a group of different races, as we often think we are.

They have told contactees that our planet is the only place where people with no morals, who would kill another, live side by side with those who are completely moral and would never kill another? This apparently does not occur in other societies, on other planets.

We Fear Our Treasures

Instead of valuing our diversity, we fear it. we fight it. We teach our children to fear and hate it. This is not a condemnation, just a remarkable observation.

Lost in Space

Have you noticed that almost all our recent space probes and satellites have disappeared or malfunctioned? There is a list of these very events in this book. If you have noticed, do you really think these are all inadvertent accidents? What are the odds of that happening?

Stay Put, For Now

We are being very politely, gently, and with loving care prevented from traveling in space any farther than we already have. Our governments are fully aware of the existence of extraterrestrial beings, yet they have gone to extraordinary and unbelievable lengths to keep the truth hidden from us.

The probes would have detected vast numbers of spacecraft circling our planet. Though all are here in peace and carry no weapons on their ships, the reaction of our governments would be to make every attempt to shoot some of these craft down. They have made every effort to do so in the past.

Like a Raindrop

We could launch every nuclear missile on our planet at one of their ships, all at once, timed to explode at the same time, and no one inside would even know anything had even happened. The effect would be no more significant than a single raindrop hitting one of our cars.

Right Through the Sun

Because of their inter-dimensional capabilities, they can travel right through the heart of stars with no effect. Our weapons are a complete waste of human potential. We can only kill each other.

Not Every Difference is a Threat

Back to the differences. There is such immense variety and diversity in the universe among living, sentient beings, so much so that our best science fiction writers could not envision it. If we as humans cannot tolerate each other for something as unnoticeable as a slight difference in skin shading, how can we possibly recognize and value sentient species on other worlds?

We must learn to value each other. Until we can value ourselves the Traders will never jeopardize the existence of other species by allowing their exposure to humans.

Some Examples

There is a being on another planet who has more sentience and wisdom than all humankind put together. Yet, we humans, would look upon it and see only a tree. We would most likely cut this being into pieces and burn it for warmth.

There is another being with two heads, six legs, and a tail. It is green in color. It lives in small herds. It has an immense brain capability. The most complicated problems we would use a Cray and IBM mainframe computers to solve would be mere child's play for these beings. It can move physical objects by sheer force of mind. Based on alien observations, we humans would put a saddle on it or try to eat it.

"If You're Real, Show Yourselves"

This is a common refrain. And who can blame you? Our inner consciousness knows of the existence of alien beings. However, to express this inner knowledge you already have is to expose ourselves to ridicule and harassment by government officials.

Take the Step

We must take this risk. We must make this step. We have done so before on many occasions against much larger odds. The establishment of the United States as a country, the fight against Adolph Hitler, the ending of slavery, the right to vote for women and people of color. All these things took more effort than it would take to establish open contact with alien beings.

Things That Are Preventing Open Contact

Some of the things preventing open contact with alien beings are as follows:


Our fear of others, Our fear of the differences. Learn to love your fellow man and woman. Value her differences, cherish his skin color, see the value in all cultures. If we do these things, fear and hatred will disappear, and no one can ever force you to that place again. You would be shocked if you knew how little a change each individual would have to make to bring this about.

Value Ourselves

We, as humans, devalue ourselves. We imagine that celebrities, athletes, people with wealth, and politicians are all better than we are. In our heart we know this is not true, yet our behavior says we believe they are better.

What will we do when we meet beings who can travel to the stars, cure all illness, create new life? These beings are no better than us. However, they are concerned by how we will respond. If we stammer and stutter over meeting an actor who can barely read his lines, we might revere as a god one who has extreme technology. It has happened before.

This is not fair to ourselves. We, as humans, are not yet ready to meet them openly. A shift in consciousness and learning to value ourselves will be their cue to appear.

They have given us a hint: Although we are not yet ready to join the other societies of the galaxies, we are ahead of schedule! That is why all the other beings are here observing us.


Everything that happens to us is done with our permission. Even the government secrecy surrounding the existence of aliens is done with our permission. Nothing can be withheld from us without our permission. We have given our permission for this. We have not yet given our permission to meet the aliens!


We have taught our government and those around us that we believe we have no power. We believe we are powerless and the government has accepted our assessment.

Flying Saucers ove the Capitol Building in 1955
Flying Saucers zoom past the U.S. Capitol building in 1955


We, as humans, love big events. The Super Bowl, the Olympics, the invasion of one country by another. It is quite amazing. During these events, we completely lose sight of ourselves and others. That is why the aliens do not hold a big landing event on the White House lawn.
Alien Abductions !!
Aliens enter a home prior to an abduction
Alien beings enter a home prior to an abduction
Copyright ©1998 Steve Neil

Alien Abductions

* What happens during an abduction.

* Who gets abducted and why.

* The top investigators of the abduction phenomenon.

Alien abductions! You have probably heard about alien abductions. They have been the subject of several movies and the popular television series "The X-Files." It is a very complex phenomenon with many subtopics. The subject is emotionally charged, and not any one human on this planet has a complete understanding of all the aspects of the phenomenon. These abductions are a very important subject because they have become the source of much information about our alien visitors. This is a very complicated topic, so I'll take it one step at a time.

An Overview

These abductions are real, and they are occurring worldwide. In short, alien visitors have been picking up and examining humans from all over the planet. All indications are that the number of people being picked up is in the millions worldwide. The patterns exhibited and the procedures performed are in many cases exactly like the ones we use to study wildlife and animals on our planet. Watch any nature show on television and you will see what I mean. We catch, tag, and take fluid samples from animals to study genetics, sociological interaction, and physical development. However, in this case, what complicates matters is the high level of our alien visitor's technology. Their technology is so far advanced that it causes problems when trying to document and understand exactly what is going on.

Alien technology appears to be very advancedX
Alien technology is hundreds, if not millions of years ahead of ours
Copyright ©1999 Steve Neil

The Technology

We are dealing with alien beings with technology that goes beyond our imagination. Their technology defies our definition of physical laws. Some of the things you are about to read are seemingly impossible, and many of the things will simply be unbelievable or difficult comprehend. That's OK! I am not here to convince you of anything. I am simply sharing with you what has been reported by thousands of people around the world.

By many accounts several of the alien races are literally millions of years ahead of humans in technology. Think about this. Think of what we have developed just in the last hundred years. One hundred years ago there were no automobiles, airplanes, televisions, or telephones. Now imagine millions of years of such development. It's almost incomprehensible. Try this: write out a list of all the things we have now that we didn't have when your parents were your age. You'll be astonished!

Let's start with what a typical abduction experience looks like. Then I'll break it down and talk about some of the more intriguing aspects. At the end of the chapter I'll answer some frequently asked questions.

Defining Our Terms

For the purposes of the discussion about what I call abductions, I am going to refer to the people being beamed up and examined in spaceships as abductees. The very terms abduction and abductee imply a violation or an act against your will, certainly something not in your best interest. In fact this may or may not be true.

A case can and has been made that abductees may be voluntary participants at a level of consciousness our scientists do not yet understand. The events could also be compared to a small child undergoing a surgical procedure in a modern hospital. If no one were available to explain things to her, she might easily conclude she is being punished, or at least that things are being done to her against her will. Just something to think about.


This is a term some people use instead of abductee. It is in recognition that these experiences may not truly be abductions. This term can also include contacts with alien beings that do not fit the abduction scenario.

Abductions may be voluntary
Abductions may be voluntary on a subconscious level.
Copyright ©1997 Steve Neil


I consider this a whole different class of people. Contactees are people who claim to be in contact on an intellectual level with beings from other worlds or dimensions. There are many, many people around the world like this, and quite frankly, their stories sound every bit as credible as the abductees' stories. For the most part none of these people are attempting to make money or gain fame with their stories and there seems to be no motivation for them to make up such tales. The most well known contactees and their remarkable stories are profiled in 'The Best Cases ofAlien Encounters' on this website.

The Beginning of an Abduction Experience
Generally, abduction experiences happen in the home or while driving a car. Makes sense. If you want to abduct people you have to go where they are, especially late at night. And that's usually at home in bed or driving a car. However, and this is important, abductions can and do occur anywhere, from hotel rooms, hospitals, prisons, in the city, and out in the country. Forget that old stereotype that only Gomer in the backwoods gets beamed up. A Harvard-educated CEO of a major corporation is just as likely to be an abductee.

Abductees often feel that an abduction experience is about to occur. They may see strange lights in front of them or hear weird humming noises. They often feel apprehensive for no other apparent reason. They will often simply state, "I knew it was going to happen."

Alien Abductions usually occur at night
Alien Abductions usually occur at night
Copyright©1997 Steve Neil

Usually at Night

Occurring most often late at night or in the early morning hours, the person will see figures or small beings at the foot of the bed. If they try to run, yell, or scream they find that they are paralyzed, except for their eyeballs, which for some reason, they can sometimes move. Even if they get a sound out, nobody else in the house can hear it. Everyone in the house will have been "switched off." Not asleep, their brains and central nervous systems will somehow have been disconnected. (More about this later.) A spouse lying in bed next to an abductee will appear more dead than alive.

How They Happen

The abductee is then literally floated out of bed and out of the house, right through solid walls, doors, and often through closed glass windows. If they're in a car, they'll be beamed right through the roof of the car. They will ride on a beam of pale blue light, usually accompanied by one or more small beings. Many abductees are floated into a small craft about thirty feet across. That craft then takes them to a larger mothership. Sometimes the abductee is beamed a tremendous distance from the house into the mothership. When this happens, the abductee can see the ground, trees, and surrounding houses receding rapidly below. There is a lot of physical evidence confirming these beamings. Abductees have been returned to their beds with bits of leaves and branches in their hair that could only have come from the tops of tall trees that they brushed against while being beamed up.

Abductee expecting another abduction
Abductees often 'feel' when an experience is about to happen.
Copyright©1998 Christine 'Kesara' Dennett


Speaking of evidence, there is plenty, lots of tangible things that clearly show that a person was physically displaced. These are not dreams or imagination. In addition to the aforementioned tree leaves there is:

* Clothing that has been put on backwards.

* Band aids that have been removed and then put back in the wrong place.

* Stickers that an abductee put on his body in an effort to confirm his experiences. The sticker completely disappeared one night, only to show up in the same place on his body a week later. Yeah, yeah, I know, maybe it fell off in bed and stuck on him again later. No. He checked and changed the bed sheets after it first disappeared.

* Subdermal fluorescence left under the skin of abductees, which cannot be washed off.

* Full-color images of alien faces and hands left imbedded inside the glass of closed windows they have passed through.
Best Cases of Alien EncountersUFO EncounterCourtesy and Copyright ©1998 James Neff

The Best Cases

* Twenty-two of the best flying saucer cases.
* Celebrities and flying saucers.
* Famous Encounters.
* Hynek classification system.

I have included twenty-two cases for you to review. These cases are featured primarily for the large number of eyewitnesses involved or the magnitude of the event. In some cases I personally know the individuals involved. Cases where alien beings were seen or interacted with also get a priority. I was more inclined to include cases in which additional information is available.

In each of the cases in this section, specific individual details may vary from other versions you might have heard. Many of these cases are so well known that different versions develop as a result of the constant retelling of them by different people. In every case I have attempted to come up with the best factual account of each case. If I wasn't able to confirm something, it is noted.

The important thing is this: In each of the cases featured here there is absolutely no doubt, and it is irrefutable, that something extraordinary did occur. You will find many cases challenging your concept of reality.

The Ones I Like The Most

Some of the cases appear in other sections of this website and my book, as well as in this section of the website. The twenty-two cases here are by no means all the well-documented sightings or encounters, just the ones I personally like the most or feel are important.

Contactee Cases

Contactee cases are cases where individuals have been contacted by alien beings. Contactee cases are just as real as plain sightings of craft. For most people there seems to be a two or three step process. First, the person has to get used to the fact that flying saucers are real. When she (or he) accept this, then she has difficulty envisioning the fact that there are "people" aboard these craft. She first tends to view the craft as clouds or inert unguided objects.

Even some UFO researchers have a difficult time making the transition and accepting the idea of UFOs as occupied vehicles. So take your time. There is no need for you to hurry to integrate this concept. But rest assured: These craft contain beings, the beings are real, and they are contacting and interacting with humans all over this planet in great numbers.

Hynek Classification System

This is a system designed by Dr. J.Allen Hynek to classify sightings of UFOs. He developed it in the 1950s while he was doing research on UFOs for the U.S. military. Here it is:

Nocturnal light

Any anomalous light(s) seen in the night sky whose description rules out the possibility of aircraft lights, stars, meteors, and the like.

Daylight Disk UFOs

Seen in the distant daytime sky. The UFOs classified in this category can be other shapes as well, like cigars, eggs, and ovals.

Radar Visuals

Where UFOs are tracked on radar and can be seen at the place illustrated at the same time. A good example would be a disk-shaped object going nine thousand miles per hour and showing up on radar in 1950 when the world speed record was only 650 miles per hour.

Close Encounters Of The First Kind

A UFO in close proximity (within approximately 500 feet) of the witness.

Close Encounters Of The Second Kind

A UFO that leaves markings on the ground, causes burns or paralysis to humans, frightens animals, or interferes with car engines or TV and radio reception.

Close Encounters Of The Third Kind

A UFO which has visible occupants

Two other classifications were later added to Hynek's original list. They are:

Close Encounters Of the Fourth Kind

These include alien abduction cases.

Close Encounters Of The Fifth Kind

Where communication occurs between a human and an alien being.
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